Construction Manager & CIS

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Issues Resolved Change in Functionality Important
Important Info

If you use the Expenses modules with Sicon Approvals and become aware of double posting to Sage, please contact your Sage Business Partner or Sicon Support to arrange a hotfix to v221.0.29.

Issues Resolved
  • [RB] Resolved and issue with the Expense setting ‘Expense Claim Posting Method’ being missing when using Sage Project Accounting.
  • [RB] Resolved an issue with Project Accounting Completed & Archived projects being selectable on Expenses and Timesheets.
  • [RB] Resolved an issue with the Requisition setting ‘Disable Nominal Selection when a project is selected’ still allowing users to select Nominals on Requisitions and Project Requisitions.
  • [RB] Resolved an issue with the ‘Project Phase’ column on Requisitions and Project Requisitions reports showing ‘N/A’. Please be aware this on works on Requisitions and Project Requisitions raised in v221.0.26+.
  • [RB] Resolved an issue with downloaded attachments from Sicon Approvals not maintaining their original file name.
  • [RB] Resolved an issue with Credit Notes with duplicate references Failing to post through to Sage.
  • [RB] Resolved an issue when Raising a Credit Note in Sicon Approvals, the narrative text box now pre-populates with prefix ‘PC’.

Change in Functionality
  • [RB] Improved the speed of the supplier selection pulling in supplier details on the Project Requisitions Approval Screen.

Date applied: September 12, 2023