WAP is a locally installed web based application designed specifically for real-time integration with Sage 200. Providing data entry and approval processing for business documents including Requisitions, Invoices, Expenses, Timesheets, Holidays, Sales Orders and HR. Approvals can be based on parameters such as nominal code, project/job, user, document type and value. Real-time analysis of committed costs, nominal and project actual costs against budgets.
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [LP] Fixed issue where the grids on the order view page were not picking up the theme.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on User Credit Card allocation page where the selected user’s allocated card list would be retained after closing and reopening the page – This would allow users to amend card allocations for users they haven’t selected.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with user Expense Type Wizard where existing Expense Type nominals would not be updated, but instead duplicated when the option to delete existing entries is unchecked.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with user Expense Type Wizard which would not apply the change to the Default nominal if the default nominal no longer matches the existing default and the option to delete existing entries is unchecked.
- [RB] Nominal Selection list on User Expense Type Wizard will no longer populate with blank records as there is no single Expense type specified to load nominals from.
- [RB] Resolved an issue when amending lines on Approved Requisitions already sent to Sage – After an amendment, the line and requisition will remain approved, which would cause the document to not require re-approval or update the amendment to Sage.
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Fuel Rate entry page which would encounter an object reference error when attempting to update a Fuel Rate History entry.
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet adjustment transactions not getting removed when Timesheet is reset.
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet adjustment lines not getting deleted when the Timesheet is deleted – This was causing adjustment transactions to remain after the timesheet was deleted.
Date applied: April 12, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when setting allowing amending delivery dates of approved orders, where amendment of the date would cause the line to be marked as unsubmitted. This would lead Requisition printing to fail because there are unsubmitted lines.
- [JSV] Fixed unprocessed Timesheet line hours method resetting hours to zero for hour entries that are being updated.
Date applied: April 12, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue in Invoice approval where credit notes with multiple lines e.g. split over multiple Projects, would display the line VAT value as zero
- [JSV] Fixed Projects transactions not being deleted for Timesheets when hours have been reduced to 0 prior to deleting
- [RB] Resolved an issue on timesheet entry where a user would encounter an index out of range exception when navigating between timesheets or saving an existing timesheet
- This occurs after remaining on the same page for a duration exceeding the server session duration or when the timesheets do not have the same amount of lines
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Sales order posting when the Sales Units are updated followed by updating the unit price would cause the sales order to post with the original unit price for the selected sales units
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Sales Order Stock entry where stock items would appear multiple times in the stock item selection if the stock item is available from multiple suppliers
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Budget Enquiry report where Actuals and Historical detail grid would not filter out transactions outside of current financial period when the budget settings to exclude them are enabled
Date applied: February 17, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense approval screen where the header Gross and VAT value would show the total of all the lines for approval by the specific user while the Net value displays for the expense total
- The header will now show Expense total for all lies
- [RB] Resolved an issue with requisition stock entry where the stock item tax rate would be selected by default rather than the supplier tax rate when the Sage company is not a GB company
- [RB] Resolved an issue when copying a requisition changing the supplier when copying, which would retain the Supplier contact details of the original Requisition’s supplier
- [RB] Resolved an issue on user edit page with mileage totals display, which would calculate based on the opening balance of the first entry in the opening balanced table, rather than the user’s specific opening balance
- [RB] Resolved an issue where documents would be automatically self approved when the system is configured to use normal approval values when the requester is also the approver and the submitting user has sufficient approval value for the applicable document type
Date applied: January 17, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Budget drilldown where WAP Requisitions with a status of Completed or Archived could potentially be included in the outstanding WAP Items calculation
- [RB] Resolved an issue where amending a posted Requisions from within Sage. If the line value is changed by changing the price, quantity or discount, the Line would be included in the outstanding WAP Items budget calculation
- [R] Resolved an issue on weekly timesheet entry where submission of timesheets would fail validation due to a missing Charge- or Cost Rate when Charge and/or Cost Rate columns are hidden
- [LP] Turning off the setting “Use Holiday workpattern when adding holiday to timesheets” will turn holiday workpattern shifts into timesheet workpattern shifts
- [RB] Addressed an issue in various Requisition, timesheet and expense reports and approval page grids. If there were multiple lines with the same costing header, costing item or nominal account, only the first line would display the details
- [RB] Resolved an issue on approval route report with Projects approval routes which would only show one of the configured projects if there is more than one project with the same description
- [LP] Fixed issue where timesheets would only post the am shift of a holiday day rather than both am and pm
- [RB] Resolved an issue on user edit page with mileage totals display, which would calculate based on the opening balance of the first entry in the opening balanced table, rather than the user’s specific opening balance
- [RB] Resolved an issue with document submission when the document type is configured to approve by document value rather than document item
- If the submitting user is in the approval route, the user self approval value would always be used regardless of approval option for self approval being set to user default approval value
- [RB] Resolved an issue with expenses and invoices created in WAP with descriptions exceeding 600 characters which would encounter an error during posting if Projects integration is enabled. This would create the transaction in Sage, but fail the document in WAP
- Clearing the error in WAP and reposting would create a duplicate entry in Sage
Date applied: December 24, 2021
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue where selecting to enter a Sales Order from the dropdown menu would instead open a new Sales Return
- [JSV] Fixed Works order transactions doubling up on approval and adding incorrect amounts when adding an adjustment
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added TLS version override setting to allow emails to use a specific security protocol when communicating with the mail server using SSL/TLS, accessible with security level of 2 or higher
