WAP is a locally installed web based application designed specifically for real-time integration with Sage 200. Providing data entry and approval processing for business documents including Requisitions, Invoices, Expenses, Timesheets, Holidays, Sales Orders and HR. Approvals can be based on parameters such as nominal code, project/job, user, document type and value. Real-time analysis of committed costs, nominal and project actual costs against budgets.

Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- 11580 – [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisitions created from MRP suggested orders not pulling into Sicon Approvals for Approval.
Date applied: January 15, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- 9858 – [JS] Resolved an issue with Timesheet Adjustment where Adjustments in Sicon WAP where not reflected correctly in Sicon Projects in Sage.
Date applied: January 2, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NA] Resolved an issue what would stop the ability to add Project Headers to a new user when using the Project Header tool.
- [RB] Resolved an Issue with raising Holiday Requests for the same week as an existing Bank Holiday would mark the Bank Holiday as unauthorised.
Date applied: November 13, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NA] Resolved an Issue with Unsubmitted Timesheet reminders being generated for users with the User Type permission ‘User is not required to submit a weekly Timesheet’ enabled.
Date applied: October 16, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with users being unable choose Projects Items/Headers in any of the Approval Route setup screens when Approval routes are set to be by Project Item/Headers only.
Date applied: June 26, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with one (or more) user(s) being duplicated when running the Timesheet Submission Report.
Date applied: November 8, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with data exported from the Sicon Approvals Project views not matching the data in Sicon Projects.
Date applied: October 19, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with downloaded attachments from Sicon Approvals not maintaining their original file name.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with attachments on Document Types posting from Sicon Approvals to Sage and not maintaining their original file name.
Date applied: October 2, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisitions getting stuck in updating when Sage Commercials is disabled.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with downloaded attachments from Sicon Approvals not maintaining their original file name.
Date applied: September 26, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Invoices waiting in approval not auto escalating to the next approver after the defined amount of time.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Sicon Approvals not updating the commit costs on approved document types with previously billed/journaled transactions in Sicon Projects.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Approval Route Report missing values for users with Nominal Account Overrides approval values.
Date applied: July 24, 2023
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with notification emails not calculating the gross amount correctly on Stock Item lines on the attached hyperlink. This would occur when a Unit of Measure was added to the Stock Items in Sage.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Added a ‘Copy to User’ function within user profiles for Projects, Project Items and Project Headers.
- [RB] Added a ‘Detailed’ radial button for Nominal selection within all Document Types.
Date applied: July 18, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Timesheets where a user’s team charge rate would always be used even when the rate is set to zero, thereby disregarding the project rates. The Timesheet will now prioritise the Project Rates.
Date applied: July 11, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Rapid/Batch timesheets with Sicon Timesheets and Projects. The charge rate was automatically set to the employee default rather than the cost rate when using projects. Now the timesheet entry will now correctly set the charge rate.
- [RB] Resolved an issue when a timesheet gets submitted with Sicon Timesheets, the created transaction in Projects would potentially pick up the incorrect charge amount when using teams rates. Now when posting Project transactions from timesheets, the teams’ rates will now also be considered in line with Sicon Projects calculation logic.
Date applied: July 6, 2023
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with default Charge Rates set in Sicon Project not getting picked up on Sicon Sage Timesheets.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Increased the size of the ‘Received Quantity’ column on the enter Goods Received screen.
Date applied: June 26, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the ‘Update Nominal’ button not populating with Nominals on Requisitions.
Date applied: June 14, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Terms and Conditions not attaching to the Purchase Order system email automatically sent to supplier when Approving a Requisition.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Approval Routes falling over if the user requesting a Document Type is also Step 1 of the Approval Route, Step 2 is also the requesting user’s alternative user and is also Mandatory Over Budget and the Self-Approval setting ‘Use the approvers alternate user account’ is enabled.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the customer selection on Sales Orders. When selecting the last customer in the list, it would populate the first customer in the list instead.
- [RB] Resolved an issue that occurred during a fresh install of Sicon Approvals where the pages links would be out of order.
Date applied: June 8, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Fixed an issue with the Detailed Budget Enquiry. It will now only return nominals users have access to and takes into account the users “Access All” and “View all Nominals on Budget Enquiry” user account settings.
