Release notes:
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#11089] Fixed unable to update the object error when archiving stock transfer in stock shortage transfers.
- [#11345] Existing lines are now updated when using the addbacktobacklines method.
- [#12251] Fixed an issue with EP PL010 enabled, where the dispute button did not revert to clear dispute after clearing a dispute and switching tabs now shows the correct button.
- [#12813] Added an exception to prevent ‘sioperations’ for being deleted if they have had time set against them and to also soft delete them.
- [#12816] Don’t allow entry of batch/serial numbers at stocktake if stock item is configured to not record at goods received + report similar error if user attempts to complete a stocktake with serials when not enabled.
- [#12816] If complete traceable stocktake fails due to an error do not prompt to complete the stocktake.
- [#12816] When adding new traceable items from stocktake use entered batch/serials numbers even if the stock item isn’t configured when ‘batch &’ serial numbers must be recorded when goods are received’.
- [#12940] Added validation to prevent controller from operating on specified forms.
- [#12940] Refactor buttonpanelcontroller to handle overlapping buttons correctly.
- [#12940] Update calculation to account for the visibility of the "’more"’ button.
- [#13146] Added the siconbacktobackline object to the data model.
- [#13164] Fix so that the ‘from warehouse’, ‘from bin’, ‘to warehouse’ and ‘to bin’ are only visible on a stock transfer when the setting ‘enable bin selection’ is enabled.
- [#13196] Added tax code type validation to prevent the user attempting to import values that cannot be parsed as integers.
- [#13288] added a maximum length of 20 characters for the free text buying unit description field on the purchase order line import, preventing errors from excessively long values.
- [#13313] updated contracts datamodel as it was built incorrectly last time.
Date applied: February 12, 2025
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- [#9931] Added SiconCRMPersonID to BillingSalesOrderLine.
Issues Resolved
- [#12818] Fix pick stock ‘Cannot set the value of the Field (.SecondReference) to …’ error when picking stock for a works order with number longer than 20 characters.
- [#12314] Regenerated Contracts data model and added new field.
- [#10966] Moved PersistentObject and IEnumerable to Sicon.Sage200.Architecture.DAL.Extensions also fixed potential bug with Generic parameters not constrained to reference types should not be compared to “null”.
- [#9669] Fixed an issue when receiving a part received pre allocation.
- [#12984] Fix to corrrectly display the Sunday login times on the timesheet entry screen.
- [#12847] Fixed issue where if Distribution and POP008 was enabled the form would appear twice.
- [#13179] Added a IsNullOrEmpty extension to common to replace the MS identity tokens one.
Date applied: January 29, 2025
Issues Resolved Dev NotesIssues Resolved
- [#12669] Added factories for SOP and POP lines
- [#12387] Fix Stock Shortage Transfer Import ‘xxxxxx’ does not exist in the selected warehouse’ error if no stock can be found in any bin in the source/from warehouse.
- [#4497] Added extension method for checking for ancestors
- [#12586] Fix to correctly calculate weekly rates when a day gets split over different rates. Fix when saving the timesheet entry screen {“Object reference error”}.
- [#12669] Added factories for SOP and POP lines
- [#12532] added Context Menu Builder
- [#12384] Added comment in code related to error ‘Failed to update objects’ when adding a bin to a stock item/warehouse
- [#12815] Changed the script store error handler to use the error handler in common rat… Changed the script store error handler to use the error handler in common rather than show a message box.
Dev Notes
- Downgraded direct Newtonsoft assembly references to v11.0.2 (to be compatible with earlier versions of Sage 200).
Date applied: January 15, 2025
Issues Resolved Dev NotesIssues Resolved
- [#12581] Fixed issue where the destination warehouse would not save on a Sicon Stock Transfer if the transfer is setup to Direct to Customer. Also fixes the error ‘Failed to update object’ when receiving the transfer.
- [#12580] Employee Rates lookup should check index first if filtered test is a number.
- [#12284] Fixed ‘There are order items that still require a delivery date to be set’ error when saving an Purchase Order line when Call-off has been set.
- [#12568] Fixed Stock Transfer warehouse not being updated when set to ‘Deliver to Case Customer’.
