New Features
The Convert Quote screen now allows selection of multiple quotes using check-boxes and select/unselect all buttons. A ‘view’ button has also been added. When Convert Quote is run from the desktop list the screen is also briefly displayed behind the confirmation message.
SOP amend/view main screen ‘Hire’ tab added to show related hire order details.
New ‘On Hire’ quantity column added to hire order line maintenance/view asset ‘quantity’ tab.
New asset sub-category mandatory inspection required configuration option added. When this option is selected (or Hire is configured to require inspection of all assets) the user cannot clear the inspection required tick-box when confirming receipts.
Fixed Assets desktop list fields have now been added to the Asset Hire Register list of selectable fields (i.e. NetBookValue, LastDepreciationDate, AccumulatedDepreciation, (Asset) Description, HoldUntilDate, CostValue, LastDepreciationValue, DepreciationDescription, ResidualValue, ExpectedLife, WhenToDepreciate, DepreciationRate, DateOfPurchase, CapitalisationDate, AddressDescription, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, AddressLine4, PostCode, EmployeeName, Model, Manufacturer and Disposed)
Tax code can no longer be set/changed for hire order asset lines and sub-category default tax codes are now mandatory. Sub category import changed to mandatory default tax code and allow ‘mandatory’ inspection required import value.
Tax code can no longer be set/changed for hire order stock item or additional charge lines and tax code for free-text charge lines is now set to customer default tax code.
Asset Register (Desktop) List now includes ‘Dispose of Fixed Asset’ action matching the Fixed Assets desktop list. However this action will only be shown/available if the user role has access to the standard fixed assets disposal feature/menu item.
New additional charge nominal account SOP/revenue override added for ‘free text’ charge items.
Comment line ‘show on customer documents’ flag added (defaulted to ‘true’) and also applied rapid entry comments to be set as a default.
Service stock item additional charges can now be configured for manual user item selection during hire order entry/amendment.
Document report file/layout names are now configurable settings screen reports tab.
Issue To Fixed Assets now automatically generates a report when a report file is configured in the Hire Settings ‘reports’ tab. This requires the latest pre-release version of Fixed Assets.