Sicon Barcoding & Warehousing is integrated in real time with the Sage 200 stock and order processing modules, plus it fully supports all of the Sicon additions including Job costing for issues and returns, works orders for picking and building assemblies, and distribution manager for pre-allocation of stock at goods in.

Release notes:
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Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#13275] Multi Item Transfer of allocated stock reinstated.
Date applied: February 12, 2025
Issues Resolved Dev NotesIssues Resolved
- [#11802] Import Delivery Notes now validates batch/serial stock exists in the bin where the pallet is stored to avoid error ‘Failed to Lock All Entries for Sales Order Allocation’ or ‘Serial selection failed on item …’.
- [#11807] Settings screen POP free text, service & labour items confirmation warning moved to ‘POP’ tab, so it no longer appears every time the screen is opened.
- [#13233] Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘The timeout period elapsed …’ error at pack all picked items.
- [#13233] Fix ‘Object reference not set …’ error if despatching a batch/serial item with unpicked/unpacked allocated stock and SOP is configured to update when ‘Invoice is posted’.
- [#13127] Fix to filter pre-allocation types for sales order lines when a kit status has been updated before setting the ‘Ready to Pick’ flag.
- [#11802] Import Delivery Notes now checks if batch/serials are in a different bin to the pallet/package and will despatch them from the ‘SOP:Picked’ bin if the pallet wasn’t selected at picking. Also write box/despatch record to ensure packaging can be seen from despatches viewed in SOP amend /view.
Dev Notes
In SQL script change any existing SiconWABStocktakeTraceItem IdentificationNo and ActualQuantity fields to ‘not null’ to match definitions if creating a new table.
Date applied: February 12, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#13113] Fix ‘Barcode not recognised’ if scanning a GS1 barcode using ‘Customer part number’ (AI-241) which includes a leading zero.
Date applied: January 30, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#12762] Fix Receive PO not storing use by dates when defaulted by shelf life for batch/serial numbers which are not auto-generated, #12762
- [#12835] Fix Build Kit not allowing user to enter use/sell by dates for finished goods if item is configured to auto-generate batch/serial numbers.
- [#11558] Fixed issue where when receiving PO direct to bin, and the user selected the Submit button multiple times, the purchase order line could be received multiple times incorrectly.
Date applied: January 29, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#12602] Fix app. ‘Hide fully received orders’ toggle no longer displaying outstanding orders when switched-off, Case 45402.
- [#12646] Fix Receive Container receiving the wrong quantity of goods when an alternative buying unit is specified for the PO line, Case 45311.
Date applied: January 29, 2025
Issues Resolved Dev NotesIssues Resolved
- [#11696] Added a new SOP, Advanced setting to filter the Barcoding desktop Sales Order List by past orders within a configured number of months. This is to resolve error ‘A database timeout has occurred …’ if searching large data, Case 43515.
- [#12569] Fix ‘Failed to unallocate all serial numbers …’ error when batch/serials are assigned at allocation and items have been picked in multiple steps, Case 45160.
- [#12161] Change ‘Assign sales orders stock from bin with full allocated stock quantity available’ configuration settings name to clarify no longer only applies to sales orders. This setting also applies to Stock Transfers.
Dev Notes
- Changed to reference NewtonSoft.Json version 11.0.2.
Date applied: January 15, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [#12490] Fix despatch sales orders (with a kit) assigned to a user listed on the hand held device for other users.
- [#12488] Fix Works Order picking in multiple picks causing works order line allocated quantity to become negative. This results in an unwanted/extra stock allocation if the works order is then Backflushed in Sage, Case 40907.
- [#12544] Fix Amend/View Sales Order Packaging tab not list kit component items, Case 45270.
Date applied: January 2, 2025
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Fix locks on Sales Orders not being removed if back button is pressed before load completes, the back button is no longer shown/available until the sales order has loaded, Case 44701 / #12220.
Date applied: December 11, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Fix Settings screen configurable description update process not running after configured analysis codes have been changed and related memory usage, #12482.
Fixed issue when a stock transfer for a particular item is picked into multiple boxes, and then packed onto a pallet, the box information would be lost when the stock transfer is despatched, #11369.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake ‘The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters …’ error if confirming a traceable item with more than 2100 batches/serials, Case 45265 / #12531.
Fix Amend/View Sales Order Packaging tab not list kit component items, Case 45270 / #12544.
Date applied: December 11, 2024
Issues Resolved Dev NotesIssues Resolved
Warehouse Transfer no longer moves allocated stock as this can result in sales order allocations moved to the transfer bin, Case 42450, #12140.
Fix Works Order un-issue batch/serial numbers not listed for traceable items, Case 44475, #12122.
Barcode scanning enforcement is no longer required when works order booking-in finished goods, Case 43378, #11688.