- [RB] Fixed an issue with the ‘Reset All Lines’ and ‘Reset Lines’ buttons on Document Types still being active once the Document Type is Completed.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Budget Enquiry where selecting the Nominal drill down would cause the Approvals Site to freeze.
- [RB] Resolved and issue with Purchase Order Invoices raised in Sicon Approvals if using Three-Way matching. If the corresponding GRN is missed and you cancel raising the PO invoice the Requisition would show as Invoiced in Approvals. Now a popup appears to advise the user they cannot proceed unless they select a Goods Received Note and will not be able to proceed until they have done so.
Date applied: May 31, 2023
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the system no longer selecting the Project Headers Default Nominal code when raising Requisition. This was occurring on entry of both Free Text and Stock Item lines.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with users receiving an ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ message when amending Expenses.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the ‘Finish All’ button not working in Sicon Approvals Time & Attendance.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Project Type (Activity) not auto populating on Free Text/Stock Item line on Requisitions. This would also not be retained on Saving the Free Text/Stock Item line but now is as well.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Added a ‘Supplier Name’ column to the ‘Goods Received History’ report.
Date applied: May 10, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisitions raised with a Confirmation Intent type of ‘Confirmation not Required’ still generating Confirm Goods Received notifications on user dashboards.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with .odt Attachments not being visible in Document Type Approval screens.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Excel attachments on Invoices linked to Suggested/Proposed Payments not coming into Sicon Approvals for Approval.
- [NFS] Resolved an issue stopping some user Export an .xls from Project Enquiry screen in Sicon Approvals.
Date applied: April 21, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with HR Document Logs showing Documents for all users, regardless if they were not a HR Administrator. Now it will only show logs relevant to the current user and only show all logs if they have the HR Admin User Type permission.
Date applied: April 18, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with having to reset and approve each line separately on a Requisition after it had been approved initially then edited.
Date applied: April 13, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Fixed an issue when accessing the Dev Express Report Designer resulting in an ‘Index was outside the bounds of the array’ error message.
- [RB] Fixed an issue with some Suppliers not showing in the dropdown menu when raising a Subcontractor Order in Sicon Approvals.
- [RB] Fixed an issue with Free Text Address on Requisitions and Project Requisitions not retaining the inputted address when submitted for approval.
Date applied: March 27, 2023
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Fixed an issue on the Rapid and Standard Timesheets screen where scrolling between weeks would cause the screen to jump multiple weeks.
- [RB] Fixed an issue with Mandatory Holidays not posting Labour transactions to Sicon Projects. This would occur when a sites Default Holiday Project was set to ‘N/A’.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Added a VAT value column to Lines tab within the Expense Approval screen. Previously, the VAT value column was only visible on the Details tab.
Date applied: March 22, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue in Rapid Timesheets where a user edited a line for a renamed Project would receive a ‘Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal zero and less than the size of the argument list’ error. This workaround fix is for customers using Sage Project Accounting.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Stock Item Line on Sales Order Defaulting to First Warehouse in list. It will now stay as the user selected Warehouse.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Attachments disappearing on Expenses when a VAT rate is edited in the Approval screen.
Date applied: March 14, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Sicon Approvals (WAP) Service Hot Updating Sage Project Accounting Timesheets when a site is now using Sicon Projects.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with being able to Submit an Invoice for a On Hold Supplier in Sage. You can no longer do this but you are still allowed to Save the Invoice. However, as per Standard Sage you can still Approve an Invoice even when the Supplier is On Hold.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with on Invoice entry where you would encounter a page timeout when connecting using HTTPS.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Billed/Self billed Transactions getting amended when amending other lines on a Timesheet. Also, posting reposting Timesheets with to Journaled Transactions will cause the Timesheet to go into ‘Failed’.
Date applied: March 6, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with VAT Rates on Stock Item and Free Text lines not picking up the Supplier default set in Sage.
Date applied: February 28, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Timesheets that allowed users to edit two Timesheet lines at once. Now when a Timesheet line is edited, the rest of the lines on the Timesheet are locked down to avoid breaking Approval Routes on submission.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with invoices posted to the default nominal account. The Invoices lines were not being picked up for approval in Sicon Approvals.