- [#11897] Fixed a Back-to-Back issue with traceable items being merged when they have different serial numbers.
- [#12547] Add missing SiOperationActivity.TimesheetLineID, SiconTimesheetLine.UpdateStatus, SiconTimesheet.UpdateStatus fields to objects.
- [#12490] Updated Barcoding data model.
- Updated the Manufacturing data model.
Dev Notes
- [#12358] Added new method to allow item filtering in ListExtensions.
- Changed Office Interop .dlls to be private.
- Added a timer on certain script events and a log window to view them real-time.
Date applied: January 2, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue with EP PL010 enabled, where the dispute button did not revert to “Clear Dispute” after clearing a dispute and switching tabs now shows the correct button.
- Fix (enable strings): Enable strings screen error handling improved if add-on packages cannot be read from the Sage configuration database (e.g., attempt to handle ‘Access is Denied’ error).
- Data model changes for hire generate sales orders.
- Timesheet week number up/down selection will be valid for week 53.
- Fixed ‘Value cannot be null’ when posting timesheets from a service appointment.
- Fixed an issue where actual timesheet lines were not created if a weekly cost work pattern was used.
Date applied: December 11, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Updated the data model to include ‘SiWorksOrderQuantityView’, ‘SiWorksOrderUnallocatedView’ and ‘SiWorksOrderAllocatedView’
Issues Resolved
- Fixed when changing the date on an operation when the operation time would be the same amount of time as a full day (dependent on settings in Manufacturing) and it would push the end date to the start of the next day.
- Fixed issue where the timesheet line type was resetting back to Projects type when new timesheet lines are added manually via the timesheet entry screen. They will now remain their previous types (works order, service, etc).
- Resolved an issue with the system exchange rate setting not being accounted for
- Fixed issue where error occurred when clicking on ‘New’ after entering Employee name in the drop down when there are no employees setup already.
- Fixed ‘Value cannot be null’ when posting timesheets from service appointment.
Date applied: November 27, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added a new message source that Sicon CRM sends out when it converts a quote to an order.
Issues Resolved
- Fixed issue where when a purchase order line is negative, it was not failing the validation.
- Fix for attachments not being able to be deleted, example seen in works order for sub assemblies where the original reference might contain ‘/’.
- Fix for reloading the attachment list after deleting an attachment and it would appear like all attachment have been deleted.
- Fixed the dashboard display config not working correctly when add same panel in different dashboard.
- Resolved an issue where thread session context was not being set so existing threads that had already connected to sage would connect again.
Date applied: November 14, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix when transferring stock within Sage {“Object Reference Error”} .
- Fix to not display the ‘Disable warnings’ label and ‘Remind me tomorrow’ if the only warning is about the log file size as this cannot be suppressed.
Date applied: October 30, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added the ability to toggle back any lines with a price of 1 when unticking the calloff order check box.
Issues Resolved
- Fix for correctly calculating the ‘Actual’ timesheet lines when using a ‘Weekly’ work pattern.
- Updated the new timesheet entry screen so that it uses the week start day as the first entry point instead of always being ‘Monday’.
- Fix to not include breaks in the time that has been worked when using ‘Weekly’ work patterns.
- Corrected the formatting on the ‘Total’ columns so that it is consistent with the other days formatting on the ‘Timeshet Entry’ screen.
- Moved code from the ‘Sage Stock Transfer Stock’ form into a coordinator for thrid parties to be able to call.
- Fixed the following ‘String was not recognised as a valid DateTime’ when saving a timesheet.
Date applied: October 16, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added check to not include appointments with start and end dates that are set to null.
- Added parameter to disable overlap check.
- Corrected tab stop order on the timesheet entry screen.
- When calculating the quantity on the timesheet line, and if there are breaks for the line, thus reducing the total hours for the line, then the quantity was calculating incorrectly. For example, if a timesheet line has a quantity of 5 and an employee worked 9 hours, but then 1 hour was taken as a break, the total hours would be 8 hours. The quantity for the line then needs to be calculated as (Quantity * (Actual Hours For the Cost Rate + Break Hours)) / Hours Entered For the Line.
Using the above figures, this would look like: (5 * (8+1)) / 9. - Added a get sicon teams web api endpoint.
