Change in Functionality
Set correct tax code when generating sales returns from hire order line credits
Fix Service case equipment delivered/received flags incorrectly reading from Hire History for other hire orders.
Hire warehouse selection drop-down lists will now exclude any warehouses which have been deleted from Stock Control.
Generate Sales Orders actual billed fields are now only set for received/on-hire assets dependant on new bill line flag. This is to stop all asset items linked to a bill line being set with actual values when they do not apply, which results in doubling on the Billed Assets report.
When linking billed assets to bill lines check Received Dates instead if received flag, so we can differentiate between assets received on different days in the same period.
Hire Revenue Report SQL view fix to ensure this year, last year & life totals match invoice values
SiconHMBillLineItem suspension & bank holiday days fields are now set to days, not based on asset line setting unit.
Fix SiconHMBilledAssetsView hire charge calculations if SOP discount percentage has been applied, also rounds values to 7DP.
Fix SiconHMBillLineItem.BilledTotalDaysLessExclusions NULL values if records are created during generate sales orders/returns for assets despatched since last forecast regeneration or returned early credits.
Add SiconHMBillLine.ReceivedDate field & customer delivery address IDs to SiconHMBilledAssetsView.
SiconHMBilledAssetsView now links to sales order via SiconHMBillLine.SOPOrderReturnLineID instead of sales order stored on Bill and add new new index to SiconHMBillLineItem by SiconHMBillLineID.
Add SiconHMBilledAssetsView.SiconHMBillLineItemID to help with tracing any issues.