Added setting to force sales orders to despatch sequentially on a wave instead of parallel, #11630.
Dev Notes
Exclude user already logged-in, incorrect barcode scanned, data issue, bluetooth, etc. messages from app. center logging.
Date applied: November 27, 2024
Issues Resolved Dev NotesIssues Resolved
Fixed issue where when adding stock for a built item, the app wasn’t asking for serial numbers, #12132.
Fix Stock Transfer with Smart Picking ‘to pick’ quantity exceeding required transfer quantity, or greater than bin available stock if ‘pick oldest first’ is configured, Cases 44659 & 44666, #12162.
Fix Wave Pack ‘Cannot create location ‘Packed:SOP’ as the location is not a valid bin in the list of bin locations’ error if the bin does not already exist for the stock item, #11573.
Fix Works Order un-issue ignoring selected quantity, instead un-issuing total issued quantity, Case 44475, #12122.
Allow multi-select on Warehouse Notifications list so user can select several items for send to Excel.
Fix Stock Item Locations screen intermittent ‘Failed to create DataModel after 3 attempts …’ error.
Dev Notes
Add new SQL view ‘SiconWABKitStockTransView’ to link kit finished item stock transactions for traceable kit label printing, Case 44582, #12142.
Exclude various data and label printing error messages from app. center logging.
Date applied: November 27, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Batch attributes were not visible when building a kit with a traceable finished item, #11927.
If the override unit of measure was set to the same as the base unit, then sometimes the incorrect quantities on the purchase order was shown, #11717.
Date applied: November 13, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
When building a kit from barcoding, the stock attributes, sell by date, use by date and additional reference were not stored against the traceable item if the finished item is traceable, #11927.
Date applied: November 13, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Store app. version number on WAB user record at the point of login.
Issues Resolved
Fix Despatch Stock Transfer ‘Pallet ‘xxxxxx’ contains no items.’ error when scanning a pallet barcode and fix pallet/package not moving to the packed bin after packing, #11808.
When booking-in works order finished goods don’t allow the user to book a quantity greater than the expected on the works order unless the works order is ‘continuous’, Case 43625, #11772.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.63 or later
Date applied: October 30, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Store app. version number on WAB user record at the point of login.
Issues Resolved
Fix Stocktake item listed multiple times if more than one stock item image is stored against it, Case 44102, #11863.
We now check Sicon Document settings before filing a despatch note on the sales order, as Documents may do this for us, thus preventing duplicate documents, #11537.
Fix Despatch Stock Transfer ‘Pallet ‘xxxxxx’ contains no items.’ error when scanning a pallet barcode + pallet/package not moving to the packed bin after packing, #11808.
Fixed issue where user is trying to replenish stock but error ‘Free stock is not available from source bin’ was displayed. This was because some allocations were not moved with the stock transfer, #11743.
Fixed issue when picking traceable items onto a pallet. If ‘pack all items’ is selected error ‘Total of the batch quantities entered does not match the total quantity required’ appears, #11857.
Fixed issue where the traceable details were not showing correctly on the To Despatch tab on a sales order if packing is enabled, and packing multiple batches of the same item, #11857.
Fix Despatch Sales Order ‘SOPOrderReturn with DbKey = -xxxxxxxxxx was not found …’ error when SOP ID is greater than 2,147,483,647, Case 44287.
Fixed issue where use trying to replenish stock but an error was displayed ‘Free stock is not available from source bin’. This was because some allocations were not moved with the stock transfer, #11743.
Fixed issue when trying to complete a replenishment pick and an error was displayed ‘Value cannot be null’, #11924.
Fix PO receipt quantity calculated incorrectly if the stock item ‘unit of measure override on devices’ setting is configured with a unit where stock unit multiple is different to the base unit multiplier , Case 43680, #11717.
Stock item UsesUseByDate, UsesSellByDate, AutoGenerateNo & AllowDuplicateNumbers values are only set for traceable items. Required as these field values are retained after Sage changes a batch/serial item to non-traceable.
The Settings screen will now prompt to remove any non-conformance user if the TCS module is no longer installed/enabled.
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: October 30, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Added a ‘Pack all picked items’ option on a sales order wave.
Issues Resolved
Fix Dynamic Stocktake not adding batch/serial controller stock when using the ‘Add found item’ function, Case 43549.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.62 or later
Date applied: October 16, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
When printing labels from device store the label quantity on the ‘SiconWABTempLabel’ table.
Issues Resolved
Fix Dynamic Stocktake not adding batch/serial controller stock when using the ‘Add found item’ function, Case 43549.
Fixed issue when trying to put multiple traceable items away, but a message saying traceable item did not exist in the from bin, even though it did.
Fix works order un-issue ‘Object reference is not set …’ error if components were issued from a different warehouse to the on on the works order line, Case 41807.