Date applied: November 5, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when amending requisition lines or resetting approval routes after a job manager has been updated
- The amended Job Manager would not be used for determining approval routes until a Job has been reselected on the order line level
- [RB] Resolved a SQL syntax error when attempting to run Sicon Timesheets Project Summary report with a Header or Line status filter when using Sicon Timesheets
- [RB] Improved handling of User Expense Type import for “nominal” type record line imports if no nominal account details are entered to have a clearer error message
- [RB] Resolved a SQL syntax error on various Timesheet reports when using Sicon Timesheets and filtering by document status
- [RB] Resolved an issue on approval route creation screen where user type approval steps with mutiple user types would only display the first selected user type in the list
- [RB] Resolved an issue on city maintenance screen where a user would get an object reference error when attempting to amend the city name
- [RB] Resolved an issue when attempting to go to Create a new Sales Order/ Quote or Return as the first action after logging into WAP initially would lead to an object reference error or a SQL exception regarding an empty username
- [RB] Resolved an issue when converting a Sales Quote to Sales Order where the Sales Order will be awaiting approval, but the approval user would be unable to view the items for approval
- [RB] Resolved an issue with proposed payment notifications where awaiting approval notifications would be routinely removed from notifications list and emails
- [JSV] Fix projects cost rates not pulling in the correct employee rate when the slot indexes are not sequential
- [RB] Clarified the Event log entry when encountering a Sage 10053Exception (The nominal analysis total does not match transaction net value) while unholding invoices to clarify that there is an issue in the Sage business objects under certain circumstances for which there is no workaround
Date applied: November 1, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with requisition entry where users with access to multiple companies would potentially have their default company’s delivery and invoice address saved to the order when they have changed the order to a non-default company
- [RB] Resolved an issue when creating requisitions with zero value. The requisition will no longer be marked as deleted in WAP after being viewed in Sage
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Timesheet entry when Job Costing is enabled where lines put on using newly created non-default rates (Rate Index 16 and up) would not have a cost value
- [RB] Resolved an issue where auto email of PO orders at posting enabled would still attempt to email documents when SMTP email is disabled
- [RB] Addressed issues with requisition import email address validation.
- If the email address in Sage was invalid, the email manually entered in the import would not be evaluated.
- If more than one contact had the SendPLOrderTo role, a non-preferred contact could be used
Date applied: September 1, 2021
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with mileage entry where the regular commute on google maps control would potentially be miscalculated when using the HR module
- [RB] Resolved an issue on order view page where justification control could still be amendable when the order is no longer amendable
- [RB] Resolved an issue where supplier part numbers would not be saved on stock item order lines that were created from Project Requisitions
- [RB] Resolved an issue with mileage line entry page when Project accounting integration is enabled. Project and item selection control would remain empty when editing an existing line, which would cause the project details to be lost when saving the line after editing
- [RB] Resolved an issue on invoice view where invoice totals would display the sum of unrounded line tax values. This could lead to penny rounding issues on the display. Invoices would still post with correct values
- [RB] Requisition import validation is now correctly applied to nominal account details based on costing module, stock item nominal and warehouse nominal settings. Import template will now indicate that the account number is conditional
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition import validation which would allow users to import requisitions for warehouses not allocated to them when using user warehouse allocation
- [JSV] Resolved timesheet lines retaining old job manager when line is reset and the job manager on the job has been changed after it was originally created (Sicon Projects)
- [RB] Resolved an issue in expense approval when there are expenses awaiting approval in a User Type step which would cause the expense header to be repeated in the grid while not displaying all expense lines
- [RB] Addressed performance issue when opening Expense entry page as a user with a large amount of delegates which would lead to a large amount of unnecessary caching
- [RB] Clarified error message in Requisition import validation messages to clarify that a supplier is in an invalid format rather than just not specified
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Stock entry where a user viewing a stock item line for a warehouse not allocated to them when user warehouse allocation is enabled would see the warehouse ID displayed in the warehouse selection rather than the warehouse name
- [RB] Mileage imports will no longer check for duplicate records in import files. If a mileage is a duplicate of a mileage previously entered, the mileage import will be rolled back
- [RB] Addressed performance issue when saving Expense- and Mileage entry pages which would lead to a large amount of unnecessary caching
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Force admin user to change password if still the same as initial password or blank
Date applied: August 3, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed User costing item import throwing an error if there are duplicate costing items already in the database
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users with permission to self approve holiday cancellations would be unable to or need to manually approve after cancellation
- [JSV] Fixed Group nominals showing other document type values in the expense column in the budget drill down screen
Date applied: June 28, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue where an amendment to delivery address in WAP would not be reflected in Sage
- [RB] Resolved an when Approval Escalation is enabled and a Sage Connection is subsequently deleted, which would lead to a SQL connection error
- [JSV] Added an allowable warning to the service allow Batch/Serial numbered goods receipts where the total of the batch quantities entered is less than the quantity originally specified
- [JSV] Fix ‘User ID is not set’ error when performing a receipt from a notification link on the dashboard
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Approval history, Approval notifications and emails where fully approved absences would be reported as holiday requests
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition imports where Job Manager would not be set on imported lines
Date applied: June 11, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Invoice and Suggested Payments approval page when [Approve invoices “Select All” checkbox…] setting is turned on and a user has permission to approve selected
- It would lead to javascript errors, causing some data such as notes and approval history not to be loaded
- All records would be approved rather than only the records on the current page
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Suggested Payment view where amendments to the Payment- or Payment Discount value would be reverted as soon as the detail section gets expanded
