WAP is a locally installed web based application designed specifically for real-time integration with Sage 200. Providing data entry and approval processing for business documents including Requisitions, Invoices, Expenses, Timesheets, Holidays, Sales Orders and HR. Approvals can be based on parameters such as nominal code, project/job, user, document type and value. Real-time analysis of committed costs, nominal and project actual costs against budgets.

Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed user nominal import validating and importing CSV files with invalid nominal accounts
- [RB] Fixed an object reference not set exception which would occur when a user with no assigned company marked as default would attempt to create a new customer or supplier
- [RB] Improved checks on Invoice Approval screen to avoid potential index out of range exceptions when approving invoice lines or using Approva All/Approve Selected option
- [RB] Improved checks on Holiday Approval screen to avoid potential index out of range exceptions when approving holiday lines
- [RB] Resolved an issue on invoice approval where invoices generated as part of a variance that lead to a negative nominal line would not be amendable in WAP due to WAP not allowing negative amounts
- [RB] Addressed an issue with failed expense and invoice postings due to a Sage bug. The error reported by Sage is “The nominal analysis total does not match transaction net value
Date applied: June 22, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix Service generating errors when saving PDFS with edit protection
- [JSV] Fix error when displaying approval history for entries with no description
- [RB] Resolved an issue with failed invoice postings due to a Sage bug when the Tax rate of the first item being processed is 0%. The error reported by Sage is “The nominal analysis total does not match transaction net value.”
- [RB] Addressed an issue on Expense Line entry where a user would be unable to save an expense with a negative VAT amount
Date applied: January 22, 2020
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in the WAP service where temporary DMS documents were not cleared after being created in WAP
- [NFS] Approval routes will now be deleted when a value band is deleted
Date applied: October 25, 2019
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Database Change: Altered [OrderDiscount] column in [Order] Table to be decimal(18,5)
Issues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on requisition entry where a requisition could be self-approved without a supplier selected which would cause the requisition to approve but not be valid to send to Sage
- [NFS] Updated Spindle API
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Justification Value band editing where deleting a value band would not mark the record as deleted in SQL
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Order approval page where rejecting a line on an order where approval is by item would cause the entire order to be removed from the list, causing approval users to be unable to reject more than one line at a time
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition entry where the discount percentage would automatically be rounded to the nearest integer value
- [RB] Changed system message edit page to display in 24 hour format
Date applied: July 24, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Removed “Requisition Goods Received Total” total from invoice view since this field is not being calculated following changes in functionality
- [DY] Resolved an issue with exported timesheet reports (xls & xlsx) showing incorrect values
- [JSV] Fixed issue where detailed holiday report was not correctly showing holiday requests that spanned multiple weeks
- [RB] Resolved various issues that would allow updating Project Requisitions that had previously been submitted to save with missing details such as stock items
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisitions that would cause an object reference not set exception when all analysis fields aren’t configured
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition where the selected tax rate would not be updated, leading to a validation exception
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Project Requisition where the costing header and item would be validated even when no costing module is enabled
- [RB] Added encryption to usernames stored in the IPAddressLockout table
- [RB] Resolved an issue with file upload control where opening an existing document (expense, invoice, requisition etc.) and attaching an additional item would always store the file source as an HR Absence. These files would be attached and saved, but not be visible to the user
- [RB] Added to PO invoice variance notification to state when variance is due to a difference in tax only. i.e. goods were received on a different tax rate than they were invoiced at, but for the same goods value
- [RB] Resolved an issue on User Job allocation Wizard when multiple Sage Companies have been configured which would display jobs from companies unrelated to the selected Sage database. Attempting to allocate these jobs would also lead to an object reference not set exception
Date applied: July 1, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue when approving a credit note with Job Costing after editing the Job, Job header or Goods Value on a line would modify the Actual Quantity to a positive amount rather than a negative
- [JSV] Fix Timesheet approval page not showing full project accounting hirearchy on icon tooltip
- [RB] Added a notification to expense line mileage entry to inform users when changing the vehicle that it will affect all lines, not just the current line
- [JSV] Allow misc item pricing to work as stock item pricing, uses the same setting as allowing supplier price breaks – changed the wording to say ‘Use standard pricing methods for misc items’
- [RB] Resolved an issue if a user is created without selecting to edit after creation, which would cause the user to not have the private vehicle allocated by default if the Expenses module is enable
- [RB] Resolved an issue if a user is created without selecting to edit after creation, which would cause the user to still have login permissions even when the license count would be exceeded
- [RB] Resolved an issue if a user is created without selecting to edit after creation, which would cause the user to be created without having a default user type assigned
– Selecting a default user type will now be mandatory when creating a new user
Date applied: May 24, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Prevent new supplier accounts erroring on post when an ‘invalid’ vat number is used
- [RB] Resolved an issue on auditable pages when autiing is enabled and there are audit entries linked to a Sage database that was deleted from Sage that would lead to an object reference not set error
- [RB] Added custom exception handling for System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException
- [RB] Resolved an issue with User Company Access import which would use the “Can change Invoice Address” flag to set the “Can change Delivery Address” flag
- [JSV] Added a setting to allow miscillaneous items to use supplier price breaks and bring in the suppler part number on requisitions
- [RB] Resolved an issue in proposed payments when using approval by document value if there are multiple value bands configured, an a proposed payment that exceeds the first value band is entered.
– If the initial lines entered is less than the changeover, but subsequent lines would cause the total proposed payment to exceed the Valueband changeover, the initial lines would still be sent down the lower value band’s route - [RB] Resolved an issue with Requisition Justification control where an order requiring justifications would allow a user to submit the requisition if no justifications have been entered
- [RB] Resolved an issue with restricted nominals page that would cause a SQL exception if the Sage Database for one or more of the restricted nominals had been deleted directly from the SQL table
- [RB] Resolved an issue when recording PO invoices in WAP when Additional Transaction Analysis is enabled in Sage which would cause an object reference not set exception
- [RB] Made the User Type setting for Requisition Imports visible
Date applied: May 24, 2019
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on requisition entry where warehouses were being filtered out based on whether they were used for Sales Trading
- [NFS] Fixed an error on expense line entry where an object reference not set error could occur when editing lines
- [DY] Fix sales order warning message when attempting to amend a line without the user type permission
- [DY] Fix being unable to reset individual sales order line
- [DY] Fix error when attempting to reject a line on a sales order
- [DY] Fix sales order no document filter not working
- [DY] Fix error that would pop up when viewing a sales order with no costing module configured
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [NFS] Changed the invoice variance checking to apply the acceptible value / percentage to the check rather than just checking if the value is different
- [JSV] Fix Timesheet adjustment constantly re-trying when a line has a missing Job costing job
- [DY] Fix error that would occur when selecting all dates on all order report whilst having a week start day as saturday or sunday.
- [RB] Resolved an issue in WAP service when posting invoices where invoices with a large number of lines could potentially create duplicate nominal analysis items for each line
- [JSV] Fix Error getting Sage database name when editing order line and sage commercials is turned off and ‘include sage database name in notifications’ is turned on
- [DY] Fix amended description text not showing up if job costing is disabled
- [RB] Resolved issues on Expense line entry when credit card statement imports are disabled where users could still change the expense amount for an imported line that is not a split line
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Expense line entry when splitting an existing line where the amount on the original line would not be updated to the new value when saving the expense lines
- [RB] Resolved an issue where a use would encounter error ‘Column ‘Discontinued’ does not belong to table Table’ on Order Stock Item entry when an outdated version of the Sicon Distribution module is currently installed or was previously installed but subsequently removed
- [RB] Approval route import data example for Job manager will now have a line break between names rather than a comma to avoid potential confusion with format [Surname, Name]
- [DY] Fix invoice report showing all invoices to users when clearing ‘Documents that are’ box
- [JSV] Fix Timesheet line hours report not loading cost rate values for job costing
- [JSV] Allow timesheet authorisation page and timesheet reports to lookup and cache cost/charge and pay rate names from multiple Sage databases
- [JSV] Fix timesheet hours report not looking up the charge rate correctly
- [RB] Resolved an issue in WAP service when posting expenses where expenses with a large number of lines could potentially create duplicate nominal analysis items for each line
Date applied: May 24, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed bug in where Holiday sent for approval notification removed when going to dashboard
- [DY] Fix Approval Report not showing amended description when it should.
