Sicon Manufacturing is a set of additional modules for Sage 200, integrated with Stock, BOM, Sales and Purchase Order Processing. Including modules for Job Costing, Works Order Processing and Estimating, this package can be configured for one-off job costed manufacture or high volume repeat production manufacture. Material and Resource Planning provides suggested works orders and purchase orders plus a rough cut capacity plan at labour and machine levels.

Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to handle standard item sales order entry being disabled
Date applied: December 4, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix for when the user amends a Purchase Order and the delivery address was getting overwritten with nothing
Date applied: April 16, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Back flush screen will now handle pre-allocations automatically
- Fix to why the Areas form was not loading in Sage 200 2013 or 2015
- Fix to purchase order suggestions so quantities will no longer be multiplied by the minimum order quantity
Date applied: March 21, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to stop an error that appeared when entering a decimal value as the unit cost on a sales order line
Date applied: March 19, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to why on hold sales orders were not appearing in the stock movements screen
Date applied: March 13, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Works Order Processing
- Fix to stop users being able to delete part issued works orders
Date applied: March 6, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Date applied: February 19, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Date applied: January 23, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to stop error stating settings cannot be found where the user creating a works order, kit or purchase order is not the one who ran material planning
Date applied: January 2, 2019
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to stop object reference error when converting estimates to works orders
Date applied: November 23, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Date applied: November 21, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Suggested works order start dates will now appear correctly
- The update from BOM feature will now handle phantoms correctly
Date applied: November 20, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Works Order Processing
- Fixes to the status control on the ‘Amend Estimate’ and ‘Amend Template’ screens, as they were set incorrectly on load and could not be changed.
- Fix to un-issuing an item from a works order where the issue history doesn’t exist.
- Fix to an error where a input string error was thrown when booking a works order in
Works Order Processing
- Fixes to the status control on the ‘Amend Estimate’ and ‘Amend Template’ screens, as they were set incorrectly on load and could not be changed.
- Fix to un-issuing an item from a works order where the issue history doesn’t exist.
- Fix to an error where a input string error was thrown when booking a works order in
Date applied: October 18, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to allow sub contract operations to be added to works orders.
- Allocation screen will now auto set the component quantity when loaded if there is not enough free stock available.
Date applied: October 12, 2018
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- New setting added called ‘Allow forecasts to be reduced at sales order entry’ so the screen will no longer appear unless enabled.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to duplicate kit reference issue and tool added to the settings screen to fix existing kits.
- Fix to the Job Costing migration routine so it will only create transactions on Jobs that already have Works Order transactions.
- Fix to allow completed works orders to be unbooked.
- Fix to the ‘Process Works Orders’ screen so controls do not disappear with lower screen resolutions.
- Fix to the copy works order function so dates are calculated correctly on sub assemblies.
- Fix to reducing forecasts at sales order entry where it wasn’t filtering stock items correctly.
Date applied: October 11, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Added a ‘Batch Print’ button to the ‘Process Works Orders’ screen, which will allow multiple reports to be printed for the selected works orders.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to adding operations to works orders in Sage 2011
- Fix to not allow purchase orders to be generated without a warehouse set.
- ‘Future Stock Movements’ screen will now check if Distribution is enabled if Material Planning is not.
Date applied: October 9, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Operations from Works Order Processing and Job Costing will now generate demand.
Issues Resolved
- Works orders generated from sales order will now use the delivery buffer from Material Planning.
Date applied: October 4, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to booking in traceable items that are set to not record numbers at goods received where multiple serial numbers where being generated
Works order status check will now ignore miscellaneous items as long as there is another component that is a standard stock item
- Fix to items that have suggested purchase orders generated from suggested works orders which do not exist in the default component warehouse
Date applied: October 2, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Sales forecasts can now be edited, and users will also be able to reduce them when entering a sales order via a screen that will appear when saving the sales order line
Issues Resolved
- Fix to suggested works order result quantities when multiple levels and unit of measures are in use.
Date applied: September 26, 2018
New Features Pre-release ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
- Attachment migration will commence when the settings screen is loaded for the first time after upgrade. Going forward, the standard Sage attachments path
New Features
- BOM attachments will now be added to works orders on creation
- New auto print reports function added with maintenance screen, so reports checked will be printed on works order creation
- Descriptions on labour and machine lines can now be amended
- Book button added to the ‘Process Works Orders’ screen
- Comment only operations will now be added to works orders on creation
Date applied: September 19, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to works order status where a line is only part issued
- The book in date on the finished item screen will now be used correctly when booking a finished item
Date applied: September 11, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Kits can now be part built.