If picking a batch item 3 times into 3 boxes, then we were getting a ‘serial selection failed’ error when using the ‘Pack all picked items’ option
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: October 16, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Add use by date and sell by dates to the stock enquiry screen batches/serials tab, Case 43231.
When picking/issuing works order components on the hand held device default batch ‘expected quantity’ to the full pick/issue quantity if only one batch is available for selection, Case 43624.
Issues Resolved
Fix Despatch Stock Transfer scan item ‘You must scan the Bin before the Stock Item’ error appearing despite the bin being previously scanned, Case 43276.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders validation error ‘Traceable quantity x.xxxxx does not match selected quantity x …’ during ‘Despatch All Packed Items’ when packing into boxes and selling unit varies from base unit of measure, Cases 42761 & 43543.
Fix Tote Pack items remaining in tote after packing into boxes, #11440.
PO receipt camera/photo button error handling added to trap error ‘Unfortunately, Sicon Barcoding and Warehouse has stopped’ crash, Case 43719.
Date applied: October 2, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Fix Despatch Sales Orders load sales order picking list ‘The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Decimal which is a non-nullable value type’ error if Kitting is enabled and there are missing SiconWABStockItem record(s).
Date applied: October 2, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Added ‘Wave Pack Complete’ option to close a wave after Wave Packing without despatching, #11355.
Issues Resolved
The Despatch Sales Orders ‘Change Delivery Service’ option is now only shown when Courier Integration setting ‘Show courier options at despatch …’ is configured, #11354.
App. start-up crash on ‘YC-1020NT” device and error handling added, #11434.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.60 or later (only for Courier Integration fix #11354)
Date applied: September 18, 2024
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
Change SOP item pick/pack auto label criteria to include box/package number to be printed on the label (where used this requires Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing Reports 221.0.12 or later), #9769.
Issues Resolved
Fix Stock Transfer with Smart Picking listing the same bin/stock more than once, case 29315 / #11322.
Fix customer specific invoice document/layout not being applied when SOP invoice printed is printed automatically after despatch from hand held, Case 43258.
Fix Stock Transfer with Smart Picking not suggesting first bin with available stock, #11322.
Fix duplicate records in SOP Packaging tab when ‘pack all picked items’ is used, #11362.
The Despatch Sales Orders ‘Change Delivery Service’ option is now only shown when Courier Integration setting ‘Show courier options at despatch …’ is configured, #11354.
To improve performance Despatch Sales Orders reads basic SQL view if stock item catch weight & van picking are not enabled, #11408.
The Web API Sicon Web Platform loaded modules list will now list the installed version number for Sicon.Sage200.WarehouseManager.WebAPI.
Software dependancies: App. (only for Courier Integration fix #11354)
Date applied: September 18, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Stock Transfer change to ensure that the items that appear in bin sequence, #11212.
Added bin filter on despatch Stock Transfer if more than one item is in a bin and the bin location is scanned, #10877.
If bin and stock item enforcement is on, and the item on the sales order is selected to pick, then the warning of the bin appears, but the stock item warning should not appear afterwards until we come to the actual pick screen, #11074.
Fixed Stocktake Recount screen expected quantity and the quantity counted overlapping, #9943.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.59 or later
Date applied: September 4, 2024
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
Web API performance – Added caching to the cache connection to ensure multiple calls for caching are not performed.
Standardised SOP Item Pick/Pack Auto labels, Box labels and Package Content labels to override label definition printer to user default label printer if configured, #11353.
Issues Resolved
Stock Transfer change to ensure that the items that appear in bin sequence, #11212.
When using smart picking and cartons, and all bins are the same priority, then we now pick from the bin with the smallest quantity first, instead of just alphabetically, #11258.
Fixed issue where all batches were shown on the device when counting a traceable item in a Sage Stocktake instead of just the batches in the bin selected, #9943.
Fixed error ‘Nullable object must have a value’ when loading a sales order with kit lines on. The issue was there was no promised date on the sales order line. We now use todays date when this is the case, #11231.
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: September 4, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
– fix(cache picking)[#11139]: Fix error ‘Stock allocation is no longer linked to sales order’ when packing all picked items and cache picking is on.
Fix error ‘Stock allocation is no longer linked to sales order’ when packing all picked items and cache picking is on.
All stock item label printing applies the ‘Default label required per batch’ when configured for the item
Fix ‘Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo.TraceableItem’ with unique index …’ error when adding traceable stock which has not previously been stored in the selected bin, but batch/serial exists in other bins
Date applied: August 20, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
All stock item label printing applies the ‘Default label required per batch’ when configured for the item
If Despatch Sales Orders displays the ‘Packages’ (Box Dimensions) screen is incorrectly, due to a slow device, don’t allow the user to confirm despatch a second time as this will cause error ”… the number of items to despatch is more then the number allocated’.