- Deleted and Forrmer Employees (Projects) are not shown on the Employee Resource Scheduler (Capacity Planning) nor on the Employee tab on the Rough Cut Scheduler.
- Fix for incorrectly removing breaks from ‘Actual’ timesheet line hours when the user is using the ‘Weekly’ work pattern.
- updated Manufacturing datamodel.
Date applied: October 1, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Updated barcoding datamodel, add SiconWABSOPBasicView.
- Fixed issue where user was being prompted to update delivery address to newly selected warehouse when transfer was set for delivery to case customer.
- Fix to check we have a ‘Source’ and ‘Destination’ warehouse when fetching ‘Cross Warehouse’ preallocations. Issues can be seen on ‘Future Stock Movments’ where ‘Auto Stock Transfers’ are incorrectly displayed.
- Made legacy web api logging methods obsolete.
Date applied: September 18, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to allow more than a 2 digit value on ‘Run Time Hours’ and limit ‘Run Time Minutes’ and ‘Run Time Seconds’ to ’59’ to match Sage’s BOM validation when on the ‘Maintain Operations’ form.
- Fix to allow the ‘Item’ on a timesheet to be typed in when the timesheet type is ‘Works Order’ so that the correct SiOperation is stored against the timesheetline.
- On adding new lines to a stock transfer, The stock item lookup should be blank and not prepopulated with the code from line above. Changed to use string.IsNullOrEmpty
Date applied: September 4, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to allow breaks to be added when the minimum working hours have been met. Issue where the minimum hours would be 9 hours.
- Changed webapi v1 connection to ignore connection requests in webapi v2 and above.
- Fixed stock transfer to projects intermittent zero-value actual cost value in project enquiry.
- Resolved a stack overfolow method that could occur if the company ID is not specified on request.
Date applied: September 1, 2024
Hot Fix EnhancementsChange in Functionality
- Fixed allowable warnings being in the wrong statement for allowduplicatesonstockitem
- Fix to correctly update the ‘total cost’ of an operation when the run time hours, minutes or seconds are updated.
- Updated barcoding datamodel
- Reversing a staged pop accrual should use the previous posted nominal instead of the suspense account
- Fix to add fixed asset equipment created message.
- Fixed manually updated address not being loaded correctly, added check to confirm whether to overwrite with new warehouse address
- Fixed new addresstextbox update method throwing nullrefex
- Fixed archived sts not displaying history
- When the quantity per run field was updated by the user, the remaining time for the operation was not updated unless the user closed the operation and opened it again.
- Fixed issue where the delay time was not added to the expected hours and the remaining hours on the operations screen when opening for the first time, and editing the run time
- Added feature usage form, added buttons to script toggle form to access process monitor and feature usage. sorted out the styling mess on the script toggle form
- Fixed an issue with the non sop/pop analysis codes defaulting to read only
- Fix improve comments for batch handling in stock item adjustment
- Fix to load the stock item dropdown and only filter by stock code and name when the user is typing otherwise load all stock items into the dropdown
- Update existing traceable item serial details
- Moved Assembly Redirect to an app domain extensions class (to be re-used in the web api service)
Date applied: August 1, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added fixes for inconsistent behaviour of the sicon stock drop down.
- Fix to stock transfers to accommodate dropdown for From Bin.
- Force Find search mode by disabling paging.
- Added override nominal code flag to message service, let Projects know to override nominal code or not.
Date applied: July 24, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Removed limits on Labour Unit Cost and Labour Unit Selling Price.
- Fix for Stock Shortage Transfer traceable bin/item ‘QuantityReserved’ retained if the batch/serial selection screen is cancelled after batch quantities have been selected manually or using the auto-select button.
- Fixed sub-location Dropdown showing wrong text from sub-location.
Date applied: July 1, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added code to extract the sender email address from an exchange user.
- Changed stock item select control to an improved dropdown control, allowing for searching from code and name.
Issues Resolved
- Updated Projects DataModel.
- Updated Barcoding DataModel.
- Added ExportList variant to ExportHelper.
- Fixed Find dialog using wrong mode and crashing.
- Removed the progress update event when calculating the operation times as this would slow down the creation of works orders.