- New date added to works orders called ‘Generated Date’ which stores the date the works order was created.
Issues Resolved
- Users that do not use automatic number will have to enter Works Orders numbers manually.
- Fix to demand in ‘Capacity Planning’ so it is now reduced by actual transactions.
Operation quantity is now changed when the works order quantity is.
Date applied: August 21, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Added a new setting so labour registers rates will be used instead of those set on the operation.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to not allow already completed works orders to be completed again.
- Fix to stop an error being thrown if no quantity is entered when add a labour transaction.
- Fixed the issue that stopped users adding labour and machine transactions to a booked works order.
Date applied: August 21, 2018
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Kits can now be part built.
- New date added to works orders called ‘Generated Date’ which stores the date the works order was created.
Issues Resolved
- Users that do not use automatic number will have to enter Works Orders numbers manually.
- Fix to demand in ‘Capacity Planning’ so it is now reduced by actual transactions.
- Operation quantity is now changed when the works order quantity is.
Date applied: August 21, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to an ‘index out of range’ error that appeared when back flushing a works order for a batch traceable item preallocated to a sales order
- Works orders will now use the production lead time set on the stock item WOP tab when it is set
- Fix to stop ‘object reference’ errors appearing when running MRP for kits
Date applied: August 19, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- The kitting import screen has been modified to follow the standardised import screen.
Date applied: August 1, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to auto preallocation on the ‘Back Flush’ screen
Date applied: July 26, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- Fix to the ‘Works Order’ screen to lock it down once all items are booked to prevent changes to components
- When unissuing traceable items from a works order, the serial/batch selection screen will only show relevant information based on the works order the user is in
- Fix to updating works orders which have been changed via the Barcoding app
Date applied: July 19, 2018
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Manufacturing instructions now get copied on to works orders from the BOM
Issues Resolved
- Fixes/changes made to WebAPI operation methods
Date applied: July 13, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Added the ability to select batch/serial numbers at unissue
Issues Resolved
- Fix to the shown allocation quantity on the ‘Process Works Orders’ screen
Date applied: July 10, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-release ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
New Features
- Implemented new Sicon Allocation processes
- ‘Expediting’ screen now shows purchase order numbers and dates
Issues Resolved
- Fix to the kit reference format where it was adding a zero when reaching 10, 100, etc
- Fix to ‘Manage SOP Back Orders’ free stock calculation
- Date control checks to confirm ‘to’ date is not before ‘from’ date
Date applied: July 4, 2018
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- Added a works order desktop list
- Updated the “CreateWorksOrder” method to handle WOComments, SpareMemo1, SpareMemo2, SOPWorksOrderText and SOPLineWorksOrderText fields
- Added an “AmendWorksOrder” method that is requested using a JSON object, an example of this JSON object is:
- {SpecificWorksOrderNumber: “WO0000001”, BOMStockCode: “”, FinishedGoodsWarehouseName: “Showroom”, ComponentWarehouseName: “Warehouse”, WOQuantity: “1”, WOStartDate: “22/06/2018”, WODueDate: “25/06/2018”, WOName: “My Works Order”, WOComments : “My Works Order Comment”, SpareText1: “”, SpareText2: “”, SpareText4: “”, SpareMemo1: “Memo1”, SpareMemo2: “Memo2”, SOPOrederReturnLineID: “12345678”, SOPWorksOrderText: “SOP WO Text”, SOPLineWorksOrderText: “SOP Line WO Text”, WorkshopName: “”, JobNumber: “”, CostHeaderCode: “” }
- To Note: “PostnewWorksorder” method can also be called in the same way
Issues Resolved
- Fixed an issue when creating a kit and allocating to a sales order line for a traceable item that is not set to assign serials/batch numbers at generation
- Fix to the quote to sales order conversion process so preallocations and generated correctly
- Fix to works order suggestions where existing works order quantities were not always being taken into account when creating suggestions
- Fix to the batch number selection screen when issuing components
Date applied: June 20, 2018
New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Kit templates desktop list added
Date applied: June 12, 2018
New Features Pre-release ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
New Features
- Implemented SiconTeams and SiconTeamGroups in a very basic way, more work required
- Added a stock item filter to the ‘Calculate Minimum Stock Levels’ screen
- Added a ‘Distribution’ button to the ‘Stock Transfer’ screen
Date applied: June 5, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-release ImportantPre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Important Info