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Budget Enquiry screen where nominal transactions could be duplicated when Documet Integration is enabled
Date applied: May 14, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Requisition posting now sets the POPOrderReturnID on the transaction after posting (Sicon Projects)
- [JSV] Remove holiday request lines from timesheets when using the ‘Remove’ button for completed holidays
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Requisition entry where stock items would not be returned if the selected Product group can’t be selected for Sales Orders
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition Delivery address selection where changing to “Free Text” address would not clear previously populated address details
Date applied: May 7, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Improved validation in User Starting Holiday Import to identify overlapping holiday requests
- [RB] Resolved an issue with “Timesheets Approved By Me” quick link causing en exception when using Sicon Timesheets
- [RB] Resolved an issue on various search pages where some records would be duplicated when more than one company is allocated to some users and Projects or Timesheet integration is enabled
- [RB] Resolved an issue on invoice approval when editing the nominal on the last line of the invoice to a nominal that requires approval by a different user would still leave the invoice available for approval by the current user on the page
- [RB Resolved an issue on pages where there are multiple nominal selections where setting the nominal on one selection would afftect the selected nominal on the other selection
- [RB] Resolved an issue when entering Sales Order stock items where Sage CRM related settings would be applied even when Sage CRM integration is not enabled, causing some fields to remain read-only
- [RB] Resolved a issue where users with permission to amend Sales Orders already posted to Sage would be unable to do amendments
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition import where Phases, Stages and Activities would fail validation unless entered in all capitals
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition Import where Phases, Stages and Activities would not be saved to lines despite successfully validating
- [RB] Resolved an issue on invoice approval when editing lines which would cause the item to be reset to a different user due to a different approval route
- If the new approval route is invalid, users will now be notified that they will need to correct the approval route issue and manually resubmit
Date applied: April 30, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved various issues with expense import
- Users could not import expense type lines unless a mileage amount was entered
- Object reference not set exception would be encountered when the expense type entered is not selectable by the user
- Users can no longer import expenses outside of expense date range restrictions
- When no nominal details are entered in the import and the specified user expense type does not have a default nominal, the expense will no longer be created without a nominal
- [RB] Removed the ability to amend order lines that have been fully received, but has a receipt that can still be amended. Sage objects do not support this
- [RB] Added validation to Order creation Templates to better handle changes to underlying data such as Warehouses and stock items, which would cause errors when creating Stock Item lines
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would be able to submit a Requisition created from a template without a nominal account allocated on each line
- Users will still be able to create the Requisition, but no longer submit it until the validation issues have been addressed
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition approval page when clicking the budget link on lines which would cause an exception that there are duplicate records in the database
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Budget drill-down viewer where the Parent- or reporting group panel would be highlighted as over budget even when budget checking is disabled for the parent- or reporting group
- [RB] Resolved an issue with timesheet approval using Sicon Timesheets where using Reject All functionality would redirect to reject page, but not display the lines for rejection
- [RB] Resovled an issue with HR Job Role allocation where setting a job role for a user as default would remove the default flag for all other user role allocations
- [RB] Resolved an issue on requisition entry where nominal batch update popup would not be displayed when clicking “Update Nominals”
Date applied: April 16, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Requisition line will now record the manufacturers part number if there is no supplier part number
- [RB] Resolved an issue with timesheet approval where using Reject All functionality would redirect to reject page, but not display the lines for rejection
Date applied: March 25, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Added export and customisation buttons to enhanced Holiday entitlement report
- [RB] Resolved an issue on invoice approval screen where updating notes followed by approving a line for an invoice with a single line would not remove the invoice from the grid
- [RB] Resolved an issue when amending a Requisition Free text- or Stock Item line which has already been fully received which would cause the order in Sage not to update
- [RB] Resolved an issue on payroll processing reports where marking as processed while the grid is grouped would not set all expense statuses to Completed
- [RB] Resolved an issue in Timesheet Totals report which would return timesheets for all users rather than just for delegate users when using Sicon Timesheets
- [JSV] Fix sql error when filtering ‘Invoices I have approved’ by ‘My delegates’
- [RB] Resolved an issue when amending invoice lines for invoices entered in sage where the tax a analysis and/or nominal analysis was split would cause an object reference not set exception
- [RB] Resolved an issue where the selected menu item on screen would highlight the wrong menu item when navigating to the Goods Received screen
- [RB] When importing credit card statements while using Sicon Projects, the generated expense lines will have the default Project, cost header and activity allocated
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Sales order stock entry with price discounts enabled when making multiple changes while entering the line
- If a change would change the applied discount such as an increased unit quantity, a subsequent change that would still fall in the same discount would cause the discount percentage to be 100%
Date applied: March 19, 2021
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when importing user self approval values when the userselfapprovalvalue table contains a record joined to a user that has been deleted from the user table would encounter an exception
- [RB] Resolved an issue when sending a welcome email during new creation would not mark the user as having received a welcome email
- [RB] Option to send welcome email on user edit page will no longer be visible if SMTP email is disabled
- [RB] Improved page load speed of User Edit page
- [JSV] Fix Goods received history report not allowing the orderID to be sortable
- [JSV] Fix Goods received history report export not including the OrderID
- [JSV] Fix Timesheet totals report missing off the last record
- [JS] Switched the filename for attachment extension collection for the app to not use the original filename as WAP appends text to end of the filename which stope the extension of the filename being collected
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] new enhanced Holiday entitlement report added
