Issues Resolved
Fixed an issue in the purchase invoice screen fix where it was clashing with DMS and freezing the sceen. DMS overrides the end save event order on load to ensure it fires first, Fixed assets modifies the order on button click which for some reason breaks it. I have changed the invoie form to just set a flag on button click and fire the normal end save event to call the relevant method insteed which appears to have fixed it.
Fix to exclude assets that have a net book value below the residual value and that are not negative when closing accounting periods.
Fix to change depreciation details when the life is changed but the calculation for depreciation would be incorrect. This was for life depreciation methods.
Fixed problem with fixed asset drop downs not appearing on the new stock item screen.
When saving fixed asset off purchase invoice, notifications are now disabled. This is to fix a problem with fixed assets and DMS where DMS was displaying a toast notification and therefore freezing the system when fixed assets was trying to open a new asset screen.