New Features
Added new inspection process: screen which allows users to record inspection results for multiple assets at a time
Added desktop list to show lines to dispatch or receive this week.
New setting to make post code mandatory
Ability to despatch / print hire agreement, etc from hire order screen.
When issue stock to fixed assets, fixed problem where the reference needs to be limited to 20 characters, as the internal issue in sage only accepts 20 characters.
Added off hire status
Added a collection note screen
When amend suspension, forecast is now regenerated
On hire order details, when entering stock location, locations are now filtered for locations where hire items are available for hire, as don’t want to see all locations when creating hire orders.
Added ability to Sort columns on screen ‘Generating Sales Orders’
Added a routine to create forecasts for all existing hire orders for users upgrading from an older version of hire manager
Added ability to suspend a hire contract.
Sub Category screen layout within fixed assets corrected
Sub location drop down on hire order line corrected, as it looked as though users selection was not been saved
Import hire order file now includes a frequency field and a repeat date field
Assets already on hire are now excluded when displaying assets when dispatching
Fixed issues of over receiving assets back
Credit notes are now picking up the default nominal code from the sales ledger account as the sales orders do
Fixed issue where the hire order number was not populating the analysis code for sales returns
Added a collection note report and allowed printing from hire order screen
Add warehouse column to generate sales order screen
Added settings to remove tabs on hire order lines
Prevented changing category or sub-category on hire order line, if assets are allocated
Added ability to transfer multiple assets rather than doing this singularly.
Drill down on sub category balances to show hire movements and remove ‘hire movements’ from the menu as by default it does not link to a warehouse.
Added hire order initiator desktop lists on sage startup
Changed order of menu items to match the flow of order processing.
Fixes to hire detail saving on fixed assets
Added a due before date on the generate sales orders screen
Added if post code should be mandatory on the hire order
Added an off hire option on the hire order.
Added a customer delivery address onto the hire order line
Made sure buttons don’t overlap on the hire order screen
Added validation of collection date when setting order off hire. The collection date will not be before the off hire date. Can also now set the collection date
Can now print collection notes for order that are on hire.
When hire orders are opened from the desktop list, there was an issue with selecting some buttons at the bottom of the hire order screen. For example, the generate sales order screen would open and then close straight away. This is now fixed.
Able to view hire order from the desktop list
Can now receive assets on hire orders set as off hire
Credits tab is now hidden on quotes
Suspension option is now hidden on quotes.
Improved imports for asset hire details, sub category detail