- [JSV] Fixed Job costing setting to allow posting to completed jobs not returning correct value
- [JSV] Fix issue where submitting a timesheet after amending could cause the transaction to change the project project ID
- [JSV] Fix confirmation intent not always setting correctly on all SOP and POP lines when posting to Sage
- [JSV] Filter out job costing jobs with no job number when populating lists
- [JSV] Filter out job costing employee rates with no description when populating lists
Date applied: April 30, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [DY] Fixed an issue preventing users from filtering nominal accounts correctly
- [JSV] Fixed cancelling editing new timesheet line clearing the entries from a previously added line
- [JSV] Fixed Submitted timesheet report missing the last user off the list if there are any leavers
- [JSV] Fixed Project accounting charge rates not pulling through to timesheet approval screen
- [JSV] Fix confirmation intent not always setting correctly on requisition free text lines
Date applied: April 30, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [DY] Fix job from being dropped from timesheet line when cancelling an edit.
- [RB] Fixed Single Approval Route Editing page Project Item Selection displaying items multiple times. Item selection with project tree will now be possible
- [RB] Fixed Cost Header and Cost Item labels in Single approval route to be costing module specific rather than always being “Project” and “Project Item”
- [JSV] Fix approval routes for ‘Any User’ not being included in the approval route export
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in the query that gets requisitions for approval where it was not filtering out out orders that had a status of not approved (so if there were still approval route progress records the order would still appear.
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in the timesheet toil and overtime report where it was not checking whether the current user had access to all delegates
Date applied: April 30, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix Timesheets submitting empty timesheets when setting on to check timesheets across all sage databases
- [JSV] Fix Timesheets including duplicated holiday lines when checking timesheets across all sage databases. Only includes holidays on the first Sage database entry to avoid duplicates
- [JSV] Fix Timesheet checking across multiple Sagedatabases not displaying error messages
- [DY] Fixed timesheet reports showing full name in username field
Date applied: April 30, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed a bug where locking the current week would not prevent rapid entry timesheet from being entered
- [RB] Resolved an issue with timesheets in Project Accounting where timesheets would not automatically be approved in Sage for users that have project filtering enabled in Sage
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Timesheet Line hours report where only the first hours entry would be displayed per timesheet
- [NFS] Added additional hanldig to the service to restart after timeout exceptions
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Goods Received and Goods received amendment where a user would encounter an object reference not set exception when attempting to perform Goods Received actions when WAP posting to Sage (Commercials) is disabled
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Goods Received receipt page that would cause an object reference not set error if one of the order lines has not been posted to Sage yet
- [RB] Resolved an issue with approval route wizard when creating approval route rule for All Project Items which would encounter an object reference not set exception
Date applied: March 15, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed error message showing SQL connection details when WAP database connection failed on system start
- [JSV] Fixed a bug where a meeting request would fail to send to a valid email address with ‘invalid recipients’ error
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Approval Route Wizard where changing an approval route would not reset the approval route progress of current documents when the option to reset progress is enabled in system settings
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Approval Route CSV import where changing an approval route would not reset the approval route progress of current documents when the option to reset progress is enabled in system settings
- [RB] Fixed object reference not set exception when exporting holiday approval routes from Approval Route import/export page
- [RB] Resolved an issue when globally resetting approval route progress for customers e.g. when importing approval routes, with a missing SQL parameter “@ApproverID” exception
- [RB] Resolved an issue on approval route import when the import contains a global, non Sagedatabase route and no database has been selected as the import database from the dropdown
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Spindle integration where WAP would be unable to attach documents to invoices due to being in use by another process
Date applied: March 11, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in expense type allocation where the costing item was not being loaded when editing
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in the expense nominal override logic where it was not excluding items where the parent project was not set to allow costs.
- [NFS] Fixed an issue where WAP costing item filtering by document type was not working for project accounting
- [RB] Resolved an issue in User Expense Item CSV import which would encounter an exception “Type provided must be an Enum. Parameter name: enumType”
- [DY] Updated ApprovalRouteReportDetailView SQL view to check for a matching user id before setting the approval value
- [NFS] Fixed an issue when picking up invoices for approval where it was checking a job costing setting that has now been removed from the Job Costing module
- [JSV] Fixed Error when checking for new documents for existing invoices due to file permission issues
Date applied: March 4, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
[NFS] Fixed an issue on the user setup page where the alternate user account could not be unset
[NFS] Fixed an issue with one of the timesheets for approval queries that was stopping approval routes being reset
[JSV] Fixed Expense approval not showing header attachments
[JSV] Fixed VAT only invoices not being valid for approval
[DY] Fixed an issue with performing goods received on orders subject to authorisation in sage. Users will now be told when orders cannot be received due to authorsisation.
[NFS] Fixed an issue on timesheet entry where adjusting timesheets was resetting the submitted flag for edited approved lines which caused them to appear for reapproval
[JSV] Make sure all job costing insert/update transaction methods use a variation ID of 0
Date applied: February 28, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-release Hot Fix EnhancementsPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
[NFS] Updated the WAP service to upgrade job costing accruals
[NFS] Fixed an error that was being displayed on approval history in WAP
[NFS] Fixed an issue in the Job Costing Process where it was picking up Cost To Complete records that did not need to be updated
[NFS] Fixed an issue on the user setup page where the alternate user account could not be unset
[NFS] Removed the code to disable the alternate user combobox on user setup if the user is not out of office.
[JSV] Fixed Expense approval not showing header attachments
[JSV] Fixed VAT only invoices not being valid for approval
[JSV] Fixed holiday requests being marked as deleted if line added, cancelled and re-added
[JSV] Fixed holiday erroring if the requestor is the approver. Now shows a friendly message
[JSV] Make sure all job costing insert/update transaction methods use a variation ID of 0
[DY] Fixed an issue with performing goods received on orders subject to authorisation in sage. Users will now be told when orders cannot be received due to authorisation.
[NFS] Fixed an issue on timesheet entry where adjusting timesheets was resetting the submitted flag for edited approved lines which caused them to appear for reapproval
[NFS] Fixed an issue in expense type allocation where the costing item was not being loaded when editing
[NFS] Fixed an issue in the expense nominal override instrument and PCProjectItem class where it was not excluding items where the parent node was not set to allow costs.
[NFS] Fixed an issue where WAP costing item filtering by document type was not working for project accounting
[RB] Resolved an issue in UserExpense Item CSV import which would encounter an exception “Type provided must be an Enum. Parameter name: enumType
[JSV] Fixed ‘index out of range’ error when approving holiday lines
[JSV] Fixed holiday/absence hours request showing as days
[JSV] Fixed ‘course types’ menu item not redirecting
[JSV] Fixed disciplinary dates not being editable once saved
[JSV] Fixed Disciplinary case erroring on new line
[JSV] Fixed Disciplinary case close button not returning to the case view
[JSV] Fixed ‘show my cases’ not enabled for non-HRAdmin users on case list
[JSV] Fixed leavetypes being selectable when leavetype set to not display
[JSV] Fixed Main menu not always expanding the right group when working with an absence
[JSV] Fixed HRMenu re-loading the page when clicking on parent items (e.g. ‘settings’ and ‘imports’)
[JSV] Fixed Coursetype not being deletable
[JSV] Fixed HR employee details Vehicel reg number label showing wrong text
[JSV] Fixed spelling error on job role summary
[JSV] Fixed absence submitted by delegate not showing on holiday calendar
[JSV] Fixed business unit holiday/absences not showing on holiday calendar
[JSV] Fixed users holiday/absences duplicating on calendar when viewing business unit appointments
[JSV] Fixed Bradford score not calculating correctly
[JSV] Fixed HR Notifications disappearing on the dashboard page if using paging
[JSV] Fixed bug where approvers were not getting a ‘timesheet to approve’ notification
[JSV] Fixed error when posting a previously cleared timesheet saying it was already posted
Hot Fix Enhancements
[JSV] Added ‘Carried forward’ to holiday entitlement widget
[JSV] Added ‘Written off’ to holiday entitlement widget
[JSV] Added ‘Paid’ to holiday entitlement widget
[JSV] Removed HR settings from admin
[JSV] Moved the HR calendar to the right of the main page
[JSV] Allow absences to be requested in Hours
Date applied: February 28, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
[JSV] Fixed an object reference not set error when navigating straight to the dashboard page without logging in first
Date applied: February 26, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
[NFS] Fixed an issue with invoice budget checking where sage invoices were not being included in the check in some instances
[NFS] Added thousand separators to the budget drill down
[NFS] The Sage purchase orders column will now be hidden from budget drill down if PO accrual is enabled in sage
[JSV] Fixed hours for absence lines not getting set
[JSV] Prevent Absences being included in self approval settings for users
[JSV] Remove holidays and absences from approval item values selection in user setup page
[JSV] Fixed absence/holiday search error when searching by request ID
[JSV] Fixed costing setting page layout
[JSV] Prevent alternate user being set in user settings if out of office is off
[JSV] Allow journey details popup to be moved on expense line approval page
[JSV] Fixed login page getting stuck if it cannot connect to the database.