- Update Employee Pay Rates / Elements’ button from Sage 50 Payroll now brings over 4 decimal places.
- Resolved a bug in the SelectedSerials method that didn’t include the attribute lists associated with the TraceableAdjustmentItem.
- Fixed Find dialog using wrong mode and crashing.
- Common features now cached in constructor rather than called multiple times.
Date applied: June 26, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added a fields changed observer class.
Issues Resolved
- Resolved an issue causing the coordinator to post adjustments when the quantity was zero. InFilterOrdersByIds now uses PrimaryKey.Value instead of using the field to get the property.
- Fixed Manage Stocktake for traceable items intermittent ‘Execution Timeout Expired …’ error on ‘Complete’, now reads Linq committed transactions.
- Added SiconAllocationLineID & WarehouseID to SQL view SiconAllocationsBasicView, US 10101.
- Implemented method to guarantee unique zero index for ‘MetaDataDescription’ column
- Added a back to back tab to handle EP and IC back to backs.
Date applied: June 12, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- New stock item dropdown can search code and name.
Issues Resolved
- Corrected null handling for customerAccountId #8218
- Fix to ensure allocation status. Fields are updated on SOP header when a sales order line is un-allocated, #10170.
Date applied: May 29, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to allow the quantity to be entered when entering a timesheet for a works order, #6210.
Date applied: May 22, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- POP import maximum record limit has been implemented to prevent memory exhaustion during the import process, #9423.
- Resolved an issue with account pop ups not showing up on the Construction Application Form, #8218.
- Included the missing ‘AlwaysAddToExistingBatchIfDuplicate’ parameter in PopulateTraceableBinItems extension methods, #9848.
- Updated Manufacturing data model.
Date applied: May 15, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to update the pre-allocation correction routine that gets run from MRP to check any ‘Warehouse Stock’ type pre-allocations are correct. ‘Warehouse Stock’ pre-allocations should only exist if the purchase order or works order is being order/built from another warehouse to fulfil the Min or Reorder level of another warehouse, #9820.
- POP Import Sicon Diagnostic tool too added.
- Added an adjustment co-ordinator to handle SOP and POP adjustments, #8217.
- Base CSV Import architecture improvements, #9340.
Date applied: May 8, 2024
Issues Resolved New Features ImportantImportant Info
- Updated to be compatible with Sicon DevExpress 23.2 Packages.
New Features
- Sicon WebAPI endpoint GetPurchaseInvoices will now return any applicable Project analysis for nominals, #9612.
- Add new status Enums to show picked or part picked status on Active Kits List, #7893.
- Added a new SiconDiagnostic class that posts a log file (no functional changes), #9423.
- Updated Manufacturing data model.
Issues Resolved
- Resolved a “failed to compare two elements in the array” error when using the sort method on a Sage list (POP008), #9331.
- SFDC error when starting an operation on SFDC app, Method not found set_StopReference, #9666.
- Fix Barcoding ‘The highlighted items use batch/serial numbering and require numbers to be confirmed …’ error when reducing allocated quantity of a traceable item with batch/serials assigned at allocation, US 9631.
- Stock Shortage Transfer Import validation fix for ‘The quantity entered is greater than the free stock …’ error when no quantity to allocate is set, Case 38529.
- Resolved a null reference exception when closing the base form.
Software dependancies: Sicon DevExpress 23.2 Packages
Date applied: May 1, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added Stock Transfers hidden ‘Unallocate’ button for selected, #9201.
- ProcessUnallocationsAndMoveStock method change to update traceable item Additional Reference, Use By & Sell By dates if passed (Case 38366) & set stock transaction analysis codes, US 8797.
- MoveStockAndAllocationToBin method change to update traceable item batch attributes if passed, Case 38366.
Issues Resolved
- Fixed ‘object reference error’ when receiving a batch item in Barcoding for an existing batch item with batch attributes changed, #6556.
- Added an extra check before creating a cross warehouse pre-allocation transfer to make sure we have a source and destination warehouse for the transfer.
- Fixed Operation times issue with expected hours calculating incorrectly when changing the quantity per run value on an operation when editing the operation, #6511.
- Resolved an issue with whitespace being encrypted in common settings.