- [RB] Extra validation added to copying a Requisition for a supplier that is On Hold. Sicon Approvals will allow users to copy a Requisition for an On Hold supplier but not submit it until the supplier itself has been taken Off Hold in Sage.
Date applied: February 20, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Approval Route logic on Standard Timesheets. It now sets the Timesheet lines on the configured Approval Route, rather than picking up the default Timesheet route in error.
- [RB] Resolved an issue when amending the Tax Rate in the Expense Approval screen. The amended Tax value will now be updated once the Expense is approved.
Date applied: February 6, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with raising a Mileage line on an Expense for the previous year. It would pull across as zero value but now pulls across as the correctly configured value in mileage settings and fuel rates.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Project Enquiry Retention section referencing the incorrect ‘Outstanding Retention Amount’ column in Sicon Construction.
Date applied: January 25, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an display issue in the Invoice Approval screen. An added Note would not appear until the user left the screen and came back in, it now appears immediately.
- [RB] Resolved an display issue in the Invoice Approval screen. An Invoice put On Hold will update immediately, eliminating the need for the user to leave the screen and return.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with correction on Purchase Ledger Invoices showing unauthorised lines when sent back to Sicon Approvals (WAP) to be reapproved. Now only the corrected line on the Invoice that needs to be reapproved is posted back to Sicon Approvals.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the Default Nominal Account tied to Project Headers not pulling through on Free Text Lines. This applies to all Document Types (Requisition’s, Sales Orders, Invoices etc.)
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Approved Timesheets where they had more approved Holiday Hours on them than on the original Holiday Request. This would only occur when Sicon Approval was configured not to use Holiday Work Patterns, so instead would revert to Standard Work Patterns to calculate the Holiday start times.
Date applied: January 17, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Header not pulling through when Project Requisition is approved and Purchase Order is created in Sage. Previously, it was setting the Project to the selected cost header ID. It now correctly sets it to the Project along with the default Phases/Stages etc.
- [RB] When saving a line on a Document Type, the Project, Project Header and Activity (Project Phase) will not clear once the line has been saved.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Invoice Approval used in tandem with Sicon WAP Addons (v220.0.11+). Invoices raised in the Purchase Ledger that are over the ‘Require Authorisation for Amounts exceeding’ amount will go to WAP for approval. Unless the WAP Addons setting ‘Allow Requires Authorisation check box to be overridden’ is ticked, allowing users to override the ‘Require Authorisation’ tick box.
Date applied: January 3, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed an issue with users who have access to multiple Sage companies when raising a Requisition, changing the default company after selecting a Default Project. Previously, the Default Project box would show the SQL database ID of the Project from the previously selected company, now WAP clears the Default Project box so users can select a new Default Project if required.
Date applied: December 12, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed issue with Timesheet TOIL and Overtime report missing Timesheet ID on exporting to Excel.
- [LP] Fixed issue with users in same business unit being unable to see each others Absence requests.
- [RB] Fixed efficiency issues with the Credit Card Statement import. It now imports much quicker and is able to handle more lines.
- [RB] Fixed the ‘Copy’ button in the Timesheets screen not copying the Timesheet to the specified Week Commencing date.
Date applied: November 15, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue in the Invoice Approval screen where the “Approve Selected” tick boxes would not approve any Invoices, if there are Invoices on hold in the grid.
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in the Expense Line Payroll Report where the wrong Grid View ID was set on the grid view exported which resulted in empty export files.
- [NFS] Resolved a display issue with the buttons on the Expense Line Mileage Payroll Report.
- [NFS] Added paging to the grid view on the Expense Line Mileage Payroll Report. This increases the Memory limitation rendering 5000+ lines on the page.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [NFS] Added a date from filter to the Expense Line Mileage Payroll Report. This allows more flexibility with running the report for reduced periods if required.
Date applied: November 9, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on the Invoice Approval screen were clicking the “Approve Selected” button, it would not approve any items if there are Invoices “On Hold” in the current approval screen.
- [RB] Resolved an issue in Timesheet Week Entry page where Activities would not be retained when saving a line.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Approval Reports where the Activities column would be hidden unless Phases are enabled in Sicon Projects.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [LP] Removed the ‘Customise’ button from both the Expense and Mileage Payroll screens, as it was no longer needed. Right clicking on the Report Header will allow the user to gain access to the report column options.