[JSV] WAP database errors will redirect to the system check page
[JSV] Sage database errors will pop up an error and give the option of going to the system check page
[JSV] Fixed expense approval page not loading any attachments
[RB] Resolved an issue where the Fully approved date wouldn’t be updated when a document was self-approved
[RB] Resolved an issue where using “Approve Lines” option on document pages would not update the Fully Approved date if the approval of the lines would cause the document to become fully approved.
Date applied: February 20, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed job costing rates not using the correct ID if rates are not sequential in Sage – i.e rate descriptions missing
- Resolved an issue where the Fully approved date wouldn’t be updated when a document was self-approved
- Resolved an issue where using “Approve Lines” option on document pages would not update the Fully Approved date if the approval of the lines would cause the document to become fully approved.
- Fixed an issue with Invoice budget checking where the current invoice line value was being excluded if the invoice line had been saved (rather than sent to sage)
- Fixed an issue when editing a submitted / approved document where the approval route would not reset to the start of the route
- Resolved an issue on User Roles Import where selecting to “Clear All” items would cause an object reference not set exception
- Resolved an issue on User Roles Import where selecting “Replace Existing” or “Append Only” wouldn’t change the default user type if it is different to the currently configured default for a user
- Removed the feature that defaults the expense date relative to the last expense line entered in the system
- Fixed an issue in the expense approval page where it was not filtering out expenses for deleted databases
- Fixed an issue in the approval engine where items were being reset to the start of the route when the ‘reset route on any change’ setting was enabled, even if the item had not started a route already.
- Changed the existing expenses page to hide the delete button rather than disabling when the user type does not have permission to delete expenses
- Fixed an issue where the has attachments flag would not be set for expenses that appear in suggested payments
Date applied: February 20, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
[NFS] Fixed an issue with Invoice budget checking where the current invoice line value was being excluded if the invoice line had been saved (rather than sent to sage)
[NFS] Fixed an issue when submitting edited documents where the approval route was not being reset
Date applied: February 18, 2019
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-release Hot Fix EnhancementsPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
[JSV] Added new page for editing leave types
[JSV] Leave types used for holidays and absences
[JSV] Added new ‘leave lines’ pages to replace existing holiday requests. Now shows lines and is used to show absences as well
[JSV] Added new ‘Quick holiday’ and ‘quick absence’ buttons/methods
[JSV] Added usertype settings for absences
[JSV] Added new absence entry page
[JSV] Added absence approval routes/options
[JSV] Added absence notifications and links on dashboard
[JSV] Added new absence viewer to user HR section
[JSV] Added methods for allowing holiday/absence description to be hidden on the calendar
[JSV] Absences can be hidden from the holiday calendar for specific leave types
[JSV] Added absence group to main menu
[JSV] Added absence report, added Bradford index report to absence report page on main menu
[JSV] Added file viewer to absence approval page
[JSV] Added additional fields for HR employee details
[JSV] Added additional fields for HR Job roles
[JSV] Added summary viewer for HR Job roles
[JSV] Added Disciplinary pages to add new cases and case entries
[JSV] Added Disciplinary meeting requests for case entries
[NFS] Nominal account status (Hidden/Active) will now be checked and excluded from WAP (except in budget checking)
[NFS] Added Net and Gross value into the order line notifications and approvable item descriptions
[NFS] Added setting to hide the free text button on project requisitions
[JSV] Order templates now use hyperlinks and common controls when editing order templates. Speeds up the editing page when there are a lot of lines.
[JSV] HRI CSV Imports for employee details, emergency contacts and bank details
[JSV] Added HR Disciplinary case editing pages
[JSV] Prevent suspended or dismissed users from logging in to WAP
[JSV] Disciplinary case searching
[JSV] Summary widget for disciplinary record on User HR/User list
[JSV] Notes field for job role
[JSV] Allow user employment start date to be editable in HR if user has permission
[JSV] Allow holiday/absence to be put on for all users/delegates depending on permission
[JSV] Added Probation periods to HR calendar
[JSV] Added Disciplinary case meetings to the HR calendar
[JSV] Added Job Role Probation dates to the HR calendar
[JSV] Extended the employee history report to incorporate new fields
[JSV] Added new fields to HR employee report
Issues Resolved
[JSV] Fixed job roles not being editable once created
[NFS] Resolved an issue in the WAP service when picking up invoices where it was reading a job costing setting that has been replaced in Job costing
[NFS] Fixed an issue where the has attachments flag would not be set for expenses that appear in suggested payments
[NFS] Removed the feature that defaults the expense date relative to the last expense line entered in the system
[NFS] Fixed an issue in the expense approval page where it was not filtering out expenses for deleted databases
[NFS] Fixed an issue in the approval engine where items were being reset to the start of the route when the ‘reset route on any change’ setting was enabled, even if the item had not started a route already.
[NFS] Changed the existing expenses page to hide the delete button rather than disabling when the user type does not have permission to delete expenses
[NFS] Supplier account status (Hidden/Active) will now be checked and excluded from WAP
[NFS] Customer account status (Hidden/Active) will now be checked and excluded from WAP
[JSV] Fixed emergency contact details not showing on employee history report
[JSV] Fixed emergency contact addresses not showing on employee history report
[JSV] Fixed countries not showing correctly on the workplace report
[RB] Resolved an issue on User Roles Import where selecting to “Clear All” items would cause an object reference not set exception
[RB] Resolved an issue on User Roles Import where selecting “Replace Existing” or “Append Only” wouldn’t change the default user type if it is different to the currently configured default for a user
[RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice Approval if system allows inline editing of lines on approval page where changes to the Nominal or Transaction Analysis Code would not be saved if the Invoice is approved using the “Approve Selected” option before the page is reloaded
[RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice Approval page when changing the nominal for a line when invoice approval is configured by nominal. If the invoice is on hold or there are issues with the new approval route, such as the final approver in the new route not having sufficient approval value, an unhandled ApprovalRouteException would be encountered
[RB] Resolved an issue which would allow approvers to approve Expenses that are on hold
Hot Fix Enhancements
[JSV] Prevent alternate users being selectable for holiday/absences in the past
Date applied: February 18, 2019
New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
[NFS] Changed the WAP service so all modules post to a new table in the Sage database to keep track of all documents posted from WAP. this will ensure that any documents already posted cant be posted again as there will already be a record in this table
[NFS] Changed the WAP service to validate the WAP addon is installed before it will start up.