Date applied: April 17, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Timesheet line rejection reason field added.
- Inspections enhancements:
- Added ability to set the default value from the inspection template questions grid, #6397.
- Improved inspection templates to be stored at multiple levels, not just at a global level. Inspections can also be recorded at a traceable item level, #6397.
- Corrected inspections ‘value cannot be null’ message when adding a new global template, #6397.
- Fixed issue with input string not in correct format when setting default values on the inspection template questions grid. Also changed the control for a number question and a selection question to show the correct input controls, #6397.
- Fixed issue with answers for selection option not copied to templates on stock item and works orders correctly. Also fixed issue where answers for selection option was not saved first time, #6397.
- When viewing inspections and amending the values, it was not displaying the changes straight after the amendment, #6397.
- Added clone inspections option in code so that we could create inspection templates for all levels of sub assemblies in works orders, #6397.
- Now update the default answers on the works order template after booking in and answering inspection questions, #6397.
- If the same batch is booked in on a separate works order, then the inspection answers are updated, #6397.
Issues Resolved
- Pre-allocation view now handles Service Parts, #9201.
- Fixed problem when issuing stock after a pre-allocation is fulfilled and the traceable details were missing, thus showing an ‘object reference …’ error, #9220.
- ProcessUnallocationsAndMoveStock() method change to update traceable item batch attributes if passed & ‘IsUpdateTraceableBatchAttributes’ parameter is ‘true’, Case 38366.
- Updated Barcoding data model, #8340.
Date applied: April 10, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Stock shortage transfer now allow multiple transfers to be selected for deleting at same time, US 9454.
- Stock transfer transaction analysis codes 5-20 added so available to be populated by Barcoding Inspection Failed, US 8797.
Date applied: April 3, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Allocations fix to allow the ‘Activity Date’ filter be applied when the fulfilment strategy is set to either ‘Oldest Use By date’ or ‘Oldest Sell By Date’. Issue where we would select batches past the use by date when allocating works order lines, #8789.
- Fix ‘ReduceAllocationOnSalesOrderLine’ method not reducing sales order Allocated Status ID value after unallocating stock from a sales order line, US 8962.
Date applied: March 27, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Changes to make sure that timesheets work with works orders.
- Made sure an employee was selected before timesheet entries can be entered.
- Daily calculations for timesheets and works patterns were not calculating correctly if there were multiple timesheet entries.
- Fixed issue with issuing stock during Backflush where the allocated works order line is allocated across multiple bins. The fulfilment process for the traceable items was not taking the bin into account, #8921/#8844.
- Stock Transfer to project now retains allocations when allocating at new transfer, #8934.
- Fixed issue where the stock unit available to despatch quantity was not correctly set when a Pre-allocation is fulfilled. Therefore the sales order would end up as part despatched, and the quantity to despatch was incorrect, #6537.
- Added feature level locks.
- Added options to control column visibility on the user popup and changed display member to match sage logon name.
Date applied: March 20, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Stock Transfer Import allocation quantity validation changed to allow zero allocated, Case 38529.
- When writing off stock in Dynamic Stocktake nd the stock was allocated on the works order component line, then allocated quantity and the status of the works order was not updated until the works order was opened in Sage. We now update these straight away, #8202.
- Fixed SiBespoke database table types causing locks.
Date applied: March 13, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Staged Nominal Accruals removed code that was causing Projects to work out Project Enquiry, #8606.
- Added new columns to Operation header table to store cost and selling price values to be used in projects, #8907.
- Distribution ‘trial’ license/enable string will now include all sub-modules, US 8941.
- Updated Barcoding datamodel.
Date applied: March 6, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed CSV Import form using TCM message box instead of architecture #8890.
- Unit Price and Quantity Labels will no longer be switched for call-off orders. #8870.
- Fixed a null ref exception when cancelling a PO (POP020), #5002.
- Removed the Software Licence agreement link.
- Updated the Manufacturing DataModel.
Date applied: February 28, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added analysis codes to the stock items request model (no functional changes).
- Added ‘StringBuilder’ for HTML Formatting (no functional changes).
Issues Resolved
- When a stock transfer is edited, and received on the edit screen, the status of the transfer was not updated on the Stock Shortage Transfers screen, Case 37930.
