Sicon Cash Flow is designed specifically as an enhancement for Sage 200. Fully integrated with the Sage 200 financial ledgers and order processing modules this is a simple module to use. Design your cash flow format including bank accounts, sales and purchase invoices, sales and purchase orders, nominal and ad-hoc spending. Use the drag and drop interface to adjust income and expenditure to reflect expected cash impact without amending the due dates of each document.

Release notes:
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#10996] Resolved an issue where certain items did not sort correctly when clicking on the ‘Account’ column in the Manual Nominal Entry section.
Software dependancies: Common Components v221.0.91
Date applied: January 29, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#12806] Resolved a null reference exception that occurred when saving SOP/POP lines with the HideCashFlowMemosButton enabled.
Date applied: January 15, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- #11929: Resolved an issue where payment transactions for the current month were being displayed in the month column, causing the bank balance in the Balances & Overdue column to be deducted twice. This resulted in an incorrect large negative total.
Date applied: November 14, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- #11338, #11366 – Fixed currency filter issue when Level of Detail is set to ‘item’.
- #11450 – Changed the Vat Liability section to appear when bad debts are exclude from the forecast.
Date applied: October 30, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue where cashflow-specific colours would not revert to general settings if the specified colours were not found.
Date applied: September 18, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue with the future bank transactions not appearing in the cashflow forecast screen.
Date applied: July 24, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue with the sorting of the account number column
- General performance improvements to SQL indices
- Added a stored procedure to dynamically handle options dependent on SQL compat level, resolving an issue with the HASH JOIN in v2019+
Date applied: June 26, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue with sort by clicking on the account column in manual nominal entry screen not sorting.
Date applied: May 15, 2024
ImportantImportant Info
- Upgraded Dev Express v23.2
Date applied: May 1, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Updated tax calculation rules. The OutputTaxValue of a tax rate will no longer be included if terms are “CIS Reverse Charge Sales”. For terms “ImportGoodsROWPostponed”, “Purchase Non-Related Services”, or “CIS Reverse Charge Purchases”, the InputTaxValue of those tax rates will now be used instead of the OutputTaxValue.
Date applied: February 28, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue where the cashflow user would not be created on the server if it exists in the database already (this can happen when a database is restored from one server to another).
Date applied: January 9, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue where bank balances would be displayed
- Resolved an issue where bank balance totals were being calculated from PostedCBAccountTrans rather than taken from the balance on the account
- Fixed an issue in the cashflow security script where an error could be displayed if the CFMUser exists in the database but not in the SQL server Logins
Date applied: December 7, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue with a stored procedure, causing performance issues in the Cashflow screen.
Date applied: October 6, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Removed minimum forecast date preventing transaction enquiry setting forecast earlier than payment date
Date applied: September 7, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Implemented common module enabling through common components.
Date applied: August 3, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added a new setting to Cashflow settings to remove the Cashflow Memos button from sales order lines. To stop the problem where this button is pushing a Sage button titled “Amend Batch/Serial” to the right.
- Currency filter throws an error when you try and use it.
Date applied: June 7, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- A problem with date format configuration on the server that could cause an error in cash flow ‘Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime’.
- Foreign currency bank balances not displaying correctly in cashflow.
Date applied: February 1, 2023
ImportantImportant Info
Release version.
Date applied: November 11, 2022