Date applied: March 8, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition entry when selecting a default project header where selecting the project address as delivery address wouldn’t automatically set the default address from project default
- [RB] Resolved an issue where editing a user directly after creating would not populate the default user type on the User Edit Page
- [RB] Resolved an issue with timesheet submission with Sicon Projects when a user submits the timesheet when resubmitting a timesheet after a Project for a previously approved has been closed would fail validation
- [JSV] Removed export options for ‘cost to complete’ and ‘Project summary’ from the project enquiry screen if the tabs are disabled. Attempting to export these with no visible grid was creating a corrupt excel file
- [RB] Resolved an issue where credit notes entered in Sage would have the Tax value saved as a negative amount
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Sales Orders/Quotes when using Segmented addresses where the City and County fields would not be populated
Date applied: February 24, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Improved page load times for systems with large amounts of users or user types
- [RB] Improved page load time of User Edit page for systems with large amounts of users or user types
- [JSV] Fixed error ‘Duplicate records found for specified criteria’ being shown when saving a requisition line as a user that has access to a nominal for more than one document type and budget checking turned on
Date applied: February 18, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed “object reference not set” error when running a timesheet submission report and the first user in the list is a leaver
- [JSV] FIx Holiday entitlement report not bringing in mandatory holiday hours
- [JSV] Fix Holiday entitlement report calculating taken days incorrectly for past entitlement periods
- [JSV] Fix user holiday entitlement widget not calculating mandatory hours on the lines display using the work pattern shifts
- [RB] Resolved an issue on timesheet approval which would cause an error when using the “Approve Selected” approval if one of the timesheets have an approval validity issue
- [RB] When there are approval validity errors on timesheets relating to Sicon Projects, a more detailed description will be displayed, including a line number
- [RB] Resolved an issue where VAT only expenses would not post to Sage
- [RB] Resolved an issue on invoice amendment when Sicon Projects is enabled, Approval route is by Job Manager and the amendment results in a change to the effective Job manager. The Job Manager would not be updated on the line and resubmitting the invoice would still use the approval route for the old Job Manager
- [RB] Users will no longer be able to delete all lines when editing existing invoices
- [RB] Sales order batch grid will now pick up the default SOP project header
- [RB] Resolved an issue where some requisition stock Item visibility settings were being applied to Sales Orders
- [JSV] Fix ‘An error occurred trying to load controls’ error when saving cost to complete changes with no hours column showing
- [JSV] Fix Cost to complete prompting for reason for change when editing future periods
- [JSV] Prevent error message when service is processing cost to complete lines saying that ‘update status Error is not supported’
- [JSV] prevent cost to complete lines that can’t be updated from being editable and mark as ‘display only’
- [RB] Users will no longer be able to enter expenses where the VAT amount exceeds the Gross value entered on the expense line when they have permission to amend tax values
- [RB] Hidden import template information on credit card statement import page as they do not apply to credit card imports
- [RB] Resolved a requisition issue when amending description for free text items that have been fully received but not invoiced yet where amended item description would not be updated in Sage
Date applied: February 15, 2021
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Prevent Receipts from background saving when adding attachments. This was causing receipts with no supplier document number that never posted if they were not then subsequently saved
- [JSV] Fix Requisition print not using City and County for supplier address when using Segmented addresses in Sage
- [JSV] Fixed Approval route advanced option not clearing list on close so the same selections appear even when switching between userlist and usertype
- [JSV] Fixed text layout on advanced approval route options being bunched up
- [JSV] Fixed advanced approval options not always checking usertype approval roles for:- Proposed payments, Project requisitions, Absences, Construction applications or expense suppliers when building the list of allowed users/user types
- [JSV] Fixed Invoice filtering on ‘existing invoices’ not returning the same results as ‘Invoices I have approved’ when filtering on ‘I have approved’, ‘All Users’ and ‘include completed’
- [JSV] Sales order now validates the customer order reference is not more than 30 characters when saving
- [RB] Resolved an issue where an approval would be stuck in a loop when a route is configured for requester followed by a single user step with the requesting user when the user does not have sufficient approval value
- [RB] Resolved an issue with approval routes when a requisition with multiple items is to be fully self approved
- If the currency associated with the selected supplier has an empty symbol field, only one line would be authorised while other lines would be set on the standard approval route
Date applied: January 21, 2021
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix Sales order batch line entry not defaulting to Stock item nominal account
- [RB] Resolved an issue when posting invoices or expenses a newly created WAP User which would lead to an object reference exception until the WAP service has been restarted
- [RB] Resolved an issue where approving document for a newly created user could lead to Object reference errors in the WAP service
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] If a nominal selection only has a single nominal it will be selected by default (Sales orders and requisitions)
Date applied: December 18, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on address selection when selecting a Project Address where the contact name and telephone number would not be populated
- [JSV] Fix issue where amended a submitted timesheet that has posted committed hours and changing the job would leave orphaned hours on the original job
- [RB] Resolved issue when performing goods received for requisition entered by a different user when system is configured to hide Requisition numbers (Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero)
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project accounting Project Item selection where the items would display multiple times in the selection dropdowns
- [RB] Resolved an issue where performing receipts directly from a “Goods Received” reminder would prompt a user to select a Sage Database when attempting to save the receipt
- [RB] Resolved an issue with mileage expenses where lines split due to bridging rate cutoffs would not have any approval history for the new split line
- [JSV] Pay rate ID was being set by the timesheet line creation method from the app to the cost rate ID and caused project accounting issues when posting timesheets
- [JSV] Fix Supplier dropdown being cleared on requisition view when ‘Show Goods Received’ button is clicked
- [JSV] Hide over budget flag on requisitons view when budget checking is not being used when submitting requisitions
Date applied: December 14, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Goods Dispatched screen where Quotes would be included in the list to be dispatched
- [JSV] Fixed error when running expense report for ‘my delegates’ with no approval option selected.