Date applied: August 20, 2024
New Features Change in Functionality ImportantImportant Info
New user access permissions for Weighing Scales, Multi Item Transfer, Single Item Transfer and Warehouse Transfer added, US 4513.
New Features
Backflush now applies stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received or backflush’, US 10995/10601.
Added a Release Group pick option to Wave Picking to release the user from that group, #10916.
Change in Functionality
Stocktake ‘Continue Count’ now retains any previously counted batch/serial quantities, US 5968.
Issue/Return Stock, any server-side errors are now shown + standardise error handlers, Case 41893.
Backflush Works Orders will now force batch/serial number entry or auto-generation if quantity is configured to default to stock item usual pallet quantity, #10995.
Wave Pack no longer prompts for package/box, US 10915.
Removed ‘Complete Wave’ option from Wave Picking when using split wave picking feature, #10916.
Package records linked to sales orders lost when coming out of wave, #10771.
Wave Picking with group cache picking, fix items not appearing when wave packing, #10963.
Date applied: August 7, 2024
New Features Change in Functionality ImportantImportant Info
New user access permissions for Weighing Scales, Multi Item Transfer, Single Item Transfer and Warehouse Transfer added, US 4513.
POP Goods Received no longer allows receipt into a ‘Sicon Picked Bin’, Case 41518.
New Features
Maintain Sales Order Waves list now includes ‘Expected Pickers’ (calculated based on wave total quantity and configured splitting quantity) and ‘Wave Description’ columns, US 10914.
Backflush now applies stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received and backflush’, US 10995/10601.
Added a Release Group pick option to Wave Picking to release the user from that group, #10916.
Change in Functionality
Fix Despatch Sales Orders with build kit ‘An item with the same key has already been added’ and ‘Issuing kit lines failed. Process was cancelled’ errors when the same item/batch exists on multiple kit component lines, Case 30139.
Edit Supply Details for Stock Item screen Barcoding setting is now shown if Sicon Documents is installed, US 10976.
Stock Shortage Transfers packaging tab/list is now populated for both non-traceable and batch/serial items. Previously it only listed traceable item packages, Case 37170.
Dynamic Stocktake now updates date of Last Stocktake if stock level remains the same + Dynamic Stocktake screen filters are no longer case-sensitive, Case 41613.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake Results reports not showing stock items where counted stock quantity matches expected quantity, Case 41451.
Removed ‘Complete Wave’ option from Wave Picking when using split wave picking feature, #10916.
Wave Picking with group cache picking, fix items not appearing when wave packing, #10963.
Group wave picking was splitting by number of lines instead of by the quantity of the lines, #10851.
Fixed split picking issue where pickers were given groups where all items have been picked when using the split picking into groups feature, #10695.
Fixed issue with part picking and cache picking on. The cache would regenerate each time, and the cache would go wrong, thus potentially displaying more items to pick, #10695.
Date applied: August 7, 2024
New FeaturesNew Features
Backflush now applies stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received’, US 10995/10601.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing or later
Date applied: July 31, 2024
New FeaturesNew Features
Backflush now applies stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received’, US 10995/10601.
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: July 31, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Apply stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received’, US 10601.
Backflush Works Orders will now default quantity to finished goods item usual pallet quantity if new configuration setting ‘Default backflush quantity to stock item usual pallet quantity in stock unit’ is enabled, #10600.
Issues Resolved
Receive Purchase Orders traceable items with compulsory attributes not entered are now highlighted with a red icon, Case 41476.
Despatch Sales Orders ‘Items in following locations’ list is now only shown if the move-to function/button is enabled in Barcoding, Settings, Sales Orders, Advanced settings, Case 41405.
Dynamic Stocktake transfer stock by batch/serial now only finds bins with a quantity in stock and default transfer to the existing batch quantity, #10621.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake ‘Index was out of range …’ error if batch weights are enabled for the stock item but no batch exist, Case 40777.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake ‘Add Found Item’ traceable item fix if a complex barcode is scanned which contains stock item code and batch/serial number & sets stocktake quantity to moved batch quantity, Case 40777.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake (with batch weight enabled) ‘Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation’ error when increasing batch/serial quantity after ‘Add Found Item’, Case 40777.
Date applied: July 24, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Add stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received’, #10601.
Backflush Works Orders will now default quantity to finished goods item usual pallet quantity if new configuration setting ‘Default backflush quantity to stock item usual pallet quantity in stock unit’ is enabled, #10600.
Issues Resolved
Stock item label configuration setting ‘Default single label on PO receive’ removed as now based on the value of recently added setting ‘Default label quantity on goods received’ (i.e. if one)), US 10601.
Made sure that the message to warn users that unissued works order lines will be reduced when booking in the finished item on a works order, #10595.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake transfer stock by batch/serial incorrect quantity, Case 40777.