- Updated the module ID’s for ‘Works Order Processing’, ‘MRP’, and ‘Kitting’, #8463.
Date applied: February 21, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added a Base Controller that supports post requests.
Issues Resolved
- Fix Approval request failing if Common Components didn’t have a license for Approvals.
- Move all appointment message service to Common Components, Case 8229.
Date applied: February 14, 2024
Issues Resolved New Features ImportantImportant Info
- If no enable string is found for an installed module a ‘trial’ license will be requested from the Online Licensing server, #8459.
New Features
- Customer locations selection enhancement to add new data filter setting on head office, address instead of branch account list, #8509.
- Staged Nominal Accruals support added for goods received receipt dates in nominal journal postings, #8534.
- Added new methods for copying Analysis Codes from a source to a target in analysis code tool, #8550.
Issues Resolved
- Resolved an issue with the call-off orders scripts where it was leaving an object ‘dirty’ after loading.
Date applied: February 7, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- SiconAttachmentsControl, add function return selected files path, Case 7685.
- Added tutorial form.
Issues Resolved
- Fixed week 53 error on Timesheets when week start date is later than a Wednesday, #8588.
- Change previous fix for ‘The highlighted items use batch/serial numbering and require numbers to be confirmed’ error appearing when removing traceable item SOP allocations for Barcoding, US 8444.
Date applied: January 31, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Set Password Control to use System Password character.
- Move equipment created/amended/deleted and appointment confirmed/unconfirmed message sources from API to object, to avoid service Web API call crash, Case 8229.
- Fix/suppress error ‘The highlighted items use batch/serial numbering and require numbers to be confirmed’ appearing when reducing a SOP allocation for a traceable item with batch/serials assigned at allocation, US 8444.
Date applied: January 24, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added WEB API Message Sources for projects to use with Stock issues and Returns, #7722 #7723
- Removed version numbers from ‘BaseSiconModule’, added base controllers, added enchange logging & error handling, expanded on examples and work on new base api controller.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to no longer receive pre-allocations when pre-allocated to a kit line and the kitting setting ‘Enable Allocations for Kit Lines’ is turned off, #8343.
Date applied: January 19, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added additional function extension overloads class.
Issues Resolved
- Stock Shortage Transfers fix ‘to’ bin selection drop-down to list bins in the target warehouse + throw exception if attempting to transfer between bins on different stock items, Case 36905.
- Pre-allocations fix/check added when the user attempts to change a warehouse on a sales order line or purchase order line to make sure the lines are not pre-allocated. If the line is pre-allocated the user will be informed that they need to delete the pre-allocation before they are allowed to change the warehouse, #6686.
Date applied: January 10, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Stock Reserves fix to set the correct ‘Quantity to Allocate’ when allocating a stock reserve. Previously this would not take the current allocated quantity into consideration and would therefore only allocate the free stock available, #7767.
- Resolved an issue with the customer transaction enquiry form where the account reference would not focus on form load if EP was installed and Popup Notes enabled, Case 36002, #7817.
Date applied: January 3, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Add from warehouse & to warehouse in base Stock Transfer screen grid/list, Case 28880.
- Resolved an issue where call-off quantities were not being set correctly for free text lines, #6803
- Corrected the warehouse when a pre-allocation is for a kit line to use the kit lines warehouse ID, #6370.
- Fix to get the correct values for Stock Transfer pre-allocations when it is an ‘In’/’Out’ and creating new pre-allocations. Issue where stock transfers could be over pre-allocated, #6365.
Date applied: December 13, 2023
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Pre-allocation changes, #7656.
- Cross warehouse pre-allocations will no longer create a stock transfer when they are created. Instead when the purchase order is received it will create/add to an existing Stock Transfer and be pre-allocated to this transfer (which in turn will pre-allocate to the ‘Out’ document).
- Added a new pre-allocation type ‘Warehouse Stock’ which will allow Manufacturing to pre-allocate to min stock suggestions when MRP is run.
- Added a new pre-allocation view that returns the ‘Source’ and ‘Destination’ warehouse and due dates for pre-allocations.