- Amend Works Orders form renamed to Process Works Orders
Issues Resolved
- Fixed the problem when amending an existing sales order that’s been selected on creating a new sales order, where the new sales order screen was not closing
- Fix to selecting batch numbers at issue where the same batch number was split other multiple bins
- The generate works order for sales order lines screen that appears when saving a sales order will now only show items that have a BOM or template
- The date controls on the Expediting screen now have validation
- The works order comments on sales order lines will now save correctly
Material Planning
- Requisitions for WAP will now have the document date set
Date applied: June 1, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue on the Create New Sales Order Template screen that was causing out of memory errors
- Fixed the problem where preallocated lines were being fully allocated manually and the preallocation not being deleted
- Free stock quantities will now show the free stock quantity available in the selected warehouse only
Date applied: May 23, 2018
Issues Resolved New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Statuses added to Operations
Issues Resolved
- Fix to why suggested works orders for items with templates were not being generated correctly
Works Order Processing
- Fix to an error that was thrown when deleting works orders
- Operations will now also be put on hold when the works order is
Date applied: May 18, 2018
Issues Resolved Change in FunctionalityIssues Resolved
- Fixed the issue that was causing purchase orders generated from Material Planning to not have the total value set on the header until it had been amended.
Change in Functionality
- Added the ability to set the book in date when booking finished items. Defaults to today’s date but can be amended on the finished items screen when booking.
Date applied: May 17, 2018
New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Added a ‘Colour’ column to the Expediting screen which can be used for filtering when exported to Excel
Date applied: May 17, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- Removed the code that was amending the sales order line screen as it is no longer required and could cause formatting issues
- Fixes to deleting preallocations when allocating a works order line
Date applied: May 16, 2018
Issues Resolved Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Issues Resolved
- Fixed the cost field calculation on the works order screen after the works order has been completed
- Fixed an error that occurred when adding a labour line transactions
- When entering the stock item transaction screen for a finished item from the works order screen will now show all transactions for that item
Date applied: May 10, 2018
New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- Changed the supplier drop down for suggested purchase orders to show all suppliers with the ones linked to the stock item duplicated at the top
Date applied: May 1, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to allocating pre-allocated lines from sub assembly works orders, where the item is traceable and the quantity booked is greater than the required quantity.
Date applied: April 27, 2018
Issues Resolved Change in FunctionalityIssues Resolved
- Removed the query from the SQL script that was changing labour line names and descriptions to match the ones on the labour resource
- Fix to stop inactive stock items appearing
- Fixes to the Amend Sales Order Template screen to stop a number of errors
- Fixed the reason why components were not being unissued when cancelling a kit build.
Change in Functionality
- Added stock transfer suggestions
- Speed improvements to loading and allocating works orders
Date applied: April 18, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fix to an issue where completed sub assemblies were being filtered out in the amend works order screen.
- When allocating a line on a works order that has a sub assembly, the user can now allocate the free stock quantity and the preallocation quantity will be reduced.
- Fix to correct the picked flag on a works order line when it is unissued.
- Fix to ‘failed to update objects’ error when saving/building a kit.
Date applied: April 13, 2018
New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- New setting that causes kit lines to use the highest priority bin that has the stock available.
- New screen added that allows unallocated kit lines to be allocated on mass.
Date applied: April 3, 2018
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
Works Order Processing
- Pick bins will now be deleted after the finished item is booked in or the works order is completed.
- The quantity per run will now be used when generating labour lines.
- Pick bins will now be deleted after build.
- Support for five decimal places added.
Date applied: April 3, 2018
New Features Pre-releasePre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
New Features
- New flag added to stock items called ‘Bulk Issue Item’. These items will appear on works orders but do not need to allocated or issued. When booking the finished item their quantity will be changed to zero. The will not appear on pick lists. The can still be allocated and issued if the users wants to included them in the cost.
Date applied: March 23, 2018