Made the approval option mandatory as it is required - [JSV] Fixed Sales orders not setting nominal account on lines
- [JSV] Fix duplicate reversals when deleting a timesheet line using the timesheet adjustment
Date applied: December 3, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Sales order default warehouse will pick up the User’s default SOP warehouse if it exists in preference to the Default delivery warehouse
- [BF] Allow warehouse to be removed from delivery addresses in WAP when editing the address
- [BF] Resolved an issue in the WAP service that could cause converted Quotes to remain live after the Sales order has been posted
- [JS] (App) Project accounting collection method updated to be more efficient and able to use a date filter
Date applied: November 23, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved issue on Budget Enquiry screen where order lines not sent to Sage would be included in the WAP Pending Requisitions total
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Order view where deleted lines would not be displayed when the system setting to show deleted lines by default is enabled
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Sales Order and Quote page where the “Reset Lines” would remain enabled even when the document had already been approved
- [RB] Users will now be able to make amendments to Sales Order until the point that they have been approved. This includes actions such as resetting the approval for a line
Date applied: November 19, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when attempting to submit or approve invoices created in Sage where the Nominal analysis lines do not match the tax analysis values E.g manually changing the VAT amount or splitting the Tax analysis into two lines
- Validation will no longer check that the invoice line has a tax rate, as there is no direct match to a tax rate
- [RB] Resolved an issue with invoices created in Sage where the Goods value would be saved incorrectly (Goods value doubled)
- [RB] Gross Value and Tax rate columns will no longer be displayed on invoice view and invoice approval for invoice lines when the invoice was created through Sage
- [RB] Fixed naming inconsistencies on User Page relating to Document and Self approval values imports
- [JSV] Changed wording on ‘Invoice on hold’ email from ‘Good day’ to ‘Dear’
- [JSV] Fixed Approval route report not always showing approver if it is list of approvers
- [JS] (App) Mileage line issue if WAP mileage line nominal source was set to user default and expense line was set to expense type. Actually always has been a problem if mileage nominal source was different from expense line
- [RB] Resolved an issue with detailed Budget enquiry where populating data would encounter an invalid case exception when the budget calculations required inclusion of any invoices or credits not marked as completed
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Layout change to user import/export section for easier navigation
Date applied: November 9, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Resolved an issue where an upgrade requiring a database update could reset the variance percent or value
- [JSV] Fix project accounting tree view not returning any items if the user has access to all.
- [JSV] Set Sales Quote as completed when converting to a Sales Order.
- [JSV] Fixed expense approval not showing .rtf attachments and causing all attachments for the expense to not be visible
- [RB] Resolved an issue with approval where approval routes are set up for requester as first step and single user as second step
If the user in the second step requests the document, the approval will encounter an invalid approval route after first submission, but correctly follow an approval route once reset - [JSV] Fixed Timesheet Employee Charge rate method returning the payrates instead
- [RB] Resolved an issue on rapid timesheet entry where daily notes would not be updated when saving if there is a comma in the description
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Service will now attempt to unbind any certificates from the mobile service port before binding if using SSL
Date applied: October 30, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix Approval route report SQLView not correclty linking the nominal accountID resulting in incorrect values in certain circumstances
- [JSV] Employee rates now only cached for 5 mins meaning changes to rates in Sage are picked up quicker in WAP
- [JSV] Change Date column header on transaction screen to read ‘Tran. Date’ to match Sage
- [JSV] Fix delegate dropdown navigating to login when the delegate theme doesn’t exist
- [RB] Resolved an issue where non-system users would be able to log in despite there being a system message preventing login after their third attempt at logging in while login is prevented
- [RB] Resolved an issue on mileage line entry where the selected project would not be retained after a line save if the Expense posting method is set as “invoice”
- [JSV] Fix Sales order stock item selection warehouse not always finding the user’s default warehouse
- [JSV[ Fix Sales order stock item selection warehouse selection getting cleared after being set by stock item default
- [JSV] Fix Sales order stock item selection not updating the warehouse stock quantity labels when changing the warehouse
- [JSV] Fix Sales order batch stock entry not loading warehouses when using user allocated warehouses
- [JSV] Removed ‘job Phase’ column from sales order batch entry page and replaced with popup activity selection (job costing)
- [JSV] Fix attachment control causing page load issues (e.g. expense not showing save buttons) when the documents folder not set
- Control will now be disabled and will display a hover over notice that the file path has not been set
- [JSV] Fix phases and stages popup appearing when a project only has one default activity
- [JSV] Fix invoice getting picked up for approval in WAP before the variance information set causing invoices to be incorrectly automatically approved
- [JSV] Fix Invoice sometimes being sent to default approval route event when custom approver is selected when entering invoice in Sage
- [JSV] Fix invoice added in Sage with multiple lines not adding tax information to the lines and not picking up approval route in WAP
