Sicon Projects is designed specifically for Sage 200, integrating with Purchase ledger, SOP, POP, Stock, Time Recording and Works Order Processing. It provides solutions for clients in manufacturing, construction, software development and all types of contract management.

Release notes:
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added group validation to PL and SL imports to check discount value isnt higher than the sum of nominals.
- When ‘Use Document date for SOP transactions’ setting is unticked, the promised date is used as the transaction date on SOP Orders.
Date applied: October 16, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed ‘Object not set…’ error when clicking on stock item lookup on a planned purchase (not selecting anything), then changing to a free text item.
- Fixed issue with part posting a planned purchase and the wrong quantities showing on the project enquiry.
- Fixed issue where the committed quantity is not updated when printing the SOP return credit note.
- Fixed quantity issues when printing SOP orders and returns. It should set the SIJCTRN quantities to be actual including on the SOP Despatch and received transactions.
- Added clear to active locks on ‘POP_AmendPurchaseOrderDetailsForm’ on posting planned purchases and closing the amend purchase order screen.
- Fixed object reference error when clicking ‘Amend Invoice’ in the Invoicing module.
Date applied: August 21, 2024
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Column widths have been adjusted on Projects tab (used on Invoices etc) to fit in larger Nominal codes and name.
Issues Resolved
- Project enquiry quantities should be correct for POP transactions after invoicing if using Enhancement pack feature for POP staged accrual postings.
Date applied: August 7, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed issue with COS not clearing actuals and creating adjustments for them. Also changed to set date on COS to match the SOP project transaction
- Fixed ‘Divide by zero error encountered’ error when opening the Project Enquiry if the exchange rate is equal to zero.
- POP Accruals from Sicon Enhancement pack should not clear the quantities on the POP transaction in project enquiry.
- ‘ADJ’ postings should be created if not already for Cost of sales when invoicing a sales order. COS will cleared as they are despatched.
- Fixed text limit error on StockItemText when exporting all cost to excel.
- Payroll extract extracts to 4 decimal places.
- Update project transaction periods will now also update the Period start and end dates.
- Correct Period detail should be applied to transactions linked to a nominal.
- Stock Transfer to Project now setting the correct Phase and Stage and Activity
Date applied: August 6, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- PLRet-WriteOff’s should display on all costs view and enquiry.
- Update waiting postings will now update periods on project transactions to match the linked nominal posting.
Date applied: May 22, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Correcting an Invoice or Credit Note should populate the Nominal detail on the project transaction for the reverse Credit Note or Invoice transaction.
Date applied: May 22, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed issue with copy above hotkeys and checking for duplicates changing the project number and header to row above on Rapid PL Invoice screen.
- SOP Proforma document no. should now populate on project transaction in the enquiry and clear committed on SOP quote when converting SOP Quote to Proforma to Order
- Fixed issue with ID displaying instead of Project Number in stock history when using rapid stock issue.
Date applied: May 8, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Project Number should show in stock history reference field instead of ID
- Even when using Query flag on Invoices and Credit Notes in Import, Project transaction should now linked to Nominal
- PostPOPInvoiceWithProjects WebAPI endpoint corrected to show the quantity on project instead of just ‘1’
- Fixed project error on posting rapid stock issue
Date applied: May 1, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed Project header could not be found error when on hired in plant import when adding PO lines to existing purchase order for the hire.
Date applied: May 1, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Prompt for Promised Date removed for Sales Returns
- Default working day hours remain setting should be configurable and not hardcoded to 7.5
- Project enquiry totals drill down on application totals shouild also include retentions.
- Error fixed on posting hired in plant confirmation emails due to semi colons
- Commited COS should be on its own with no actual value and dated the same as the relating sales order. Actuals will be posted as ‘ADJ’ (Adjustments) and have the date of the despatch.
Date applied: March 6, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed issue with nominal not refreshing on orders when project header is typed in and clicked away.
- Correct Project analysis should load when amending drafts invoices and credit notes.
- Project and project header validation should be thrown on proceed button on internal stock allocations with traceable items.
- Despatching SOP should use despatch date (from stock history) when updating actual COS.
- Changes made to running COS routine to change actual quantity to match Stock history if it has changed.
- Fixed duplication of actual costs for construction applications on Cost to complete screens.
- Missing scripting added for amend SOP/POP return screens.
Date applied: February 14, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Amending a dispute with a partial credit should pull through the correct value instead of the full invoice value.
