Barcoding & Warehousing

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Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix Dynamic Stocktake ”Cannot update Field (ItemDbKey) with a Null value, as it is marked as not accepting ‘Null’ values’ error if stock item product group is not configured to ‘Keep movement history’ + applied to other areas where the system attempts to update stock transaction history user name.
Fix SOP despatch additional item/line appearing on hand held device after picking two boxes.
Fixed problem where sales orders with only a standard item line with a service / labour item on was not displaying the sales order in the list to despatch on the device. The line would be flagged and Confirmation required when goods despatched.
Receive Containers on device will now include any container with no landed costs stored.
Fix SOP Despatch traceable item error if stock is configured to assign batch/serials at despatch and update when invoice is posted.

Date applied: September 1, 2021