[NFS] Changed the WAP addon to contain the WAPPostedDocuments table
Date applied: February 18, 2019
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
[NFS} Added support for auto generation of batch / serial numbers for traceable items
[NFS] Added supplier part no to the all order lines report
[NFS] Added ItemCode and SupplierPartNo to the Goods Ordered Not Invoiced Report
[NFS] Added ItemCode and SupplierPartNo to the Goods Received Not Invoiced Report
Issues Resolved
[NFS] Fixed an issue on the user type page where the approve proposed payments option was not saving correctly for new user types
[NFS] Added No Lock Hints to all Nominal Transaction tables
[NFS] Changed the holiday request line entry page to not show the time in the AM/PM Drop downs as holiday work patterns may not be the same as working day patterns
[NFS] Fixed an issue where the approved propose payments user type setting was not being saved for new user types
[NFS] Changed the Holiday month end page to not open with all users selected and added an option to select / unselect all users on the current page of the grid
[NFS] Changed the Holiday year end page to not open with all users selected and added an option to select / unselect all users on the current page of the grid
Date applied: February 18, 2019
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
[NFS] Changed the nominal budget checker to break ‘wap items’ down into separate sections for requisitions, sales orders, invoice and expenses
[NFS] Nominal budget checking will now only include outstanding SAge and WAP items for the current period being checked (rather than everything outstanding before the current date being checked)
[NFS] WAP will now check budgets for the next open period that a transaction would fall into
[NFS] When checking budgets, the already accrued purchase order value will be subtracted from the Sage PO’s value
[NFS] Changed the budget drilldown to hide columns based on the enabled modules in WAP
[NFS] WAP will now create POP Nominal accruals in common components when orders are entered, amended or received.
Issues Resolved
[NFS] Changed the ‘flag’ icons in grids to not appear as clickable images
[NFS] Fixed an issue with the delivery address selection control where it would not reload the list after the first delivery address had been selected
[NFS] updated the hide supplier pricing user type setting to make it clearer it hides all supplier/unit pricing related fields from requisitions
[NFS] Added No Lock statements to PLUnauthNominalAnalysisItem queries
[NFS] Added No Lock statements to NLPostedNominalTran queries
[NFS] Changed the Invoice Process to repopulate an invoice if it was created with no lines
Date applied: February 18, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue in the WAP service when picking up invoices where it was reading a job costing setting that has been replaced in Job costing
Date applied: February 12, 2019
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on the user type page where the approve proposed payments option was not saving correctly for new user types
- [NFS] Added No Lock Hints to all Nominal Transaction tables
- [JSV] Fixed issue when Project Accounting module is enabled wherejproject filtering would not be applied if project filtering was not set up in WAP
- Now if no projects are set up for filtering in WAP, the user’s Sage filtered list is brought through. If projects are set up for filtering in WAP, the list is restricted to those projects
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where expenses were editable by an approver who has no permission to edit during approval
- [JSV] Fixed an issue in the WAP service where the approval summary notification would display timesheets despite the user having no timesheets to approve (e.g. timesheets with no time)
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice Approval if system allows inline editing of lines on approval page where changes to the Nominal or Transaction Analysis Code would not be saved if the Invoice is approved using the “Approve Selected” option before the page is reloaded
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice Approval page when changing the nominal for a line when invoice approval is configured by nominal.
- If the invoice is on hold or there are issues with the new approval route, such as the final approver in the new route not having sufficient approval value, an unhandled ApprovalRouteException would be encountered
- [RB] Resolved an issue which would allow approvers to approve Expenses that are on hold
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] Added option to load data directly from Sage on all order lines report
- This will allow users to get up to date information for newly updated orders that have not yet time to be synchronized with Sage
- This is most commonly encountered when invoicing in Sage. The invoiced quantity is only updated once the order is completed
- Selecting this option may significantly slow down report loading times
Date applied: February 11, 2019
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Changed the nominal budget checker to break ‘wap items’ down into separate sections for requisitions, sales orders, invoice and expenses
- Nominal budget checking will now only include outstanding Sage and WAP items for the current period being checked (rather than everything outstanding before the current date being checked)
- WAP will now check budgets for the next open period that a transaction would fall into
- When checking budgets, the already accrued purchase order value will be subtracted from the Sage PO’s value
- Changed the budget drill down to hide columns based on the enabled modules in WAP
- WAP will now create POP Nominal accruals in common components when orders are entered, amended or received.
Issues Resolved
- Changed the ‘flag’ icons in grids to not appear as clickable images
- Fixed an issue with the delivery address selection control where it would not reload the list after the first delivery address had been selected
- Updated the hide supplier pricing user type setting to make it clearer it hides all supplier/unit pricing related fields from requisitions
- Added No Lock statements to PLUnauthNominalAnalysisItem queries
- Added No Lock statements to NLPostedNominalTran queries
- Changed the Invoice Process to repopulate an invoice if it was created with no lines
Date applied: January 31, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Added No Lock statements to PLUnauthNominalAnalysisItem queries
- [NFS] Added No Lock statements to NLPostedNominalTran queries
- [NFS] Changed the Invoice Process to repopulate an invoice if it was created with no lines
- [NFS] All of the above changes are additional changes to stop invoices being picked up before the nominal analysis has finished saving in Sage 200
- [NFS] Changed the ‘flag’ icons in grids to not appear as clickable images
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with the delivery address selection control where it would not reload the list after the first delivery address had been selected
- [NFS] Updated the hide supplier pricing user type setting to make it clearer it hides all supplier/unit pricing related fields from requisitions
Date applied: January 29, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Added an additional check when posting time to job costin that a transaction for the same timesheetlinehours record has not already been posted
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed a bug where approving a single expense line with an attachment would not always remove the line
- [NFS] Added a workaround in the timesheet process to look up Job Costing jobs based on ID rather than Job number as some customers seem to have duplicate job numbers
- [JSV] Fix expenses with lots of lines taking a long time to load.
- [JSV] Default invoice approval page to loading and showing attachment(s) on attachment tab
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Approval Route Export Template that would offset the data by one column
- [RB] Resolved an issue on User Nominal Allocation Export Template that would offset the data by one column
- [JSV] Fixed project accounting not checking if a user has project filtering turned on in Sage.
Project list now returns a filtered list of projects which is further filtered by WAP - [JSV] Mark timesheet as errored if a project accounting line fails to add time for a user that doesn’t have access to the project
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with the expense approval page where the tax rate and receipt attached options were not showin on the lines detail tab
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with proposed payments for sage 2015 and below where the DateTimeUpdated column does not exist in the PLProposedPaymnents table
- [JSV] Fixed error when saving user with out of office, message was being displayed to select an alternative user even though one was selected
- [JSV] Fixed unsubmitted timesheet process re-creating all notifications if a single notification generation failed
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Import Page where users could create Line types that were not allowed in System Settings
- [JSV] Fixed usertypes not saving when editing in admin
- [JSV] Fixed message bar not popping up when adding lines and for user expense type memos
- [JSV] Fixed message bar not clearing previous ‘one off’ message when adding new one
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet maximum hours warning adding multiple messages everytime. Now just one message with list of days on
- [JSV] Changed invoice approval report to show negative values for credit lines
- [JSV] Fixed mandatory days being added to timesheets using holiday workpattern even if timesheet workpattern should be used
- [RB] Added minor wait to WAP service invoice process to address potential creation of duplicate nominal analysis items rather than updating an existing one when approving an invoice
- [NFS] Timeout exceptions now handled on service start
- [RB] Resolved various issues on Expenses when splitting existing Expense Lines
– An expense line imported from a credit card statement would populate the split line with a payment type of Personal
– If system setting is set to automatically enter the Expense Type into the detail field, the split line always update to [o Expense Type Specified]
– If the system is set to automatically load the previous expense date, the split line’s date would always update to the previous expense line’s date - [JSV] Fix dashboard taking a long time to load is user has a lot of timesheets waiting
- [JSV] Prevent reference only timesheet lines generated by amending from appearing on timesheet reports
- [JSV] Fix holiday accrual always using current date. Checks the last day of a requested holiday
- [RB] Changed menu item for creating a new Timesheet to Read “New Timesheet” to be more consistent with other menu options
- [RB] Resolved an issue where a user would encounter an Index out of range error when cancelling the edit of the first line being entered on a timesheet if no other lines have been previously added to the Timesheet
- [RB] Improved the error generated in the event log when WAP encounters a modal dialog when attempting to connect to Sage with an out of date data model. Users will now be able to see which files are affected
- [NFS] Changed the service to try up to 5 times when getting the sage serial number to validate the licence.
