Stock Shortage Transfers fix for ‘Serial selection failed’ error on despatch/receive if a batch of picked traceable items are split over multiple traceable bin item records.
Added SiconAnalysisCode table to Update Companies SQL script.
Added Audit Log tables to data model.
Date applied: September 8, 2020
Enhancement Pack SOP001 – Updated the import so that it now can import delivery addresses, the import will now group by delivery address if not then it will use document numbers if not then it will do one line at a time.
Enhancement Pack POP008 – Updated the supplier quantity breaks import to use the new import format
Date applied: May 15, 2020
POP Staged Nominal Accruals will now reverse accrued values if the POP ‘Write Off Incomplete Orders’ screen is used to cancel purchase orders.
Enhancement Pack POP008 – Fix to allow lines to be deleted when editing supplier quantity breaks.
Enhancement Pack POP015 – Validate analysis codes correctly
Date applied: April 2, 2020
Enhancement Pack SOP001 – Validation in place so that the user cannot put multiple customers against the same document number.
Date applied: March 20, 2020
Date applied: March 9, 2020