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Sicon timesheet migration will delete empty duplicate timesheets on validation
- [JSV] Sicon timesheet migration checks for any resource hours when validating
- [JSV] Sicon timesheet migration checks for any work pattern rules when validating
Date applied: October 14, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue where non-system users would be able to log in despite there being a system message preventing login after their third attempt at logging in while login is prevented
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Restricted Nominal maintenance where validation errors such as attempting to add a nominal that is already restricted would stop the user from adding a new record, but no notification would be displayed to the user
- [RB] Fixed typo on Reports Edit page “Expense Vourchers”
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added Default project dropdown to requisition header. This will set defaults for lines and determine the project address list
Date applied: September 25, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix Enhancements ImportantImportant Info
- [RB] In order to enter an invoice with split Tax analysis, the nominal analysis needs to be split on a 1:1 basis with each nominal analysis item having a goods value matching the goods value for a tax analysis
Issues Resolved
- [JSV] Improved the speed of the order selection popup for the ‘record PO invoices’ page when there are a lot of orders
- [NFS] Resolved an issue when recording invoices against a PO with no commercials where a variance line for 1p could be added in some instances
- [NFS] Resolved an issue with PO gross value where the amount could be out by 1p
- [NFS] Resolved an issue with Invoice gross value where the amount could be out by 1p
- [RB] Resolved an issue when approving timesheets where the hours notes would display notes from the incorrect line once a line has been approved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when attempting to save or submit a rapid timesheet when there is no costing module enabled where a user would still be prompted to select a cost header
- [JSV] Allow LineID to be selected from the column chooser for Order approval report
- [RB] Addressed an issue encountered when entering an invoice in Sage when the tax analysis is split into multiple items and one or more of the items have had their tax value manually amended to a value different from the calculated VAT
- [JSV] Fix Sales order line picking up the default expense nominal rather than the default revenue nominal when using project accounting
- [RB] Resolved an issue with requisition import template where the Stock Warehouse would evaluate against the Warehouse Description when entered on the header, but the Name when entered on the line
- Both will now evaluate against the Warehouse Name
- [RB] Resolved an issue with requisition import where validation would fail if a unit price is not specified and no stock item pricing could be found. Items will be created with unit price of zero in this instance
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [NFS] Changed the system to change a completed order to approved when commercials is not in use and the invoice recorded against the PO is deleted before its approved
- The order and receipts will now become available to record a new invoice against
Date applied: September 18, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix issue where approval route report would sometimes show the user’s default approval value rather than the specific nominal account approval value
- [JSV] Fix error when showing Projects hierarchy when the SQL server is 2015 or earlier
- [JSV] Fixed Sage admin quick link ‘All items’ for customer/supplier/stock item only returning items for the current user rather than all items
Date applied: September 8, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when attempting to view the budget drilldown on a requisition line when a user has access to a nominal account that has nominal item values for the same nominal with different document types
- [RB] Resolved an issue with holiday request approval where users entering timesheets with multiple allocated companies would only have the holiday timesheet line added to one non-default company
- [JSV] Fix timesheetline report grid not populating the ‘project phase’ column unless a phase selected
- Changed the caption to ‘Project Level’ and populate with full phase/stage/activity information
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Sales Order stock entry where selecting a warehouse would remove all other warehouses from the selection until the stock item has been re-selected
- [RB] Sales Order stock entry will no longer hide additional columns in warehouse dropdown when user warehouse allocation is enbaled. These columns are “On Order”, “In Stock”, “Allocated”, “Free Stock” and “Re-Order Level”
- [RB] Reduced the amount of database calls required to populate and select from the warehouse combobox
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added ‘Project level’ column to Timesheet line summary report
Date applied: September 3, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Removed system message login prevention expiry limit of two hours (system accounts can still log in)
- [NFS] Resolved an issue in the job costing budget checked where the job header budget would not be read if there were multiple items in the job using the same job header
- [NFS] Resolved an issue in the approval route wizard where the job manager step was not detecting the selected job managers
Date applied: August 26, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix Enhancements ImportantImportant Info
- [RB] With new installations, the Created Fuel Rates will be created with a fuel component value of zero. These will have to be configured before mileage can be entered
Issues Resolved
- [NFS] Resolved an issue in the sales order process where the requested date was not being set on the line if not set to auto populate in WAP. Also changed the requested and delivery dates around on the lines as the delivery date on sop lines is the promised date, not the requested date. the requested date will be set the same as the header.