Fix Receive PO not storing traceable attributes for auto-generated batch/serial numbered item without use/sell by dates, Case 41476.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake ‘Add Found Item’ traceable item fix if a complex barcode is scanned which contains stock item code and batch/serial number, Case 40777.
Date applied: July 24, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Works Orders book-in finished goods no longer allows the user to scan a different stock item to book, Case 38681.
Fix Single Item Transfer not listing any unallocated batch/serials for selection, US10490.
Fix Receive Purchase Order allowing users to receive traceable items with auto-generated batch/serial numbers, without entering compulsory batch attributes, Case 41476.
Add Stock backflush now prompts for component warehouse based on new ‘Select component warehouse when adding built item stock’ setting instead of ‘Prompt for traceable components when backflushing’ +
Fix Put-Away not listing any unallocated batch/serials for selection, Case 41304.
Fixed issue with building kits linked to sales order when despatching a sales order. If there was multiple allocations for the kit lines, the lines were not grouping properly, and thus the kitting info was lost. This would be a problem if the finished item for a kit was a traceable item, as the user would not be asked for the traceable details of the finished item, #5948.
Fix Receive Container pre-allocations list not list allocations if a stock item is linked to multiple purchase order lines, Case 41671.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.55 or later
Date applied: July 11, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Assign Pickers To Sales Orders screen ‘Ready To Pick’ column added to sales orders list (when ‘Ready To Pick’ is enabled in Settings).
Issues Resolved
Fixed issue with smart picking with carton quantity, and only a single bin with stock available, the full quantity to pick was not displayed, even though there is stock available, #10521.
Fix Single Item Transfer ‘Insufficient free stock and moveable allocations to move …’ error if duplicate batch/serial numbers are enabled, Case 40551.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake not including batch/serial quantities for new traceable items added using the ‘Add Found Item’ button/function, Case 40045.
Fix Receive Purchase Orders ‘The quantity entered is greater than the free stock at the location (Server 500)’ error when sales order pre-allocations exist for the item being received, Case 41125.
If new batch/serials are added using Dynamic Stocktake ensure any default batch attributes or use by dates are set, Case 40045.
Add Stock backflush now prompts for component warehouse based on new ‘Select component warehouse when adding built item stock’ setting instead of ‘Prompt for traceable components when backflushing’ and Don’t prompt user to select batch/serials if selecting a component warehouse, #10101.
Fixed issue where the sales order line is linked to a kit, and the quantity of the sales order line is increased, and then the kit quantity is increased, but when coming to despatch the sales order, an error was appearing saying ‘Issuing kit lines failed. Process was cancelled.’. This would happen if there is traceable kit lines, #5948.
Fixed issue when despatching a kit on a sales order line and the following error would appear: ‘There is insufficient quantity of the item with serial/batch numbers assigned at the location’. This would happen most likely if despatching multiple kits, with multiple allocations on the kit lines, #5948.
Fix Receive Container pre-allocations list not list allocations if a stock item is linked to multiple purchase order lines, Case 41671.
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: July 11, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Wave Pack user permissions added to Barcoding, Settings, #9768.
New setting/functionality added to ‘Force scan of package when picking/packing on sales order wave’.
New setting ‘Prompt for traceable components added to control selecting traceable components when backflushing a works order (replacing ‘Use Sage SOP stock fulfilment setting’), #10101.
When Barcoding Settings, Stock Control, Stock Settings, ‘When selecting stock item, default bin to ‘Unspecified” is configured show informational message on Backflush before selecting traceable components, US10101.
Issues Resolved
Change Despatch Sales Orders ‘Despatch Completed but Despatch Note Print failed …’ message to a warning, closing despatch page and returning to orders list.
Wave Pick stock item scan enforcement applied when configured, US9826.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.54 or later
Date applied: June 26, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Wave Pack function has been added to the hand held device main menu (when enabled in Barcoding, Settings, user permissions), #9768.
Waves that have been picked, can then be packed and despatched on the hand held device.
- Split waves into groups for multiple pickers, #9767.
- New setting/functionality added to ‘Force scan of package when picking/packing on sales order wave’.
- New setting/functionality added to ‘Assign build kits stock from bin with fill allocated stock quantity available’, #10579.
- New setting ‘Prompt for traceable components added to control selecting traceable components when backflushing a works order (replacing ‘Use Sage SOP stock fulfilment setting’), #10101.
- Warehouse notifications are now flagged as ‘deleted’ when cleared, not hard-deleted from the database, so available for reporting if required, #9802.
Did you know, we’ve added the ability to split waves into groups for multiple pickers?
When picking waves on the device, the system can split the wave, so that multiple pickers are assigned part of the wave to pick. Cache picking needs to be enabled in Barcoding SOP Settings and the relevant setting to split the wave by a quantity needs to be set.