Date applied: October 25, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Expense payroll report where the exported XLS or PDF file would be corrupted. This also applies to other WAP .csv exports as well.
- [RB] Timesheet note entries were saving onto the wrong day – required methods updating to use day name instead of week number.
- [RB] Order Line descriptions will no longer be allowed to exceed 6000 characters.
- [JS] Timesheet entries / breaks from Sage where not displaying on correct days in WAP.
Date applied: September 12, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Goods Received where a user would be unable to save a Receipt when Goods Received attachment is Mandatory despite an attachment being provided.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition entry with Projects integration enabled. Cost Header selection would revert to default after saving a line even when line information retention setting is enabled.
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users entering Expenses on Mobile Devices while located in a time zone earlier than the server running the WAP service would get Failed expenses.
- [JSV] Fixed Timesheet Approval information hover over not showing Timesheet information.
- [JSV] Fixed Approval escalation trying to constantly escalate approvals for items that have already moved beyond the recorded step.
- [JSV] Fixed SQL error when processing WAP timesheet line hours.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [LP] Added ‘Requested For’ as a WAP Analysis Code for Requisitions.
Date applied: September 2, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with requisition Template Batch stock entry control which would stop users from adding items for zero quantities when “Auto add rows with quantities” is checked.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on pages containing approval history viewer which would encounter a SQL exception if there are items awaiting approval.
- [RB] Removed Notes Tab from Project maintenance page. Project notes will currently need to be maintained within Sage.
- [JSV] Fix rapid timesheet not saving a line saying to select a charge rate when one is already selected.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on pages containing approval history viewer which would encounter a SQL exception if there are items awaiting approval.
- [RB] Mandatory analysis codes will now be validated during Requisition approval.
- [RB] Improved the load times of pages displaying approval history with a large amount of approval history.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Projects Budget checking where Phase, Stage and Activity budgets would always return a value of Zero, resulting in items incorrectly being marked as over budget.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Categorised Expense Voucher where the Mileage on the current claim would be included in the mileage totals twice if the voucher was printed at a stage after the initial expense creation.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition free text entry when selecting default project on Requisition header, which would attempt to load the default Projects Cost Header rather than the default Projects POP Cost Header.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Batch receipts where configured to enter use by-, sell by or additional references fields if specified as visible by the product group which would not register the value until and amendment is made.
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet time not being editable once added if using hours and minutes entry format.
Date applied: August 11, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed an issue where the Invoice Approval page could show incorrect gross values when the base currency is different from the Invoice currency.
- [LP] Fixed issue where Requisition Templates would not allow a line with a quantity of zero, will now ask if you want to continue instead.
- [LP] Fixed an issue where exporting the Approval History grid for any Document (PDF, Excel etc.) would export nothing except the grid headers.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Approval Route Wizard when creating/amending routes for document types that approve by supplier – If the filter boxes were used while doing supplier selection, you would be told that no suppliers were selected.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Detailed Budget enquiry where it would always enforce Financial Year date restrictions even when disabled in system settings – Applies to Incomplete Invoice/Credits, deferred NL Transactions and POP Order Lines.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice Approval screens when using delegate switching where the selection check box would not be visible when viewing with delegate user, even if the delegate user has the “Approve Selected” permission.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Requisition entry page where Project Cost headers would not be pre-populated correctly after selecting a Project, require the user to click the clear button first.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Requisition entry page when using Project Accounting integration where the page would hang with a Loading icon showing.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with the WAP service where it was not allowing posting of Duplicate Transaction references despite the setting being enabled in WAP.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Stock Line entry costing item selection being greyed out when a line is added with a Default Costing Header being set on the Header.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition entry grid where the line item popup for Free text items would not fully load up the item description and save the truncated value back as the new description.
- [JSV] Fixed Project Accounting Timesheet lines using the Cost Rate ID for Charge Rate and Pay Rate when hidden instead of looking up the user’s Default Rate.
Date applied: July 8, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [LP] Resolved issue where receiving goods through the WebAPI. The WebAPI would use the Sage Database Description instead of the Sage Database Name which is used in other requests, all requests now use the Sage Database Name.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition entry page where selected Supplier Value would not be retained when updating a line.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition entry page where some Projects would not be present in the project lookup if the number of selectable projects grows too large.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Batch Receipts where users would not be able to enter use by, sell by or additional references fields if specified as visible by the Product Group.