- [RB] Made a change to the way in which VAT is calculated on business mileage on a company vehicle
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Stock Item creation due to a tax rate lookup error in the WAP service
- [JSV] Fix self billing invoice not picking up the job costing information, causing it to go to the wrong approver
- [JSV] Invoice process checks that construction is installed before trying to process CIS invoices
- [JSV] Prevent service erroring when posting sales order shipping information if distribution is not installed
- [JSV] Fix project requisition including ‘revenue’ costheaders
- [JSV] Fix sales order batch entry including ‘cost’ costheaders
- [RB] Resolved an issue on vehicle edit page when more than 10 users had the vehicle allocated where the grid displaying allocated users would return empty when attempting to view users on pages after the first page
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Remove phase dropdown selection from project requisition and allow activities to be selected
- [JSV] Add job hierarchy hover over to project requisition lines
- [JSV] Add Job level column to project requisition approval page
- [JSV] Add Job level column to project requisition report
Date applied: August 20, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with user nominal import where nominal item values would be created without a UserID allocated
- [RB] Amended requisitions will have the email resent after approval with the amended Requisition attached if the system is configured to automatically send documents from the service
Date applied: August 20, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix issue when editing an invoice waiting for approval and using job costing. Job headers were being filtered by JobType ‘E’. The filter has been removed so all headers the user has access to are shown
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where job costing job headers were ignoring the header type (cost/revenue) if the user had access to all headers/job types and returning all job headers
- [RB] Resolved an issue with user nominal import which would cause the import to become slow or unresponsive if there is already a large number of approval values in the database
- [JSV] Fix project requisition resetting approval routes when save only is clicked if the current user is an approver
- [JSV] Added a dynamic hint to the save button for project requisitions to let the user/administrator know if the status will change when saving
- [JSV] Added message to let the user know that the project requisition submission is cancelled when they edit and save a submitted order
- [JSV] Fix bug where holiday entitlement calculation was including holidays not yet taken as completed
- [JSV] Fix holiday approval screen not showing request as extension when the existing request was after the new request
Date applied: August 5, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Prevent bank holiday tool from processing adding bank holidays if there is no default holiday project
- [JSV] Prevent user accessing job costing list when they have no sage companies assigned
- [JSV] Fix Job costing project tree selection not filtering by job item type (Expenses, Labour etc) and showing all job headers
- [JSV] Fix Job costing project tree selection not setting the default nominal correctly
- [RB] When viewing an existing requisition, the Edit/Delete command buttons will no longer be displayed if a line can not be amended, rather than allowing the user to click the button, but display a warning or do nothing
- [RB] Minor change to logic on requisition line amendment pages when attempting to modify quantities on line items for Requisitions that have already been posted, based on item receipt/invoiced logic. This will more closely replicate the process as it currently exists in Sage
- [JSV] Make sure Job costing project tree returns a list when the headers are filtered on the job
- [JSV] Fix error occurring when adding a timesheet line rejected reason that is too long for the database. Entry is now validated and a warning will pop up
Date applied: August 4, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on user entry where a SQL out of range exception would be encountered when saving the user without having selected an employment start date
- [RB] Resolved an issue on goods received screen where the sage database selection on the amendment tab would not be populated
- [JSV] Fixed compile error when closing Holiday month end page
- [JSV] Fixed Nominal account selections not correctly looking up user nominals when user has specific nominals assigned.
Affected several places including Project requisitions, SalesOrder stockbatch grid, budget enquiry and Supplier applications - [RB] Resolved an issue when trying to create a new user when there is one remaining active user e.g. 9 of 10 licences are in use. The newly created user (user 10) could only be created as a user without logjn permission
- [RB] Resolved an issue which may cause users to encounter an object reference exception when navigating to the goods received page via a route which did not require them to select a sage database e.g. directly from a goods received notification
- [JSV] When an invoice gets pulled in to WAP for approval, if there are multiple tax trandsaction entries they are multiplied by the DocumentToBaseCurrencyRate figure
- [JSV] Fixed Requisitions not pulling in supplier contact email address if they have more than one address. It will now pull in the first address it finds ordered by ‘Preferred address’
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where if an invoice had tax applied to only part of the total goods value, WAP was applying the tax rate to the whole amount when bringing the invoice in to be approved.