- Set IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted on Project Transaction Get Methods to reduce risk of deadlocks.
- The filter on the Project Financial enquiry doesnt refresh the PSA to display all of them.
- Matched SOP Despatch not zeroing (also set as Despatch rather than Receipt).
- Rapid stock issue bin name showing as ID.
Date applied: January 31, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added nominal ID on output of GetProjectNominalOverride End point.
- Rapid stock Issue – when adding in new lines, data jumps to different rows.
- When using Direct Delivery PO’s, on confirming direct delivery the Committed Cost changes to zero.
- Error when correcting foreign currency invoice.
Date applied: January 19, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Changes made for COS coming from manufacturing works orders linked to sales orders.
- Remove migration from project accounting from the menu and moved to hidden settings.
- Fixed Error on self bill if Period doesnt exist.
- Fix when creating a new project transaction and the stock type is ‘WOP’ and there is no ‘Transaction ID’ sent through to not lookup for a transaction history.
- Project lists should load correct Analysis code headings when changing between companies.
- COS can now be enabled without nominal postings enabled in sage but will give a warning.
- Fixed issue with duplicate project numbers being allowed with auto numbering turned off.
- Purchase orders linked to plant hires will not be allowed to be written off.
- Unable to set a Project to completed due to a zero-cost Carriage charge still showing as a committed cost.
- Fixed missing button issue when switching to Project Header view.
Date applied: January 3, 2024
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed project total calculation when deleting a construction application with discount.
- When creating a quotation and linking it with a Project, adding lines shows the selected Project Code. Adding an item, the project code is still showing.
- Committed value on the project from the hire order is not cleared if the PO is over-invoiced and the hire order is collected early.
- When processing Convert Quotation to Proforma, committed value does not come off Quotation.
- Added logging to External API methods for posting POP and PL invoices.
Date applied: December 6, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed ‘Method not found …PendingNominalBatchEntry.Post()’ error on posting cost to complete accruals
Date applied: November 22, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed nominal reconciliation error when correcting a credit note for a foreign currency.
- Purchase return showing Document ref as TBA in Project enquiry.
- Fixed ‘Project header with ID not found’ error when adding an order line to an order or quote after changing companies in sage.
- Planned Purchases quantity should display correctly when cancelling the order
- Make a change to Plant screen cost to date to be to off hire date if set.
- Retention values should display correctly on project Enquiries if set to display as actual.
Date applied: November 8, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Default Project analysis will be N/A for landed costs if POP defaults are not set in project settings.
- Zero value lines on a journal will not be validated for a nominal code as they wont be posted by sage.
- Fixed issue with CC and dept overrides on landed cost nominals not being picked up.
- If ‘Settle Immediately’ is ticked on a PO invoice. the total VAT value should recalculate with the VAT discount.
- Fixed Issue on generate planned purchases, stock item description exceeds the character limit.
Date applied: November 1, 2023
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Update companies required
- SQL scripts will nolonger work on SQL 2008 R2 or lower
Issues Resolved
- Fix to amend the WOP-COS transaction cost as the works order gets updated
- Improvements and redesign of projects total tab on enquiry.
- Fixed scroll bar on breakdown of costs/revenue on project enquiry project totals tab
- Fixed database timeouts on Nominal transaction enquiry when SQL compatibility is higher than 2012
- Fixed ‘Project could not be found’ error when deleting a project while in the project enquiry
- Projects fields showing when they shouldn’t on stock screens if integration is turned off
Date applied: October 25, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Billing profile should pop up where applicable on generate billing where the project number has been entered in full and clicked of to another control (not tabbing).
- Changing date on a POP return should also update project transactions transaction date.
- If quotes are marked as ‘Lost’ then all project transactions will be excluded for it.
Date applied: October 4, 2023
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Update companies required.
Issues Resolved
- Adding timesheet for plant should update Last project on plant record
- Project detail will now load on ‘All Plant Items List’ when the item is a single project hired in plant
- Added validation to limit exchange rate on Sales and Purchase ledger imports to 6 decimal points, the same as allowed in standard sage.
- Change date filter on Maintain Billed Transactions to a Date Range.
- Employee name will now be displayed for Labour transactions in the Maintain billed transactions screen.
- Saving on Maintain Billed Transactions will keep the screen open to process more.
Date applied: September 20, 2023
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Labour project header types will need ‘project group’ configured to Labour if Timesheets are configured to only use Labour/Plant Project headers.