- [JSV] Fixed Toil Bank not taking into account holiday taken in the next entitlement period because of a period of grace.
Date applied: June 30, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed Time and Attendance Login screen focusing on the pin textbox and bringing up the keyboard for mobile devices if they login through the URL.
- [LP] Fixed issue on Goods Received where automatic attributes were not getting set properly on receipts in Sage.
- [LP] Closing a Project Requisition viewed from the View Order option on the Approval Page will now return you to the Approval Page, rather than the Existing Project Requisition page.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Budget Enquiry Detailed Report where it was not correctly checking the “Include Not Sent to Sage Records” setting.
- [RB] Resolved an Issue on Budget Enquiry Detailed Report where it would always filter by Financial Period, even if system settings are configured to ignore Financial Years.
- [RB] Resolved an issue where saving a Sales Order Return or Sales Order Quote after being directed there from the Approval Page would return you to the Approval page for Sales Orders.
- [JSV] Fixed Project edit screen not allowing user to edit the notes.
- [JSV] Fixed Requisition Line Costing Item selection being greyed out when a line is added with a Default Costing Header being set on the header.
- [JSV] Fixed Holiday entitlement widget showing all mandatory holidays in the ‘Requests’ tab for part time users instead of just the mandatory holidays in their work pattern.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Re-enabled the Detailed Budget Report tab on Budget Enquiry page.
- [JSV] Added ‘Product Group’ column. This is to support the new column for functionality added into v22 Sicon Projects.
Date applied: June 30, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed issue where after deleting a Nominal Account in Sage that is also a restricted nominal in WAP it was not possible to open the restricted Nominal Account Setting page.
- [LP] Fixed issue where refreshing the page after approving selected invoices would submit unselected invoices.
- [LP] Fixed nominal account selection control not showing all the accounts that should be available for the user.
- [LP] Fixed issue where Attachments could be added or deleted on a Completed Expense but the changes would not be made in Sage. Attachments on a Completed Expense are now Read Only.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Sicon Timesheets when approval route amendments are set to Reset Approval Routes. Under some circumstances, multiple Approval Route Histories would be created for each timesheet Line.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisitions where the page would become unresponsive after entering 7 to 8 lines when WAP is configured to run under HTTPS.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Requisition where Warehouse list would only be populated with the Warehouses available for Sales Trading, even when User Warehouse Allocation was enabled.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project requisition where warehouse list would only be populated with Warehouses available for Sales Trading when user warehouse allocation is enabled.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Expense Line Subsistence entry with Projects Integration enabled. The Cost Header would not be selected from the Subsistence Expense Type Cost Header when configured to be populated from the expense type.
- [JSV] Fixed ‘Delete’ button being disabled for users who have permission to Delete Attachments from Completed Requisitions.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Speed up loading the Dashboard page when a user has a lot of Sicon Timesheets waiting for approval.
- [JSV] Speed up loading the Sicon Timesheet approval page.
- [JSV] Allowed Attachments to be deleted if the delete button is enabled and the file is marked as ‘posted’, but Sicon Documents is not enabled in WAP
- [JSV] Adjust the adaptive priority of the ‘Existing Orders’ columns so the ‘Purchase Order Document’ column is one of the last to get hidden as the screen shrinks.
Date applied: June 30, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed issue on Requisition Lines where a quantity of more than 999,999 could not be input. Now 9,999,999 to align with Sage.
- [LP] Fixed issue on the Requisition View page where the default Project combo box was not reloading when the Sage Database was changed.
- [LP] Fixed issue for Goods Receiving where having a stock group attribute name more than 50 characters caused an ‘Object Reference’ error Message.
- [JSV] Fixed issue that would prevent users booking TOILBank Holiday for brought forward hours when they had no TOIL hours accrued for the current entitlement period.
- [JSV] Fixed Timesheets using start and end times using decimal controls when editing existing lines and not updating on save.
- [JSV] Fixed an ‘Object Reference Not Set’ error message when creating a new Timesheet and no Sage Database has been selected from the Sage Database dropdown.
- [JSV] Fixed Timesheets always saving with a status of ‘New’ when previously Submitted or Approved.