- [JSV] Fix WAP Project items not being listed after adding for users either by wizard or user edit
- [JSV] Fix user costing report not showing WAP projects
- [RB] Resolved an issue on non working holiday entry where a user would encounter an object reference exception when attempting to create a new holiday on the same day as an existing “All countries” holiday
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would be unable to create any non working holidays for country “all” apart from the automatic bank holiday generation tool
- [RB] Resolved an issue which would cause an object reference not set exception when attempting to delete a non working on mandatory holiday when Sicon Timesheets are enabled
- [RB] Resolved an issue on user vehicle allocation when more than 10 vehicles are allocated to a user which would cause the administrative user to be unable to see allocated vehicles after the first page of the allocated vehicles grid
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Goods receipt where clicking Receive all on an order that has at least one line that requires no confirmation in addition to a receivable line would fail validation, stating that multiple confirmation types are not allowed
- [JSV] Fix ‘custom user nominal value’ report not displaying data when no users or no database detected
- [JSV] Fix ‘nominal accounts list’ report not showing data if no user selected
Date applied: July 27, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Invoices to be sent to WAP for approval now have their goods value checked against the line total before they are posted to WAP
- This means if an invoice is picked up before the lines have finished being added in Sage it will wait for the next cycle
- [RB] Resolved an issue where invoices imported in Sage would be imported into WAP for approval despite being imported as approved in Sage. Although there is a configured delay in WAP in excess of the processing time of the import, the invoices would still be imported into WAP. This was caused due to Sage importing invoices with a created date with UTC base. This means that during British summer time, they are created an hour in the past
Date applied: July 13, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Resolved an issue on sales order entry where the job header selection would not load
Date applied: July 9, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Resolved an issue on requisition line entry where the stock item selection control would not disable after the line had been sent to sage
- [JSV] Fix approve supplier valuations not showing application attachments added in WAP
- [JSV] Fix ‘object reference not set’ error occurring occasionally when adding attachment to supplier application when converting from subcontractor order
- [JSV] Fix supplier application only logging the first attachment when adding multiple attachments before the application is saved
Date applied: July 8, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Change wording on dashboard from “Construction Supplier Applications” to “Construction Supplier Valuations”
- [JSV] Fix link from “supplier application Valuations” number on dashboard going to the wrong page (stock item approvals)
- [JSV] Change menu item text from “Approve Supplier Applications” to “Approve Supplier Valuations”
- [JSV] Fix Dashboard link for supplier application to approve not redirecting anywhere
- [JSV] Fix New Subcontractor order attachment getting reset when a new line is added
- [JSV] Added paperclip icons to subcontractor orders if they have attachments
- [JSV] Fix rapid timesheet line hour notes retaining value in the popup editor when switching sagedatabase/timesheet
Date applied: July 6, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with import warehouse addresses from sage where it was not excluding deleted delivery addresses from the check which would caused duplicates when imported again
- [NFS] Resolved an issue on timesheet entry where the notes on the header were not saved when the timesheet was first submitted
- [JSV] Fix Sales order discount not resetting when unit price set to 0. This was causing a divide by 0 error when calculating the discount percent
- [JS] (App) ExpenseLineForceAttachment setting now taken into account along with minimum attachment requirements per expend type
- [JS] Update the default amount of weeks to download for timesheets
- [JSV] Fix Timesheet Totals report erroring with “Input string was not in the correct format” when grouping columns
- [JSV] Change Project requisition email on printing from naming the attachment “Purchase Order” to “Quote Request”
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Accounting when using Project Tree selection where the Project Items would not be filtered by allocated items for the user and applicable document type
Date applied: July 3, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Timesheets when using project accounting when amending a timesheet. If the amendment line encounters a Sage exception such as the project being completed, new reversal line would continually be recreated and posted to Sage
- [JSV] Fixed WAP Project items not displaying for user once they have been added.Items were selectable for documents but not visible in admin once added
- [JSV] Clear unread notifications process now sets the emailed flag to true so they will be picked up by the delete routine.
Hot Fix Enhancements
- When Supplier Applications are submitted for approval in Sage, any attachments are copied into WAP to be viewed by the approver when the valuation is being approved
Date applied: June 29, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue in the WAP service that would cause Goods Received reminders not to be generated
- [RB] Resolved an issue where a user would encounter an object reference when trying to load the “All items” template before selecting a warehouse for the order
- [RB] Resolved an issue where the supplier contact details would not be populated when an order is generated from a template
- [JSV] Fix job costing nominal overrides not working when using the tree selection for requisitions
- [RB] Resolved an issue on requisition approval where notes added during approval would not be retained if approval was done by line rather than the “Approve All” or “Approve Selected” option
Date applied: June 16, 2020
Issues Resolved Hot Fix Enhancements ImportantImportant Info
- [RB] The analysis codes visibility on requisition stock item dropdown will be off by default. It can be enabled from the requisitions analysis settings.
- [RB] The description field visibility requisition stock item dropdown will be off by default. This can be enabled through the requisition functionality settings
Issues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition stock entry where, after selecting a stock item, viewing the selection again wouldn’t display the Supplier Stock number
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Stock item filtering when entering a stock item for a requisition where the text would revert back to blank if an item is found in the list which has an item description or analysis code that matches the search text
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet hour notes not clearing between Sage database changes or week changes
- [NFS] Resolved an issue on the authorise invoices page where the budget drilldowns where not appearing when clicked
- [JSV] Fixed Sub contractor order lines not using the default job level information set on the header
- [JSV] Fixed Supplier applications not showing a paper clip icon when they have attachments
- [JSV] Prevent timesheet with no hours on being submitted
- [RB] Resolved an issue with stock Item selection on Requisition- and Sales order Stock Line entry where a stock item would be displayed multiple times if there is more than one supplier of the stock item
- [RB] Resolved an issue when editing an existing Requisition Stock Item line where changing the Product Group would not repopulate the Stock Items list
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] There is now an option to conditionally show analysis fields and description for filtering in the requisition stock item dropdown.
- [JSV] Allow attachments to be added to supplier applications generated from Subcontractor orders
Date applied: June 12, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue when checking variance where the discounted invoice unit value was being compared to the purchase order line unit value rather than discounted unit value
Date applied: June 1, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix quick link ‘Show invoices I have approved’ taking a long time/throwing a timeout error on invoice list page
- [JS] Updated the costing item collection method so now filters by what document type its meant for (i.e Expenses only shows relevant expense costing items (App)
Date applied: May 18, 2020