When creating a wave via the create multiple sales order waves, the expected number of pickers show.
When selecting the wave on the device, the system will assigned part of the wave to the user. In the example below 4 lines with a total quantity of 12 have been assigned to the user for picking.
If another barcode user goes into the same wave, they are assigned the next part of the wave.
Issues Resolved
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (Server 500)’ if a box has been deleted but box/item still exists.
Fix wave creation ‘Attempted to divide by zero’ error and automatically set new wave ‘ready to pick’ if RTP is enabled for waves in configuration settings, #9767.
Maintain Sales Order move up/down buttons are now disabled if the default sort sequence is overridden by a column being clicked.
Fixed cache picking when picking waves. The caches were been deleted continuously, and therefore no gain was happening if cache picking was ‘on’ and removed the Delete Cache when clearing a user lock on a sales order or a wave as replaced with Clean Up Stale Cache process which is run afterwards, #9767.
Remove ‘stockItemWarehouseItemsLookup1’ from Stock Transfer form to fix build error following change in Common Components.
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: June 26, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Fixed object reference error when selecting a sales order when despatching a wave. This should bring up the sales order info, #10285.
Date applied: June 12, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Add new setting to control selecting traceable components when backflushing, #10101.
- Despatch Sales Orders stock item pick/pack automatically printed labels added, #9769.
- Wave Pick ‘Ready To Pick’ flag added along with the ability to move waves up/down in picking sequence, #9766.
- Maintain Sales Order Waves screen select/unselect ready to pick buttons added, #9766.
- After waves are created from the Create Multiple Waves feature, we now display the wave numbers created, and display the Maintain Waves screen, #9765.
- Works Order Wave order selection filters now include works order area – Allows works orders to be filters by area when creating a wave in Sage.
- Added the ability to auto print labels when picking or packing
- We have added the ability to auto print a label when picking or packing on a sales order on the device. This allows labels to be printed without the need for the handheld user to confirm the print. To use the feature, the SOP item pick or pack label needs to be enabled.
- Information around this feature can be found in the Utilities Settings – Labels of the Barcoding & Warehousing Help and User Guide.
- Added feature to split sales orders into multiple waves, #9765.
- A new method to easily create multiple waves in Sage has been added.
- A list of sales orders can be produced using multiple selection criteria such as order dates and analysis codes. Once the list is finalised, clicking on Proceed will prompt the user how the orders need to be split into waves.
- Clicking on Create Waves, then creates and displays the wave created.
- The maintain wave screen then opens.
- In this screen, waves can be set as ready to pick (when the ready to pick flag setting for waves is on), so they appear on the device. Waves can be re-sequenced (moved up and down) to control the order the waves appear on the device. The total value and quantity of the wave now show. Waves can now be re-opened from this screen. The wave description is set from the wave split criteria. It can be amended per the below example.
- The wave description has been added to the wave screen on the device.
- Information around this feature can be found in the Sage Menu – Waves – in the Barcoding & Warehousing Help and User Guide.
Issues Resolved
Fixed timeout issue when loading list of sales orders just before despatch of a wave, #10285.
Fix Receive Container ‘Unexpected error, POPToReceiveItemsAndSerials not found …’ when receiving a free text item/line, Case 40535.
Fix Maintain Sales Order Waves screen not populating assigned to user or wave status columns, #9766.
Fix Works Orders Book-in ‘Index was out of range …’ error when WOP is configured to set finished goods batch to works order number, #10314.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘Insufficient stock allocated in pick warehouse. If this is for a Sales Order, the line may be corrupt and require re-allocating’ error on pack if cached picking is enabled, the item is traceable and multiple stock item allocations existed at the point of picking, Case 28924.
Date applied: June 12, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Fix ‘Too many items have been scanned, please check the quantity’ error when scanning a complex barcode in Despatch Sales Orders ‘To Pack’ tab
Date applied: June 5, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Fixed timeout issue when loading list of sales orders just before despatch of a wave
Fix Receive Container ‘Unexpected error, POPToReceiveItemsAndSerials not found …’ when receiving a free text item/line
Date applied: June 5, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Added ability to allocate or issue to outstanding works order lines on goods received, or via a new menu item, #9728.
Issues Resolved
Despatch Sales Orders will no longer list any items allocated from a replenishment/picked bin as ‘picked’, Case 24625.
Single Item Transfer with ‘set required to batch to available quantity’ configured fix for ‘Unavailable Batch Items’ action failed error, Case 40033.
Fix Project Issue/Return when phases/stages/activities are enabled and an activity is selected before phase/stage + automatically default internal area if only one is configured, US 10110.
Date applied: May 22, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Added ability to allocate or issue to outstanding works order lines on goods received, or via a new menu item, #9728.
