Barcoding & Warehousing

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Issues Resolved New Features
New Features

Added the ability to take a photo on Wave Pick

If a photo is taken on a Wave, then the photo is stored against all sales orders on the wave, #8799.

When Sicon Documents is also installed, the handheld user can now take a photo during SOP wave picking. The photo is stored against all the sales orders on the wave. This feature can be used to provide photographic evidence of items that have been picked on the wave, which can be useful in order to avoid delivery disputes for example.

The picture can be viewed on the Sales Order in Sage.

Information around this feature can be found in the Wave Pick section of the Barcoding & Warehousing Help and User Guide.

Issues Resolved

Fixed error when Wave Picking multiple sales orders for the same traceable item in the same bin. If the order of the traceable items was selected in another order of the sales orders (selected traceables from the bottom up on the traceable selection screen), then we could get an error saying Failed to unallocate all serial number, #9050, Case 38122.
Fix Works Orders Book-In and Backflush incorrect works order finished item transaction ID returned in response if a ‘book in difference in cost’ transaction is written. This resulted in a ‘no data’ error at label printing.
If picking a Catch Weight item where the unit price has changed, then the unit price was reverting back to the default after picking. It now retains the unit price, #9076, Case 38581.
Price was changing when Catch Weight was enabled and we were part despatching, #9076, Case 38581.
Receive Container over-receipt issue fixed when multiple purchase order/line quantities are consolidated to a single receipt quantity for a stock item, Case 37713.
Fix pick unallocated stock ‘Bin ‘xxxxxx’ does not have sufficient free stock’ error + Intermittent issue causing order reported not found when scanning an valid sakes order barcode, Case 31522.
Fix Add Stock not saving batch attributes when item is configured for batch/serial number auto-generation, US 9233.

Software dependancies: App. or later

Date applied: March 20, 2024