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense Line entry where splitting a line on an expense, followed by editing the original line, would cause the new, split line to be removed from the list of lines for editing
- [RB]Resolved an issue on New Supplier Creating where a user would encounter an error that the connection string has not been specified when attempting to select a nominal account without first selecting the Sage company
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added download icons, word viewer, excel viewer and PDF single page zoom controls to Expense expense approval page
- [JSV] Entitlement widget on holiday approval shows details up to the requested holiday
- [RB] Changed Audit History tab to display modifications to Cost- or Charge rates to display the Description rather than the database ID
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-release Hot Fix Enhancements ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
[RB] There has been a change in the way Import Template file versions are evaluated. Import Templates will need to be regenerated
New Features
- [NFS] Added the ability to select a business unit on invoice entry
- [RB] Added additional auditing fields to Order and OrderLine classes
- [RB] Converted User Costing Allocation Import to support new Import Template format
- [RB] Added ability to choose whether to retain or delete existing user costing allocations during User Costing import
Issues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed project accounting not checking if a user has project filtering turned on in Sage.
Project list now returns a filtered list of projects which is further filtered by WAP - [JSV] Mark timesheet as errored if a project accounting line fails to add time for a user that doesn’t have access to the project
- [JSV] Fixed a bug where approving a single expense line with an attachment would not always remove the line
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet authorisation list not returning any values
- [JSV] Fixed error when saving user with out of office, message was being displayed to select an alternative user even though one was selected
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with the expense approval page where the tax rate and receipt attached options were not showing on the lines detail tab
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with proposed payments for sage 2015 and below where the DateTimeUpdated column does not exist in the PLProposedPaymnents table
- [JSV] Fixed error when saving user with out of office, message was being displayed to select an alternative user even though one was selected
- [JSV] Fixed unsubmitted timesheet process re-creating all notifications if a single notification generation failed
- [NFS] Existing invoices can now be filtered by the new business unit ID
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Import Page where users could create Line types that were not allowed in System Settings
- [JSV] Fixed usertypes not saving when editing in admin
- [JSV] Fixed message bar not popping up when adding lines and for user expense type memos
- [JSV] Fixed message bar not clearing previous ‘one off’ message when adding new one
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet maximum hours warning adding multiple messages every time. Now just one message with list of days on
- [JSV] Changed invoice approval report to show negative values for credit lines
- [JSV] Fixed mandatory days being added to timesheets using holiday workpattern even if timesheet workpattern should be used
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added sage database description to all appropriate notifications
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-release Hot Fix EnhancementsPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- [RB] Added minor wait to WAP service invoice process to address potential creation of duplicate nominal analysis items rather than updating an existing one when approving an invoice
- [JSV] Fixed holiday meeting requests not being sent
- [JSV] Fixed bug that would cause notifications not to be emailed
- [NFS] Timeout exceptions now handled on service start
- [RB] Resolved various issues on Expenses when splitting existing Expense Lines
– An expense line imported from a credit card statement would populate the split line with a payment type of Personal
– If system setting is set to automatically enter the Expense Type into the detail field, the split line always update to [No Expense Type Specified]
– If the system is set to automatically load the previous expense date, the split line’s date would always update to the previous expense line’s date
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added coloured icons for expense attachments
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-release Hot Fix EnhancementsPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- [JSV] Prevent reference only timesheet lines generated by amending from appearing on timesheet reports
- [JSV] Fix holiday accrual always using current date. Checks the last day of a requested holiday
- [RB] Changed menu item for creating a new Timesheet to Read “New Timesheet” to be more consistent with other menu options
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added multipage document viewer for expense line approval (excel, word, txt etc)
- [JSV] Added download link to expense line approval
- [JSV] Entitlement widget on holiday approval shows details up to the requested holiday
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues Resolved Pre-release Hot Fix EnhancementsPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix dashboard taking a long time to load is user has a lot of timesheets waiting
- [JSV] Fix object reference error on expense report on page load
- [JSV] Fix expense approval speed issues when there are lots of attachments on a line
- [RB] Resolved an issue where a user would encounter an Index out of range error when cancelling the edit of the first line being entered on a timesheet if no other lines have been previously added to the Timesheet
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV ]Added requested delivery date for Sales orders, renamed ‘delivery date’ to ‘promised delivery date’
dates do not need to be populated but promised date must be added before approving - [JSV] Allow SOP lines (stock and free text) to have no delivery dates
- [JSV] Add ability to modify SalesOrder delivery date (promised date) on approval
- [JSV] Prevent Sales orders being self approved if no delivery date
- [JSV] Allow Sales order notes to be edited when approving sales orders
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- [RB] Modified the Requisition setting for hiding the “Filter By Supplier” option to allow for more specific behaviour for whether the filter is visible as well as whether to filter by default
- [RB] Changed Audit History tab to display modifications to Cost- or Charge rates to display the Description rather than the database ID
Issues Resolved
- [NFS] Changed the service to try up to 5 times when getting the sage serial number to validate the licence.
- [RB] Improved the error generated in the event log when WAP encounters a modal dialog when attempting to connect to Sage with an out of date data model. Users will now be able to see which files are affected
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense Line entry where splitting a line on an expense, followed by editing the original line, would cause the new, split line to be removed from the list of lines for editing
- [RB] Resolved an issue on New Supplier Creating where a user would encounter an error that the connection string has not been specified when attempting to select a nominal account without first selecting the Sage company
- [NFS] Fixed an issue in the invoice process where it was not checking for new proposed payments
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice- and Expense approval reports where filtering by Fully Approved date would not include records for the date selected as the End Date field
- [RB] Resolved an issue Expense-, Mileage-, Invoice- and Timesheet Approval reports where some Lines would be included multiple times if two or more users were approving seperate documents concurrently
- [RB] User Company Access imports will now only validate if each user in the import has one company as default. No companies or multiple companies as default will fail validation
- [RB] User Business Unit imports will now only validate if each user in the import has one business unit as default. No business unit or multiple business units as default will fail validation
- [RB] User Business Unit imports now optionally allows clearing of all user business units during import, allowing the import to be used as the full allocation record or only for updating certain users
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would received a parameter not supplied SQL error when attempting to create a new company
- [RB] Changed the Rapid timesheet entry page to to display Costing Module specific column headers
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Template View where saving the template would cause an object reference not set error
- [JSV] Allow unit price of Zero for requisition lines
- [JSV]Only validate project accounting timesheet line charge rate if timesheet settings allow charge rates
- [JSV] Fix warehouse selection dropdown automatically dropping down when the user does not have permission to select a warehouse
- [JSV] Fix stock item image viewer being clickable when settings disabled. Was loading a blank image when clicking area next to warehouse dropdown on requisition stockitem entry screen
- [JSV] Fix Dashboard showing timesheets to approve when lines contain 0 hours and no timesheets are waiting for approval
- [JSV] Fix Dashboard showing notification for timesheet lines when they contain 0 hours and no timesheets are waiting for approval
- [JSV] Prevent submitted timesheet lines being reduced to 0 hours when editing
- [JSV] Reset timesheet line hours to previous values when cancelling edit
- [JSV] Fix ‘requesting user’ not showing on approval route report for non-database specific routes
- [JSV] Fix ‘object reference not set’ error when using the project allocation wizard usig project accounting.