Did you know we’ve added the ability to allocate or issue to outstanding works order lines on the goods received?
When receiving a Purchase Order on the device, there is a new option to allocate or issue the receiving stock to a Sicon Works Order.
After receiving in the stock, the item can be selected and then allocated or issued to open works orders.
The feature is controlled by the following setting;
Find out more about this feature here.
Issues Resolved
Replenishment with Smart Picking enabled no longer moves individual future demand quantities, allowing partial/split SOP allocation quantities to be moved during replenishment, Case 33597.
Stop ‘picked’ bins being automatically deleted when movement balances are deleted, such as when PO Invoice Matching with unconfirmed costs configured, Case 39913.
Post Enhancement Pack ‘Staged Nominal Accrual’ (POP020) journal when Receiving Purchase Orders with a GRNI nominal code configured, Case 39169.
Fix Amend Despatch screen ‘No bin location found for StockItemDbKey – and WarehouseDbKey 0’ when amending despatch of a free-text sales order line, Case 31921.
If SOP Despatch is picked from a replenishment/picked bin reduce the replenishment quantity as stock will now have been moved, Case 24625.
Fix Update Companies ‘Invalid object name ‘SiconStockItem” error when creating SQL view SiconWABStockSettingView.
Fix Stock Enquiry by Traceable Item batch/serial barcodes not recognised, US 9926.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘Serial selection failed on item ‘xxxx’, identification no ‘xxxx’, bin ‘Picked:SOP’ – Of x.xxxxxxx supplied, x.xxxxxxx were unavailable’ when packing all items with traceable, US 10175.
Date applied: May 22, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Backflush Works Orders add stock now shows the quantity remaining to book-in, US 9701.
Issues Resolved
Single Item Transfer performance improvement if ‘Single stock transfer, set required quantity to current free/allocated total if batch is scanned’ is configured, Case 40033.
Fix package selection truncating ’01’ (etc.) leading characters when scanning box/package barcodes, Case 34536.
Fix SOP Despatch Packages ‘Object reference is not set …’ error if an unknown Box barcode is scanned.
Date applied: May 8, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Auto setting the despatch quantity to the picked quantity when despatching in Sage was not auto selecting the traceable details when selecting traceable items at despatch, #8224.
Issues Resolved
Fix Works Orders Book-In error if the finished goods stock item has compulsory batch attributes with default values (requires Sicon Manufacturing 221.0.66 or later), Case 39124.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘You cannot allocate more batch/serial numbers than are required’ error when adding a new item/line to the order and batch/serials are assigned at allocation, Case 39417.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘There is insufficient quantity of the item with serial/batch numbers assigned at the location.’ error on traceable item despatch when batch/serials are assigned at allocation, Case 39417.
Create new bin from device now allows multiple default/pick face bins to be created if Smart Picking is enabled, US 9783.
Date applied: May 8, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Added warnings when booking in works order finished item that component lines will be reduced or removed, if the relevant works order processing settings are enabled, #9112.
Added user permissions for WOP picking, issue, book, and backflush, #9113.
Pick Item now allows scrolling so usable in device landscape mode, US 9486.
Automatically close settings page after Refresh Application Data.
Issues Resolved
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘Sequence contains no elements ‘ error if stock control is configured to assign batch/serials at allocation and multiple SOP allocations exist for the same batch/serial number, US 9629.
Fix SOP Despatch app. crash if pack fails due to a server-side validation error.
Fix Stock Enquiry bin name truncation on the batches tab for long bin names, US 9705.
Fix Stock Enquiry ‘Barcode not recognised’ error if a stock item code containing a special character (e.g. ‘Ø’) is selected using the stock item list or barcode, Case 38837.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.49 or later
Date applied: May 1, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- If Sicon Documents is installed, and Despatch Notes are printed when despatching a Sales Order, they are now automatically stored in Sicon Documents and can be viewed in the Sales Order from the View Documents button. #9462.
- Added user permissions settings for WOP picking, issue, book, and backflush, #9113.
- We’ve added new WOP user settings for picking, issuing, booking and backflush, which allow greater control of handheld permissions.
The quantity left to backflush has been added to the backflush screen on the device; this indicates to the barcode user how much of the finished item is left to process.
We now honour the WOP setting to allow booking in the finished item before issuing all component items.
If not all compment items have been issued, warnings are now given when booking in the finished items, where the relevant WOP settings are enabled.
- Apply Works Order setting to allow booking in finished item before all items are issued, #9112.
- Purchase Order maintenance ‘Multiple Dates…’ button is now disabled, US 4427.
- Works Orders now allows the user to issue individual picked items/quantities – Allows individual works order lines to be issued on the device. (server 221.0.33 required).
