Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Single Item Transfer print stock transfer label app-side functionality added, Case 30659 / US 5194.
Issues Resolved
Fix Wave Pick ‘Nullable object must have a value’ error if no promised dates set on sales orders in a wave, Case 32844.
Fix Despatch Sales Orders retaining user/order lock if Despatch Notification failure message is displayed after despatching, US 5781.
Fix Backflush Works Orders ‘Member access failed to compile expression’ error on works order selection if the finished goods stock item doesn’t exist in the hand held currently selected warehouse (server update to 221.0.27 is also required), Case 33584.
Add Stock and Receive Purchase Orders functions will now check use/sell by dates are entered for any batch/serial numbered items with use dates configured, US 5808.
Clarify ‘xxxxxx label definitions are not setup/enabled, see System Settings’ messages as some reported the wrong label type.
Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.27 or later
Date applied: September 13, 2023