Hot Fix Enhancements
[JSV] Speeded up budget checking for Projects.
Date applied: June 30, 2022
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed issue where Sales Order Returns awaiting approval would not show on the approval page.
- [LP] Fixed issue where the WAP App sync function would not fetch the Mandatory Holiday on Holiday entitlement.
- [LP] Fixed the project item drop down box in Timesheet add new line pop up. It no longer deletes inputted text when trying to search for a Project header.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Mileage line entry with Projects integration enabled – If the Cost Header is configured to be populated from the Expense Type, it would not correctly save the Project Header if the Project is changed.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Expense and Mileage line entry with Projects integration enabled. If the cost header is configured to be populated from the expense type, it would not correctly save the Project header if the Project is changed. Users would then be unable to save the record due to not having entered a Project Header.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition entry with projects integration enabled. Users would be unable to save the record due to not having entered a Project Header if the project was changed.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition entry with Sicon Projects integration where the cost header value would be cleared after selecting a new project, rather than retaining the current cost header.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition CSV import where a user would encounter an “Object Reference” during import after validation has passed, when Requisition analysis code defaults are configured to populate from Request Number.
- [RB] Improved error handling and logging of the “Target Invocation Exception” error when saving a Free Text Line of a Requisition that has already been posted to Sage.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition entry when selecting a stock item – If the selectable cost headers exceed 100 and the default POP cost header for the stock item is not in the top 100 alphabetically, the cost header would not automatically be selected.
- [JSV] Fixed object reference not set error when adding a Requisition and selecting a different company and then supplier.
- [JSV] Fixed error occurring when entering a Construction Application but there is no default Cost Code set in Sicon Projects.
- [JSV] Fixed Self Approval Values not all showing on the User Approval report.
- [JSV] Fixed Notifications not automatically clearing after the date set in the settings.
- [JSV] Fixed Project Enquiry view not switching between application incoming and outgoing lists correctly.
- [JSV] Fixed Holiday spanning multiple days from using the Holiday start time instead of the work pattern shift time, when adding holiday to timesheets and the Holiday work pattern is not being used to add the time.
- [JSV] Fixed the UpdateDB Database script fix for pre-SQL 2014 servers. Originally it that was preventing giving execute permission for the WAPUser on the settingsType2 table, causing an error when users were saving changes to settings in WAP.
- [JSV] Fixed Time and Attendance screen not filtering Job Headers by user settings in WAP. Modified to use the same logic as in timesheets etc.
- [JSV] Fixed Requisition page not setting the default project header when the user does not have access to it.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [LP] Quick links for ‘Record Credit Note’, ‘Batch Invoice Entry’ and ‘Record PO Invoice’ added to dashboard for User Types with the permission to action them.
Date applied: June 30, 2022
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added an asterisk to certain settings in the WAP settings screens to identify which require WAP Service restart.
- Added a setting for automatically emailing Purchase Orders. You can now use either System or User email addresses.
- The Project Requisition screen has been rewritten to improve speed of entry, editing and loading.
- Added Suggested Payment Report. The new report will allow users to find suggested payments approved or awaiting approval in WAP en masse, using selected search criteria.
- Added in options to filter Holiday Entitlement report by Delegate/Business Unit. Previously the report showed Holiday Entitlement for all users only.
- Added Notification of user’s birthdays and employment anniversaries. To ensure line managers and HR Admin users are aware of important dates.
- Added HR Absence Requests. Users can now request sickness and absence requests through the app and approval can happen also through the WAP app.
Issues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed issue where after submitting a Timesheet if the Timesheet is saved with all new lines (for example resetting lines to new) the timesheet status would get set to submitted rather than new ( Using WAP Timesheets ).
- [LP] Fixed issue where the Time & Attendance pages would show navigation controls when accessed with URL queries that should hide them.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Budget Enquiry page where a user would require a security level of at least 3 rather than 2 to include items not yet sent to sage to the Pending WAP Requisitions records.
- [RB] Made a change to address an “Index Out Of Range” exception message on Timesheet Approval screen.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Google Maps control which would not load the control content due to content security restrictions.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Google Maps control that would fail to load the control if the user’s home address contains an apostrophe.
Date applied: June 30, 2022