Issues Resolved
Enter Sales Order Wave / Enter Works Order Wave now validate selected sales/works orders on save to stop orders being selected for multiple waves by users on different screens, Case 39323.
Fix Maintain Locations list red-cross if a zone was deleted while locations are linked, Cases 39760 & 39707.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘Sequence contains no elements ‘ error if stock control is configured to assign batch/serials at allocation and multiple SOP allocations exist for the same batch/serial number, US 9629.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders ‘Object reference not set …’ error when a sales order is selected and cached picking is enabled, US 9677.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders Pack All Picked Items ‘Sequence contains no elements ‘ error for traceable item when batch/serials are assigned at allocation, US 9618.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake ‘The highlighted items use batch/serial numbering and require numbers to be confirmed …’ error when reducing allocated quantity of a traceable item with batch/serials assigned at allocation, US 9631.
Fix Wave Pick showing incorrect packaging type in list of boxes/totes, Case 39014.
Software dependancies: App.
Date applied: May 1, 2024
New FeaturesNew Features
Inspection fail/pass now prompt to enter reasons based on configured stock analysis codes & write to warehouse notifications, US 8797.
Inspection failed prompts for warehouse/bin location if configured in Settings, US 8797.
Single Item Transfer, Put Away, Multi-Item Transfer & Warehouse Transfer now allow changes to traceable item batch attributes (see Dependencies), Case 38366.
Works Order Book-In now sets default use by dates for batch/serial items based on works order booking settings, Case 39283.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.48 or later
Date applied: April 17, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Settings screen Stock Control tab Analysis Codes tab/list added for Inspection results, US 8797.
Inspection fail/pass now prompt to enter reasons based on configured stock analysis codes, US 8797.
Single Item Transfer, Put Away, Multi-Item Transfer & Warehouse Transfer now allow changes to traceable item batch attributes (see Dependencies), Case 38366.
Replenishment now see any Customer Stock Allocations as ‘free stock’, allowing them to be moved as part of the replenishment process, Case 33597.
Amend Despatch from device now moves stock to the put-away bin, Case 38557.
Allow the user to change the courier when processing a Tote Pack, #8340.
Improvement to the inspection process
Improvements to the inspection process on the handheld have been made, so that inspection results can be recorded on the device. Stock transaction analysis records have been used to record the results; they are configured in Sage in the barcoding settings.
When inspecting the stock on the device and passing or failing the item, free text results can be recorded in the analysis fields.
These are visible in Sage in the stock history and also in the barcoding warehouse notifications.
More information can be found here.
In addition, there is now the ability when failing stock to move the stock into a warehouse of choice of the user.
This is controlled by the following barcoding POP setting.
Issues Resolved
Fix PO Receipt use/sell by dates not being stored against stock transactions for auto-generated batch/serial numbers, including default by shelf life if configured, Case 38274.
Fix Works Order book-in finished goods not storing alternative/additional reference for auto-generated batch/serial numbered traceable items (with batch attributes), US 9332.
Replenishment consolidation of picked quantities from different bins for the same target bin to stop the Replenishment put-away tab listing the same item multiple times if it will be picked from different bins, Case 33597.
Software dependancies: App. + Sicon Common Components 221.0.69 or later
Date applied: April 17, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Stock Enquiry by Bin show/hide zero stock bins filter added, Cases 31270/37091.
Issues Resolved
Scan Enforcement added to Build Kits for bin locations, US 8957.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.47 or later
Date applied: March 27, 2024
Issues Resolved New Features Change in FunctionalityNew Features
Stock Enquiry by Bin show/hide zero stock bins filter added, Cases 31270/37091.
Issues Resolved
Fix to smart picking and kitting where a line was displayed for each kit line allocation, instead of having the allocations grouped together to present one line on the device, #8984.
Change in Functionality
- Added the ability to see stock with zero quantity when enquiring on a bin on the device.
- Allows handheld users to see what stock items have been in a bin previously from the handheld.
Software dependancies: App. or later
Date applied: March 27, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Receive Container now sends multiple PO lines if applicable to the item being received, Case 37713.
Fixed error when wave picking multiple sales orders for the same traceable item in the same bin. If the order of the traceable items was selected in another order of the sales orders (selected traceables from the bottom up on the traceable selection screen), then we could get an error saying Failed to unallocate all serial numbers.
Fix Stocktake app. crash if lost server connection (‘Socket closed’) error occurs while updating stocktake values.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders complete wave & Despach Stock Transfer signature submission app. crashes ‘Socket closed’ or other network error occurs.
Fix ’02’ (or ‘241’) prefixes removed from box barcode when scanned during Despatch Sales Orders, Case 34536.
Backflush Works Order fix for possible works order ID corruption when foreign ID was replaced by SiWorksOrderFinishedItemTranID for label printing.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.46 or later
Date applied: March 20, 2024
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