Issues Resolved
- Fixed ‘Specific argument was out of the range of valid values’ error when creating a project from a sales order, viewing the project and click the project levels tab (Activities only enabled).
- Limited characters on InvoiceCreditNumber field on Import Transactions to 20.
- Changed setting to only use Labour/Plant headers on timesheets to be controlled by the project group configuration in maintain project header types.
- Project Levels column shouldnt be visible on billing profile if enable activities is disabled in settings.
- Fixes for ‘Bigint to varchar’ errors on nominal transaction enquiry.
Date applied: August 30, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Changed message on accepting disputed credit notes in POP to give user instruction to delete the dispute and reprocess the credit note in order to get the correct project integration.
- If a default header is set on the employee it will pull through onto new timesheets.
- Free text SOP lines when invoice printed will set actual quantity on ‘matched’ despatch transaction.
- Project Enhancements will not load on correcting or reversing a VAT only Sales invoice.
Date applied: August 9, 2023
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Update companies required.
Issues Resolved
- Deleted planned purchases shouldnt appear in the budged ‘Planned’ totals.
Date applied: August 8, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed error with updating SiJcTrn record if the sage user has an apostrophe in their name.
- Better ID validation added to PL invoice narratives to check if they contain ‘[ID:’
- COS recalculation added if committed quantity on sales order line is reduced reduced.
Date applied: July 12, 2023
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added tick box on rebalance projects to skip process of updating transactions from other modules (Construction).
Issues Resolved
- Stopped project validation on Invoicing module comment lines.
- Validation added to project header to stop delete if used on an employee or plant.
- Fix to rebalance to include application discount in project totals.
- Validation added to all applicable imports to check if selected project activity is Live and not 100% completed.
- Changed the ‘Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.SiJcTrnCurrentValue’ error when rebalancing project totals to a user friendly one.
- Added validation for internal area set up on rapid stock issue.
Date applied: June 26, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added Second reference to PostPOPInvoiceCoordinator API method.
- Fixed Issue with Period Budget Import not importing anything.
- Fixed reconciliation error on customer payment/Receipt screen when using euro bank and euro customer with bank charges.
- fixed POP invoice not creating multiple tax codes (PostPOPInvoiceCoordinator )
- Copying invoices from the invoice module should now also copy over the nominal analysis detail.
- Validation added to journal entry to make sure a nominal code is entered on all lines and not left blank.
Date applied: June 12, 2023
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Update companies required.
Issues Resolved
- Fixed ‘VAT Analysis total does not match the transaction VAT Value’ error using POP Invoice API
- Retrospective view will now use SiJCEnquiryAllCostsView instead of labour view for speed
- Fixed issue with wrong project analysis appearing on orders generated on repeat templates if multiple templates selected.
- Fixed looping and crashing issue when changing a VAT code and value on a POP invoice
- Fixed issue with Written off POP transactions not converting POP invoices to PL Invoices
Date applied: May 26, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Stopped users from manually typing in Revenue project header on PO and Cost header on SO
- Planned purchase entry should only display cost project headers
- Validation added to check if authorisation feature is turned on when using Import Purchase transaction (with projects)
- Fixed issue with last revised revenue not storing on advanced projects list after setting a cost to complete previously for the current period
- Resolved an issue in the POP process where it was incorrectly setting the PL flag (in Sicon Documents)
- In transaction Editor moving a SOP Invoice should also move the SOP Order and Despatch line project analysis
- POP Variance line should not be created when POP settings enabled to create a price difference on GRN
- Fixed error in GetProjectNominalOverride WebAPI method when setting a supplier ID in the TraderID field
- Completing a project will now exclude construction postings when checking for commitments
- Fixed rounding issue on tax in POP invoice posting coordinator
- Reversing SOP invoice were creating SL credits with positive actual value
- Fixed Variation creation in WebAPI methods
- Check added to WebAPI integration to see if SOP/POP Nominal Amendment is enabled (in Sicon Barcoding)
- Fixed Object not set error in Stage accrual posting if POP line is cancelled (In Sicon Enhancement Pack)
Date applied: May 12, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed exchange rate issue when changing exchange rate on a PO invoice
- SOP Proformas should now go to 0 value when converted to orders
- Start date on project import should only be mandatory if the setting is enabled
- WOP header added to Stock settings import
- Select all button on post planned purchase will also automatically set the quantity to purchase to be the outstanding
- Fixed project analysis not transferring when generating a PO from a sales order.