Date applied: January 8, 2019
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Changed the Rapid Timesheet entry page to to display Costing Module specific column headers
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Requisition Template View where saving the template would cause an object reference not set error
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would received a parameter not supplied SQL error when attempting to create a new company in Sage Connections
- [RB] User Company Access imports will now only validate if each user in the import has one company as default. No companies or multiple companies as default will fail validation
- [RB] User Business Unit imports will now only validate if each user in the import has one business unit as default. No business unit or multiple business units as default will fail validation
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Expense-, Mileage-, Invoice- and Timesheet Approval reports where some Lines would be included multiple times if two or more users were approving separate documents concurrently
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice- and Expense approval reports where filtering by Fully Approved date would not include records for the date selected as the End Date field
- [JSV] Fixed a Type error for Pay- and Charge Rates when selecting a default Holiday Job
- [JSV] Fixed Holiday tools not being available when holiday module is not enabled as it is required for using the Timesheet bank holiday tool
- [JSV] Fixed Timesheet document status being ‘Submitted’ when bank holidays are removed and no other lines remain on the Timesheet
- [JSV] Fixed Sage Database selection being unavailable on a new Timesheet page when the user has no default database set. The selection will be defaulted to the first database user has access to
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [RB] User Business Unit imports now optionally allows clearing of all user business units during import, allowing the import to be used as the full allocation record or only for updating certain users
- [JSV] Added further Sage database checks to the system check page
Date applied: January 3, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Requisition Lines can now be entered with a unit price of zero
- [JSV] Project accounting Timesheet line charge rate will only be validated if timesheet settings allow charge rates
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where the warehouse selection dropdown on Requisition Stock Item entry automatically drops down when the user does not have permission to select a warehouse
- [JSV] Fixed stock item image viewer on requisition Stockitem entry screen being clickable when it was disabled in settings and loading a blank image when clicking the area next to warehouse
Date applied: December 19, 2018
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed Job Costing transactions generated by approving Sage credit notes saving with a positive qty
- [JSV] Fixed expense approval page not showing all options in the ‘type’ column. It will now pick up expense line types and subsistence types (if enabled)
- [JSV] Fixed an issue on timesheet page where validation of accounting rates would load user default accounting rates incorrectly
- [JSV] Fixed an issue on Project Accounting Selection where the project list would not be repopulated after clicking the clear button
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet project items saving with current state when cancelling a line edit. Project items will now revert to their original value
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where requisition view was displaying the hyperlink entry section when setting to show is turned off
- [JSV] Fixed new supplier creation where payment term days were not updating correctly
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where creating a new suppler could throw an ‘electronic payment’ error even if the payment method was not electronic payment
- [JSV] Fixed Dashboard showing notifications for timesheets to approve when lines contain 0 hours and no timesheets are waiting for approval
- [JSV] Fixed Dashboard showing notifications for timesheet lines when they contain 0 hours and no timesheets are waiting for approval
- [JSV] Submitted Timesheetscan no longer be reduced to 0 hours when editing
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet line hours saving with current state when cancelling a line edit. Timehseet Line hours will now revert to their original value
- [JSV] Fixed ‘requesting user’ not showing on approval route report for non-database specific routes
- [JSV] Fixed an ‘object reference not set’ error when using the project allocation wizard with project accounting. as Costing Module
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added methods to system check page to flag up potential issues with default holiday project
- [JSV] Added Email server checks to system check page
- [JSV] Added missing theme checks to system check page
Date applied: December 19, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-release Hot Fix EnhancementsPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- [RB] Removed option to view Legacy System settings page. This will improve the settings page load time
Issues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed project accounting selections not repopulating the list when clicking the ‘clear’ button on the project selection dropdown
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet project items saving with current state when cancelling line edit. Previous entries are now reverted
- [JSV] Fixed requisition showing hyperlink entry when setting to show is turned off
- [JSV] Fixed new supplier creation where payment term days were not updating correctly
- [JSV] Fixed an issue where a new suppler creation could throw an ‘electronic payment’ error even if the payment method was not electronic payment
- [JSV] Fixed Job Costing transactions generated by approving Sage credit notes saving with a positive quantity
- [JSV] Fixed expense approval page not showing all options in the ‘type’ column. It will now pick up expense line types and subsistence types (if enabled)
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet page issue when validating project accounting rates, was not looking up user default values correctly
- [JSV] Fixed Project requisition hover over details not changing between parent items when approving multiple project requisitions
- [JSV] Added tab for purchase order quote in edit Sage connection
- [JSV] Added email fields for purchase order quotes
- [JSV] Added new print page for purchase order quotes
- [JSV] Added ‘print quote’ buttons for existing requisition grid
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet line getting an error saying ‘no approvers’ when line is rejected and then all lines approved
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet ‘timesheet for’ drop down remembering list of users when switching between approving and viewing timesheets
- [JSV] Increased the timeout for the approval route report to 2 minutes
- [JSV] Only process waiting items when approving all lines on timesheets
- [JSV] Added usertype setting for allowing users to edit timesheets during approval
- [JSV] Moved setting to hide save and submit button on quote page to quotes settings section
- [JSV] Default setting to hide save and submit button on quote page to false
- [JSV] Fixed project accounting selections not clearing when clicking the button on the project selection dropdown
- [JSV] Fix delivery address selection error when reloading requisition
- [JSV] Fix timesheet process setting variation ID, should be always set to 0
- [JSV] Fix expense approval screen not showing the line type
- [JSV] Expense approval will show scroll bars and a full screen button when viewing a PDF
- [JSV] Expense approval will show duplicate line image and different background colour
- [JSV] Fixed approval report timing out/taking a long time with lots of approval routes with no database
- [JSV] Disable save button on Password change dialogue until post back complete
- [JSV] Fix object reference not set error when getting timesheet lines for approval with a worksorder line and operations turned off
- [NFS] Resolved an issue where the restrict expenses dates setting was only taking into account the amount of days rather than the overall setting for on or off
- [NFS] Removed obsolete SalesInvoiceLayout settings from Sage database setup
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on the timesheet entry page where the username was getting lost
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on the approval route entry builder where the control always thought there was a requestor entry type when there was not
- [RB] Fixed spelling mistake “Atachments” on attachment icon hover over in display grids
- [RB] Addressed an issue which would cause the Fully approved date on invoices that have been fully approved to remain blank when the invoice was entered in Sage and the approval was performed at a time very close to the WAP service’s invoice update process
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would encounter an object reference not set error when approving individual expense items when an expense has more than one item on
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would encounter an object reference not set error when approving individual expense items when an expense has more than one item on
- [RB] Changed the Settings Page User Setup section to to display Costing Module specific text
- [RB] Removed “Nominal Account Descriptions” link from settings page. This is no longer supported
- [RB] Fixed spelling mistake on System Settings Time and attendance “Auto Logoff Users still logged in after the end of their work pattern”
- [RB] Resolved an issue where data for Reject Reason, Approval Start Date and Accounting Period Number would not be populated on the Invoice- and Expense Approval Report
- [RB] Resolved an issue with approval route creation wizard that would encounter an error when selecting Invoice Rejection document type
- [RB] Removed Rejected Invoice document Type from Document Type selection on Approval Route edit page
- [RB] Use more user friendly Document Type descriptions in approval route creation wizard document list
- [RB] Use more user friendly Document Type descriptions in Approval route edit page Document Type selection combobox
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Added Email server checks to system check page
Added missing theme checks to system check page
Added methods to system check page to flag up potential issues with default holiday project
Added BCC dropdown to requisition quote requests to email requisition to additional suppliers
Prevent approvers viewing/editing timesheets if they do not have permission to edit timesheets during approval
Expense approval screen will not show PDF attachments on each line without posting page the whole page
Expense approval screen will zoom in to PDF image on hover - [NFS] Added the ability to check contracted hours across all timesheets for the user for the same week start date. When contracted hours are checked across all timesheets, all timesheets will be submitted at the same time
Date applied: December 14, 2018
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [NFS] Resolved an issue where the restrict expenses dates setting was only taking into account the amount of days rather than the overall setting for on or off
- [NFS] Removed obsolete SalesInvoiceLayout settings from Sage database setup
- [RB] Fixed spelling mistake “Atachments” on attachment icon hover over in display grids
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [NFS] Added the ability to check contracted hours across all timesheets for the user for the same week start date. When contracted hours are checked across all timesheets, all timesheets will be submitted at the same time
Date applied: December 12, 2018
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [RB] Addressed an issue which would cause the Fully approved date on invoices that have been fully approved to remain blank when the invoice was entered in Sage and the approval was performed at a time very close to the WAP service’s invoice update process
- [JSV] Fixed Project requisition hover over details not changing between parent items when approving multiple project requisitions
- [JSV] Added tab for purchase order quote in edit Sage connection
- [JSV] Added email fields for purchase order quotes
- [JSV] Added new print page for purchase order quotes
- [JSV] Added ‘print quote’ buttons for existing requisition grid
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet line getting an error saying ‘no approvers’ when line is rejected and then all lines approved
- [JSV] Fixed timesheet ‘timesheet for’ drop down remembering list of users when switching between approving and viewing timesheets
- [JSV] Increased the timeout for the approval route report to 2 minutes
- [JSV] Only process waiting items when approving all lines on timesheets
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on the approval route entry builder where the control always thought there was a requester entry type when there was not
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Prevent approvers viewing/editing timesheets if they do not have permission to edit timesheets during approval
Date applied: December 10, 2018
Issues Resolved Hot Fix EnhancementsIssues Resolved
- [NFS] If an item is discontinued in Sicon Distrubution, WAP will no longer allow the stock line to be saved.
