New Features Change in FunctionalityNew Features
Add user setting Sort picking list lines/items by Sage order display/print sequence’ and apply when reading sales order picking lists, Case 29316.
Import Stock Item Settings now includes ‘Inspection Required When Receiving’ and ‘Stock Transfer Auto Issue On Receipt’ columns (SiconStockItem), US 5267.
Change in Functionality
Despatch Stock Transfer performance improvements for large amount of package/box data, Case 31274
Sales Order Despatch Cache Picking without Kitting fix to resolve ‘Method not found … SiconKitLine’ error
Delete traceable item bin SOP despatch check now only disables deletion of picked/packed/despatch bins + Store deleted bin details in SiconWABBinItemLevel records, Case 31439.
Fix View Stock Item Details ‘Error: A control named binRemoveButton could not be found on form ViewItemDetailsForm’ .
Cache Picking Lists clean-up extended for sales orders which are no longer being picked by ANY user. This forces a new cached picking list to be created next time the order is selected including any changes to bin/location sequences etc., Case 31435.
Add SOP Despatch Web API log informational message if any stock items are configured with picking priority overrides.
Fix Backflush Works Orders ‘You have entered a serial number that already exists for this item in the system. This stock item does not allow duplicate serial numbers’ error if finished goods batch/serial number is configured as a traceable item on the works order, Case 30803.
IsKittingEnabled flag read like instead of caching as this is not being set correctly on some sites.
Date applied: June 28, 2023