- Fixed sorting on project desktop lists with large amounts of projects causing an out of memory exception
- Fixed issue with assigning project analysis to a POP line that previously didnt have project integration then not updating the Quantity on the line too
Date applied: April 21, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Users will not be allowed to delete projects or project headers if they are used on a stock item.
- Salary Apportionment Rates not picking up correctly if rate has been deleted
- Fixed show/Hide inactive button on project header
- Fixed project analysis not appearing in NL transaction enquiry on 2023 R1 version of sage
- Fixed description column on enquiry all cost and revenue tabs to be sortable
Date applied: April 20, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Drill downs on project enquiry to SL/PL transaction enquiry will not be available if user doesnt have permission to access those screens.
- Only selected despatched SOP lines will be updated in projects instead of all lines on the order
- Fixed issue with F8 key on Rapid invoice screen copying project onto line above
- Fixed error on clicking view purchase order on plant hire order if a PO has not been generated yet.
- Fixed nominal reconciliation error on rapid stock issue posting
- COS postings will now check SOP settings to use CC and department from SOP line nominal
- Cancelling SO should soft delete ADJ postings on the Project aswell as COS postings.
- Fixed ‘The nominal analysis total does not match transaction net value’ error when using self bill and credits
- Fixed reconciliation error on SL import with exchange rate
- Fixed error finding rate when using createLabour Web API method
Date applied: March 25, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed COS postings to have correct quantity for returns.
- Changing narratives only on a PL or SL invoice/credit note should save.
- Post POP Invoice API method will now handle Auto stock Issue quantity.
- Fixed system memory exceptions when self billing.
- Variance on single invoice to multiple orders, does not need to be assigned to a PO.
- Fixed error that project already exists when saving for the second time.
- Fixed error when creating project with stages and activities and exporting to Excel.
- Fixed random project number being populated on sales order line from quote to proforma to order process.
Date applied: March 6, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed Invoice dates missing from Projects transactions when using PostPLTransactionInstrument
- CVR will exclude estimates and templates
- CVR will now exclude Header application postings to stop doubling of figures
- Fixed Project not being copied into Sales Return when raised from a Sales Order
- Made changes to stop nominal lookup locking when adding a comment line then selecting a stock type line on an Invoicing order
Date applied: March 3, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Prompt added to remove markup on any linked revenue when deleting a budget
- Fixed issue with index when deleting and re-entering a new phase on a project
- default rate should be populated when default header populated on a new timesheet line
- Fixed delete button wrongly disabled on project
- Fixed Write off PO issue to convert any POP invoices to PL invoices
- Fixed Object reference error on the Maintain Plant window when clicking on plant lookup then closing the screen
- Changed rebalance to include auto issue invoices and credits on a POP line
- Fixed ‘Object not set error’ on despatch SOP when project integration is disabled
Date applied: February 24, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Made changes to Post PO invoice API method to work with service type stock items.
- Filtered out committed timesheets from self billing.
- Change to ‘ Automatically issue after Purchase goods received and Automatically issue at PO/return cost’ setting to warn users this will not update the nominal postings only projects.
- Activities wont be allowed to be deleted if a budget exists for it.
- Project markup added to logic when creating a revenue budget from a cost budget.
- Fixed project not found error on timesheet when the timesheet line type is not ‘Project’.
- Fixed issue with correcting a project analysis only on an invoice andproject lines not loading when correcting again.
- Fixed Nominal reconciliation error on Issue stock allocation.
Date applied: February 10, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed activity count when checking to display project level button on the project enquiry.
- Trimmed ‘ /’ on end of narrative on sales ledger import to stop reconciliation error.
- Fixed error when adding an appointment in an Employee Schedule.
- Added project analysis validation to reduce allocation screen.
Date applied: January 20, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Amending SOP despatches will only update the single line instead of the entire order.
- Fixed reconciliation error on SL invoices.
- Viewing orders in project enquiry from transactions made in invoicing module should launch correct screen instead of an error message.
- Fixed Unhandled Exception When leaving project lookup with incomplete project number.
- Fixed issue on nominal import with projects if narrative has carriage returns. These will be removed and made a single line.
- Routine change to remove source 8 filter on POP invoice reconcile routine.
Date applied: December 28, 2022
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- New Setting added to use document date on SOP transactions instead of the promised date.
Issues Resolved
- Added User Form locking to rapid stock issue.
- Added better error message for duplicate entry error on project rebalance.