- [NFS] Resolved an issue with the sage 200 nominal budget checker where annual budgets would not be checked if monthly, YTD and group budget checking was disabled
- [JSV] Fix job costing list column chooser not retaining columns on customisation
- [JSV] Fix expense authorisation not showing job costing number as well as job name
- [JSV] Change ‘Department’ label to ‘Business Unit’ on usertype settings for holidays
- [JSV] Modify User’s maximum daily timesheet hours to use a decimal number
- [JSV] Fix Deadlock issue when viewing job enquiry
- [JSV] Fixed customer contact not being set as default when created in Sage
- [JSV] Fix variation ID being sent when processing Job Costing transactions
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Timesheet processing in project accounting where duplicate postings would occur if the WAP service encounters an error while updating the status of the time record in Sage. If a user opens an existing timesheet that encountered an error, adds a new line and resubmits the timesheet, the previous lines that failed would be reposted.
- [RB] Resolved an issue where a user would get “index (zero based) must be greater tan or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list” exception with Rapid timesheet entry in project accounting when the system is set to hide project item descriptions. When a user attempts to view a timesheet that has previously saved lines the exception would be encountered
- [RB] Removed Quotes section from Navigation menu when Sales Order Module is not enabled.
- [RB] Removed Quotes section from Usertype edit page when Sales Order Module is not enabled
- [RB] Removed Project Requisition section from Usertype edit page when Requisitions module is not enabled
- [RB] Standardized menu options on navigation menu “Approve Customers”, “Approve Suppliers”, “Approve Stock Items” and “Existing Stock Items”
- [JSV] Fixed Supplier account request using sales ledger default tax rate
- [JSV] Fixed Customer/Supplier request currency not switching when sage database changed
- [JSV] Fixed repost not working for supplier/customer requests
- [JSV] Fixed Job costing charge/pay rates looking in old database table when populating lists
- [JSV] Fixed Holiday request not switching between hours and days when adding time the request
- [RB] Resolved a display issue on Timesheet entry page where the Edit and Delete buttons would be visible for submitted lines to users who don’t have permission to amend submitted timesheet lines. Users would still have been unable to Edit or Delete the line
- [RB] Resolved an issue on timesheet entry page where the User selection combobox would not populate all users if the User has “Access all delegates” permission
- [RB] Resolved an issue on timesheet entry page where the User selection combobox would populate the current user twice when viewing an existing timesheet if the user doesn’t have permission to view all timesheets and the user is also the requesting user for the timesheet
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense entry page where the User selection combobox would not populate all users if the User has “Access all delegates” permission
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense entry page where the User selection combobox would populate the current user twice when viewing an existing expense if the user doesn’t have permission to view all expenses and the user is also the requesting user for the expense
- [JSV] Fixed charge rate and pay rate displaying as ‘N/A’ on timesheet approval page when displayed
- [JSV] Fix Unsubmitted timesheet notification showing database name instead of description
- [JSV] Fix ‘Edit notes’ checkbox not resetting when saving a note on invoice approval
- [JSV] Fix object reference not set error when getting timesheet lines for approval with a worksorder line and operations turned off
- [JSV] Disable save button on Password change dialogue until postback complete
- [RB] Resolved an issue where data for Reject Reason, Approval Start Date and Accounting Period Number would not be populated on the Invoice- and Expense Approval Report
- [RB] Resolved an issue with approval route creation wizard that would encounter an error when selecting Invoice Rejection document type
- [RB] Removed Rejected Invoice document Type from Document Type selection on Approval Route edit page
- [RB] Use more user friendly Document Type descriptions in approval route creation wizard document list
- [RB] Use more user friendly Document Type descriptions in Approval route edit page Document Type selection combobox
- [RB] Fixed spelling mistake on System Settings Time and attendance “Auto Logoff Users still logged in after the end of their work pattern”
- [RB] Removed “Nominal Account Descriptions” link from settings page. This is no longer supported
- [RB] Changed the Settings Page User Setup section to to display Costing Module specific text
- [JSV] Fix expense approval screen not showing the line type
- [JSV] Expense approval will show scroll bars and a full screen button when viewing a PDF
- [JSV] Expense approval will show duplicate line image and different background colour
- [JSV] Fixed approval report timing out/taking a long time with lots of approval routes with no database
- [JSV] Fixed project accounting selections not clearing when clicking the button on the project selection dropdown
- [JSV] Fix delivery address selection error when reloading requisition
- [RB] Resolved an issue where users would encounter an object reference not set error when approving individual expense items when an expense has more than one item on
- [JSV] Added usertype setting for allowing users to edit timesheets during approval
- [JSV] Moved setting to hide save and submit button on quote page to quotes settings section
- [JSV] Default setting to hide save and submit button on quote page to false
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [JSV] Replaced old style tooltips on customer/supplier requests with new style Hints
- [JSV] Expense approval screen will not show PDF attachments on each line without posting page the whole page
- [JSV] Expense approval screen will zoom in to PDF image on hover
- [RB] Removed option to view Legacy System settings page. This will improve the settings page load time
Date applied: December 10, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-release Hot Fix Enhancements ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
- Requires Common Components 18.1.15
- Requires WAP Addon 18.1.2
Issues Resolved
- [NFS] Fixed an issue with the invoice utility process where it was not clearing the check for new documents flag on invoices after checking for new documents
- [NFS] Improved the number of SQL updates on notifications when sending emails
- [NFS] The service last run flag will now update every 10 mins instead of every 15 seconds
- [NFS] The email thread monitor will now check for email thread changes every 5 mins rather than every 5 seconds
- [NFS] The Sage Database monitor will now check for changes every 5 mins rather than every 1 min
- [JSV] Fix ‘Edit notes’ checkbox not resetting when saving a note on invoice approval
- [JSV] Fixed charge rate and pay rate displaying as ‘N/A’ on timesheet approval page when displayed
- [JSV] Fix Unsubmitted timesheet notification showing database name instead of description
- [RB] Resolved a display issue on Timesheet entry page where the Edit and Delete buttons would be visible for submitted lines to users who don’t have permission to amend submitted timesheet lines. Users would still have been unable to Edit or Delete the line
- [RB] Resolved an issue on timesheet entry page where the User selection combo box would not populate all users if the User has “Access all delegates” permission
- [RB] Resolved an issue on timesheet entry page where the User selection combo box would populate the current user twice when viewing an existing timesheet if the user doesn’t have permission to view all timesheets and the user is also the requesting user for the timesheet
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense entry page where the User selection combo box would not populate all users if the User has “Access all delegates” permission
- [RB] Resolved an issue on expense entry page where the User selection combo box would populate the current user twice when viewing an existing expense if the user doesn’t have permission to view all expenses and the user is also the requesting user for the expense
- [JSV] Fix address error saving user
- [JSV] prevent HR Admin menu posting back when clicking root menu item
- [JSV] Fixed Supplier account request using sales ledger default tax rate
- [JSV] Fixed Customer/Supplier request currency not switching when sage database changed
- [JSV] Fixed repost not working for supplier/customer requests
- [JSV] Fixed jpb costing charge/pay rates looking in old database table when populating lists
- [JSV] Fixed Holiday request not switching between hours and days when adding time the request
- [RB] Removed Quotes section from Navigation menu when Sales Order Module is not enabled.