- Updated the pre-allocation view to give the ‘In’ and ‘Out’ descriptions.
- Added a new method to fetch the pre-allocation view.
Issues Resolved
- Set Exchange Office default connection limit to 999.
- Resolved an issue with Call-off orders where editing a line after ticking the call-off box and saving changes would reset the quantity/unit prices, as the line was not aware changes had been made to it.
- Change pre-allocation required quantity on operation to be multiplied by Quantity per run on operation, #6962.
- Restored missing Projects data model.
Date applied: December 7, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Contact list fix updating sub-location column with correct field, #5137.
- Pre-allocations destination warehouse field added, #6800.
- Enhancement Pack ‘ Popup Notes’ fix for licenses which limit the number of features that are available, Case 35855.
- Architecture base SOP Order/Return form checks for existence of delivery address fields and if order/return is saved before new customer check.
Date applied: November 29, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix for Works Order Processing back flush error ‘Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute’ during pre-allocation processing. This was due to multiple message service subscriptions within message notifications when deleting pre-allocations and stock transfer items, #5259.
- Fix to call-off order state when amending orders, #6803.
- CSV import fix to flag (IsDirty) when detected .csv files have changed.
- Terms and conditions endpoint address corrected, data will now handle file contents being cleared and default back to encrypted empty data.
- Projects data model changes to add Hired in plant detail to the Enquiry Plant view, US6043.
Date applied: November 22, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to the drop down of Custom Analysis Codes where if the list was amended, the old values were still in the settings cache, and therefore the user would still get the old values in the drop down list until sage was restarted.
- Fix create new equipment notification message event fire logic, Case 34804
- Purchase order creation factory new property added to allow a PO number passed from Web API to be used as the document number, Case 34603.
- Meta data initialisation/sync client files amendments (no functional changes).
Date applied: November 15, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix when adding a new sales order standard item line through the sales order factory to check the customer setting ‘Use Tax Code As Default’ to override the default, #6377.
- Fix attachments control potentially showing an error if the progress indicator has not been initialised yet.
- Fix when creating a pre-allocation from a works order to a sales order and it checks whether the projects on both match to also check the works order setting ‘Enable Project Integration’. There was an issue where we were checking works order and sales order projects match before creating the pre-allocation, #6697.
- Add Appointment confirm message event to schedule, Case 34804.
- Added cross cut message service events for SOP Returns, Quotes and Proformas and also added Projects specific message sources for these too (as well as extending the existing message sources to handle returns), #6636.
- Extended Barcoding datamodel for SiconWABSmartPickingBinTraceView and SiconWABTransferItemView.
Date applied: November 8, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Approvals app. fix for creating timesheet line entries issue, #6549
Date applied: November 1, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Stock Transfers fix to set the value of the transfer type box when loading the stock transfer form… Issue when transferring to a project and then project controls wouldn’t be added correctly and the transfer would ask the user to set a warehouse, #6161.
- Fix Analysis Code Tool handling for non-existent ‘CanAmend’ property on other entities except SOP and POP, #6275.
- WOP/Projects now has added validation to the create pre-allocation screen when attempting to create a pre-allocation between a works order line and a sales order line with projects associated to both, to make sure both of these projects are the same, if not then pre-allocation cannot be created.
- Truncated ‘OutDocumentNo’ on pre-allocations for project operations if the description is over 64 characters, Case 34421.
- Fix SiconPreallocation database table missing primary key to improve performance and fix timeout in MRP, 35132.
- Fix Enhancement Pack ‘Popup Notes’ not being displayed if other Sicon modules are not installed.
Date applied: October 25, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix sales return factory additional charge and free text lines now accounting for imported tax codes, #5399.
- Convert field types in timesheet related fields from (n)text to Varchar(4000).
Date applied: October 18, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue where the popup notes tab would not appear when the Enhancement Pack package was not installed.
Date applied: October 10, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Add total hours to each day in the ‘Amend Timesheet Clock Ins Lines’ form, 6135.
- Add total hours, minutes and seconds to each day in the ‘Amend Timesheet Clock Ins Lines’ form.
- Added extension methods for case sensitive filtering.
- Added prefer server affinity to http headers.
Date applied: October 4, 2023