- Invoice variance on project enquiry expenditure should be calculated in currency.
- Removed extra columns for construction valuations and retentions on the Project financial enquiry totals tab.
- Added Auto Issue Quantity column to all costs tab on Enquiry.
Date applied: December 20, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- ‘PLAPP-Main’ (PL Application) type transactions should be excluded from generate billing.
- New API methods for creating an Invoice for multiple POs.
- Fixed Duplication issue if correcting a PL invoice and authorising.
- Fixed reconciliation error when reversing an invoice with negative nominal line.
- Changed F6 function on rapid PL invoice to copy cell above instead of the whole row.
Date applied: November 18, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed ‘Object not set…’ error on selecting pop address when Enhancement pack is also installed.
- Fixed sorting of descriptions on project enquiry Totals tab.
Date applied: November 11, 2022
Issues Resolved New Features ImportantImportant Info
- Update companies required.
New Features
- Added Budget margin % to the advanced desktop list.
- Added Landed cost functionality to the POP Invoice API methods.
- New column added to Budget Import for Reason for change.
- New Web API method added to delete Timesheet project transaction.
Issues Resolved
- Added project lookup sorting setting to project enquiry.
- Project levels shouldnt be available if marked as completed.
- POP Invoice quantity validation will now check the whole invoice is not 0 instead of each individual line.
- COS date should update if date on the order has changed.
- Fixed COS reconciliation issue if order with multiple lines of the stock item is added and despatched.
- POP issue stock at POP cost will now apply exchange rate.
- Fixed errors on corrections of a SO invoice when splitting out to multiple lines.
- Sales Transaction import creating Unexpected exception error.
- Fixed ‘Specified argument was out of range…’ error when creating a new project and activities enabled but not phases.
- Fixed Object not set error when deleting activity0 and creating a new activity on a project..
Date applied: October 28, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Limited custom field labels to 100 characters and also stopped overlapping fields on the tab.
- Period Totals on rebalance will now be optional. Only enforced on CVR.
- Fixed loading of project levels tab when project saved and refreshed for new project.
- Fixed ‘Object not set…’ error when collapsing all on project levels tab.
- Maintain Projects will now remove Analysis codes tab if they are not enabled.
- Date on COS posting will now update on despatch or sales order.
Date applied: September 30, 2022
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- New WebAPI methods to get and update project header links on a project.
- New WebAPI methods to get, post and delete period budgets.
- New WebAPI methods to get, post and delete budget items.
Issues Resolved
- Invoice paid status on projects list view should display ‘no invoices’ if no invoices are on the project.
- WebAPI method for budgets will return budget hours in the place of spare number 1.
- extended Analysis code fields on the project desktop lists to 512 to stop error and red x.
Date applied: September 23, 2022
Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
- Update companies required.
Issues Resolved
- Setting to disable default nominal extended to be used on SOP and POP Lines.
- Fixed ‘Index out of range’ when amending quotes and not all analysis codes are enabled. Also added analysis 6 and 7.
- Header types will now be ordered correctly on project enquiry project totals tab.
- Fixed Importing NOMCASHP using Import Transactions not showing correctly in the All costs tab.
Date applied: September 16, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Project journals will now display the journal reference in document number in the project enquiry.
- Fixed Incorrect committed quantity total in Timesheets (Labour) tab in Project Enquiry.
Date applied: September 9, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added lock check to updating Exchange rates when updating SOP and POP orders.
- Fixed ‘Out of memory’ exception on the project enquiry when changing the project in the lookup multiple times.
- Stopped database timeout when reversing a credit note.
- Log files and project filter added to COS routine.
Date applied: September 2, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added stock COS adjustments when COS filtered on project enquiry.
- Removed buttons from budgets tab when viewed from project enquiry.
Date applied: August 26, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Importing with Project levels – added validation to prevent the importing of levels if not turned on in Project Settings.
- Fixed linking to existing Sales order when using Generate Billing and Billing Profile not working.
- Adding validation to timesheets making sure override values are not negative
- Timesheet import pulling through wrong rate.
- Users will not be allowed to enter or copy a project ID tag in the narrative for journals or invoices.
- Comma separation added to values in the budgets screen and enquiry tab.
- Fixed speed issue on saving Authorisation screen.
- COS created from SO with kit items is not being reconciled to projects.
Date applied: August 19, 2022
ImportantImportant Info
** Build removed, go to build v211.0.33 **
Date applied: August 6, 2022