- [RB] Removed Quotes section from User type edit page when Sales Order Module is not enabled
- [RB] Removed Project Requisition section from User type edit page when Requisitions module is not enabled
- [RB] Standardised menu options on navigation menu “Approve Customers”, “Approve Suppliers”, “Approve Stock Items” and “Existing Stock Items”
- [RB] Resolved an issue where a user would get “index (zero based) must be greater tan or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list” exception with Rapid timesheet entry in project accounting when the system is set to hide project item descriptions. When a user attempts to view a timesheet that has previously saved lines the exception would be encountered
- [RB] Resolved an issue with Timesheet processing in project accounting where duplicate postings would occur if the WAP service encounters an error while updating the status of the time record in Sage
- [RB] If a user opens an existing timesheet that encountered an error, adds a new line and resubmits the timesheet, the previous lines that failed would be reposted.
- [JSV] Change ‘Department’ label to ‘Business Unit’ on usertype settings for holidays
- [JSV] Modify User’s maximum daily timesheet hours to use a decimal number
- [JSV] Fix Deadlock issue when viewing job enquiry
- [JSV] Fixed customer contact not being set as default when created in Sage
- [JSV] Fix variation ID being sent when processing Job Costing transactions
- [JSV] Fix job costing list column chooser not retaining columns on customisation
- [JSV] Fix expense authorisation not showing job costing number as well as job name
- [NFS] If an item is discontinued in Sicon Distrubution, WAP will no longer allow the stock line to be saved.
- [NFS] Resolved an isuse with the sage 200 nominal budget checker where annual budgets would not be checked if montly, YTD and group budget checking was disabled
- [JSV] Fix object reference error when submitting expenses
- [JSV] Fixed button column minimizing on smaller screens for expenses, timesheets, invoices and project requisitions
- [JSV] Fixed Value band selection always loading the default value band
- [NFS] Changed the user expense type allocation page to not show the ‘selectable’ label and check box for system types (previously just the check box was hidden)
- [RB] Resolved an issue where the supplier filter on requisitions would be disregarded when copying an order thereby allowing users to select all suppliers
- [JSV] Fix object reference error when editing an invoice
- [JSV] Fix job costing enquiry total not always matching header type total
- [JSV] Fix timesheets submitted when user has not fulfilled contracted hours being marked as Submitted.
- [JSV] Fix Job costing list page showing total of header type percent complete
- [JSV] Add sage database name to unsubmitted timesheet notification
- [JSV] Fix object reference error when running invoice approval report
- [JSV] Fix unsubmitted timesheet emails being sent for databases that the user does not have access to. Process will only check the user’s default Sage database
- [RB] Fixed spelling mistake “Mainain” on User type User tab
- [JSV] Fixed issue where approval route wizard would not show job costing items if the job was set to ‘mark all headers available for this job’ and no rate existed
- [JSV] Fixed issue where job selection tree would not show job costing items if the job was set to ‘mark all headers available for this job’ and no rate existed
- [JSV] Removed ‘Source’ column from Invoice approval report and Expense Approval as not linked to any data
- [JSV] Added usertype setting for allowing JC memos to be edited with needing job editing permission
- [RB] Resolved an issue where an user would encounter a “Negating the minimum value of twos complement numbers is invalid” exception when splitting an expense line immediately after adding it without first saving all the expense lines
- [NFS] Improved error handing when holiday requests are approved and added to email client calendars
- [JSV] Fixed error on job costing selection when looking for job manager and there is no job selected
- [NFS] Improved the performance of the approval routes report
- [NFS] Added paging to the approval route report
- [JSV] Fixed job costing list looking for analysis labels in old JC settings table
- [NFS] Fixed all spelling issues: Seperate > Separate
- [JSV] Fixed issue where approving multiple project requisitions would display the same quantity for subsequent lines
- [RB] Resolved an issue in Expense Line Mileage entry where goods value for mileage lines would fail validation when business mileage is put on with a zero rate fuel rate
- [RB] Resolved user type permissions for the default administrator user created during initial install not having all required permissions
- [NFS] Fixed an issue inserting new user types to the database where an error would be displayed
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [NFS] Removed utility processes that are continually checking sage tables monitoring for changes, now the WAP addon will post a record to the queue table for WAP to process
- [JSV] Replaced old style tooltips on customer/supplier requests with new style Hints
- [NFS] Added additional filters to the approval route report to reduce the amount of data that is returned
- [JSV] Added setting to prevent timesheets being submitted if daily hours are over users maximum
- [JSV] Added ability to use simple or advanced view on job costing list
- [NFS] Added Second Reference and PO number to the budget enquiry details budget report
Date applied: December 1, 2018
18.1.2 (WAP Addon)
New Features Pre-release ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
- [NFS] Requires Common Components 18.1.15 and above
New Features
- The WAP addon will now script Sage 200 screens to capture when an order is amended, received or invoiced and post a record into the WAP queue table for processing
- The WAP addon will now script Sage 200 screens to capture when an invoice is allocated and post a record into the WAP queue table for processing
- The WAP addon will now script Sage 200 screens to capture when an invoice is authorised and post a record in to the WAP queue table for processing
- The above changes were added so the WAP service does not need to continually check the records in Sage 200 for changes, now only the queue table will be processed.
Date applied: December 1, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed button column minimizing on smaller screens for expenses, timesheets, invoices and project requisitions
- [JSV] Fixed Value band selection always loading the default value band
- [JSV] Fix object reference error when submitting expenses
- [NFS] Changed the user expense type allocation page to not show the ‘selectable’ label and check box for system types (previously just the check box was hidden)
Date applied: November 23, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [RB] Resolved an issue where the supplier filter on requistions would be disregarded when copying an order thereby allowing users to select all suppliers
- [RB] Resolved an issue on Invoice Approval-, Expense Mileage- and Expense Item Report which would cause an object reference error when initially loading the page
Date applied: November 21, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Add sage database name to unsubmitted timesheet notification
- [JSV] Fix timesheets submitted when user has not fulfilled contracted hours being marked as Submitted.
- [JSV] Fix Job costing list page showing total of header type percent complete
- [JSV] Fix object reference error when editing an invoice
- [JSV] Fix job costing enquiry total not always matching header type total
- [NFS] Fixed an issue on requisition entry where an invalid cast exception would occur if user warehouse allocation was enabled
Date applied: November 20, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- [JSV] Fix object reference error when running invoice approval report
- [JSV] Fix unsubmitted timesheet emails being sent for databases that the user does not have access to. Process will only check the user’s default Sage database
- [JSV] Fixed issue where approval route wizard would not show job costing items if the job was set to ‘mark all headers available for this job’ and no rate existed
- [JSV] Fixed issue where job selection tree would not show job costing items if the job was set to ‘mark all headers available for this job’ and no rate existed
- [JSV] Removed ‘Source’ column from Invoice approval report and Expense Approval as not linked to any data
- [JSV] Added usertype setting for allowing Job Costing memos to be edited with needing job editing permission
- [RB] Fixed spelling mistake “Mainain” on User type User tab
- [RB] Resolved an issue where an user would encounter a “Negating the minimum value of twos complement numbers is invalid” exception when splitting an expense line immediately after adding it without first saving all the expense lines
- [NFS] Improved error handing when holiday requests are approved and added to email client calendars
Date applied: November 20, 2018
Issues Resolved Hot Fix Enhancements ImportantImportant Info
- [NFS] Added views to run the approval routes report for a large gain in performance
Issues Resolved
- [JSV] Fixed error on job costing selection when looking for job manager and there is no job selected
- [NFS] Improved the performance of the approval routes report
- [NFS] Added paging to the approval route report
Hot Fix Enhancements
- [NFS] Added additional filters to the approval route report to reduce the amount of data that is returned
- [JSV] Added setting to prevent timesheets being submitted if daily hours are over users maximum
Date applied: November 16, 2018