Release notes:
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP032 – Resolved an issue with Sales Return Import where blank analysis codes would cause the import to fail.
Date applied: November 29, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Added validation to prevent check out for items that are BOM phantom’s items.
- Added new failed stock item form so that users can amend stock items that have failed check out.
- SOP016 – Resolved issue where non selected lines were being included in the Back to Back POP.
Date applied: October 25, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK018 – Fixed an issue where the form would not load and recorded and actual quantities could end up getting added together.
- STK004 – Fixed an issue with removing warehouses, where there would be an error when trying remove warehouses with unconfirmed stock.
- Moved the ‘Order Status’ box to the ‘Sicon Additions’ column on the order, so that it’s more visible.
- Fixed an issue where ‘Reason for Credit’ would be locked down, when creating an SL customer return through the context of CRM.
Date applied: September 20, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SL005 Customer Contact Import not setting phone numbers/emails correctly.
Date applied: September 13, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Fixed an issue where the stock location wizard would delete more unused bins than intended.
Date applied: July 26, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK009 – Fixed issues with how zero stock in the past is calculated. Rather than this being separate to Sage, we are now just making it match Sage’s calculations to avoid the confusion this generated.
- SOP016 – Fixed an issue where adding new lines to existing back to back orders wouldn’t use supplier buy price.
- SOP16 – Fixed issues with Intercompany back to back, where managing the different instances of the linked orders would cause issues.
- SOP16 – Fixed an issue where quantities would not update correctly.
Date applied: June 28, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP16 – Now checks the supplier record for ‘list price’ or ‘last buying price’.
Date applied: June 14, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
STK009 – Fixed an issue with unconfirmed purchase returns not being included in value calculations.
Date applied: May 3, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK024: Stock Type Conversion – fixed problem with duplicate serial numbers when converting stock to a serial number type.
- STK024: Stock Type Conversion – Fixed a problem when converting to non traceable it doesn’t actually change to non traceable and cost method is left the same.
Date applied: March 29, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Release notes: STK015: Stock Item Analysis Codes – problem with field size on analysis label. Would error if over 20 characters so have increased this.
Date applied: March 21, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK015 Stock item analysis codes problem with not being able to save new analysis codes under circumstances. For example when just code 140 was set it would error when saving.
Date applied: March 2, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP016 – link between PO and SO were lost when upgrading from old version to new. A routine has been created to correct this so the SO can be despatched.
- Error when you save and generate a PO to say ‘comma separator not found’.
Date applied: February 16, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK002 Customer Stock Codes – Not checking ‘Allow sales orders and invoicing’ tick box so was appearing for selecting even if this button was unticked on the stock item.
Date applied: January 25, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- POP008 – Fixed ‘Supplier Price Lists with Quantity Breaks’ – unit price not being updated with the suppler buying price set.
- POP008 – Unit price not being updated when units of measure are involved.
Date applied: January 18, 2023
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP016 added a setting to set which analysis code to use when storing the SO number on the POP analysis code.
Date applied: December 13, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP016 Generate associated purchase orders from sales orders – when receiving on PO the incorrect amount was allocated on the sales order.
Date applied: November 22, 2022
Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
- PB004 – Maintain Customer Special Discounts. We have made a change to force the use of our export rather than the Sage one to stop confusion. We have renamed our export to just export rather than Sicon export.
Issues Resolved
- PB005: Price Book Import/ Export object reference message when importing. When using the Sage setting ‘Enable limited price bands’ an error occurred because this was a feature added my Sage that we were not aware of. We will now handle this to stop the error.
- POP015 Import Purchase Order not setting project information. They were being validated correctly but going through as N/A.
- SOP001: SO Import – If phases were not enabled, configured stages and activities will not be picked up on imported lines.
Date applied: November 9, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK003 – the stocktake will not appear on the extended stocktake screen unless the sheets have been printed which will stop the error appearing when exporting that was happening before when the sheets were not printed on the stocktake.
Date applied: November 1, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP16 – Fixed an issue where Intercompany was interfering with the EP back to back tab.
- PB004 – Made changes so that account details are no longer fields. We have also removed these columns from the import file format.
Date applied: October 26, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK002 – Fixed an issue with the customer code import where spare text fields were compulsory when they shouldn’t be.
Date applied: October 18, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- POP020 – Fixed an issue with accrual posting when sage POP setting “Use same cost centre and department as supplier account” is enabled.
- POP020 – Fixed an Issue with scripts not running from ConfirmServicesReveivedForm. Confirmed that when GRN the order the reversal is posted.
- STK004 – Location Wizard – Removing last bin error handling.
Date applied: October 18, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- PB004 Maintain Customer Special Discounts. Added better validation where surcharges are included.
- STK004 Stock Location Wizard. Added better message to explain what is happening when adding 5+ bins to all stock item warehouses.
- POP015 Import Purchase Order when you have multiple items on the same PO it was repeating the first item on each line. This has been corrected.
Date applied: September 21, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Changes to import routines to use CSV helper version 28.
- Resolved issue with Extended Stocktake failing to import when actual quantity is more than stocks maximum quantity. [Case 23726].
- Resolved issue with Stock Location Wizard failing to add more than 5 bin locations [Case 23742].
Date applied: August 30, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Resolved an issue with POP008 where the unit price and net value were being calculated incorrectly.
Date applied: August 24, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- SOP023 – Fix to allow the Spare Date 1 label option be configured (Previously greyed out in the settings).
- SOP016 – Only run the back to back script on for sales orders… Issues saving a proforma [“Object Reference Error”].
- SOP012 – Moved _ComboReasonForCredit Control.
Date applied: July 26, 2022
Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- STK006 – There was a problem where the ‘BOMComponents’ table wasn’t updating the associated component when using the stock item update csv to change a components item code to a new one . Case 22138.
- STK006- Object reference error when you double clicked on a historic cost from the costing tab on a BOM. This was caused when a component on the BOM had been amended using this import. For example the code was change to a new one. Case 21942.
- STK016 – Fix for the import locking the UI up when running and therefore crashing Sage… Moved to a background thread.
Date applied: July 5, 2022