Common Components v18, v17 & lower

Date applied: April 17, 2019
Date applied: April 5, 2019
Date applied: March 22, 2019
[JU] Online enable strings only request online licenses once during user login (not following company change) and only update changed enable strings.
[JU] Retain add-on versions when Enable String apply/reset buttons are used and fix WaitCursor.
Date applied: March 15, 2019
Date applied: March 13, 2019
[TB] Fix to stop works order operations from allowing stock allocations
[JU] Online enable strings fix to allow DMS licenses with zero ‘view only’ user counts.
Date applied: March 12, 2019
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
[JU] POP Staged Nominal Accrual components now update job costing actual values (where installed).
Date applied: February 20, 2019
[TB] Fix to entering time on the timesheet screen via the keyboard
Date applied: February 19, 2019
[JU] Online license changes for modules with advanced features but no base contract.
[NFS] Fixed loqate API key serialisation issue
Date applied: February 14, 2019
[AF] Fix bug in SiconAllocationCoordinator to do with getting allocations to unallocate when moving stock. This is when selecting traceables at allocation, and was causing an issue in barcoding with complex barcodes when we didn’t have the TraceableBinItemID – error was diplayed as ‘Method has no supported translation to SQL’.
Date applied:
[JU] Fix ‘The module enable string is invalid for this site …’ message when enable string is manually entered for modules which include user licenses.
Date applied: February 9, 2019
[JW] Fix ‘oom’ issue on stock transfer.
[JW] Resolved a scenario where quantity changes on stock transfer items may not be saved
[JW] Resolved an issue where the bin column on stock transfers may be hidden by the setting despite the transfer having items with bins specified.
[JW] Resolved an issue allocating serials, appearing when despatching stock transfers.
Date applied: February 7, 2019
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Fixed problem with the datamodel not including SiconTraceaAllocationBal table. This was bringing errors up in barcoding pre release.
Date applied: February 1, 2019
Fixed issue with performance when moving allocated stock. This was affecting performance when doing a stock transfer in barcoding
Date applied: February 1, 2019
Date applied:
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
[AF] Added single pick bin changes for bar-coding
Date applied: January 30, 2019
Date applied: January 29, 2019
[JU] Staged Nominal Accrual nominal journal debits/credits corrected.
Date applied:
Fix to preallocating from purchase order goods received as it wasn’t working at all – TB
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Change to allow the amend allocations to be used directly from a Sicon module – TB
Date applied: January 25, 2019
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
[JU] Add ‘Staged Nominal Accrual’ functions; used by Enhancement Pack and WAP Addons.
Date applied: January 23, 2019
[JU] Fix SOP stock item line ‘amend item description’ box size for sales return entry/amendment.
Date applied: January 21, 2019
[JS] Fix for when popup notes are displayed and also made sure that the message is fully displayed in the box and doesn’t get covered up by the “Ok” button
Date applied: January 18, 2019
[JU] Online Enable Strings – Don’t show version number of child packages (e.g. Manufacturing) as ‘Unknown’ on Enable Strings screen.
[JU] Fix SOP stock item line ‘amend item description’ box size when ‘project analysis’ controls are not shown
[JS] Updated the stock shortages screen so that it loads faster and also stops creating empty stock transfers
[JS] Named the new complete button on the stock take screen, so stock take counts are now stored when using Enhancement Pack feature STK019
Date applied: January 10, 2019
[JW] New method group attribute for use in the WebAPI
Date applied: December 27, 2018
[JW] Resolved an issue where stock transfer lines could be created that appear to be for one warehouse but actually end up being allocated in another.
Date applied: December 20, 2018
[AF] Fix to time sheet entry screen where an object reference error was happening when displaying a person’s time sheet. This was also causing lines to be greyed out.
Date applied: December 18, 2018
[JS] Fix for checking SOP line and POP line analysis codes when importing sales orders and purchase orders
[AF] Fix for selecting traceables when despatching. There was a problem when despatching traceables from barcoding for picked items without having to select the traceable items again. It was saying that not enough traceable items were selected.
Date applied: December 17, 2018
[JW] Added new field for serialization to reportparameters.
[JW] Resolved an object ref error when editing custom grids.
[JW] Pressing enter on the scheduler no longer opens the in-place editor (which won’t save most appointments properly), it instead opens the edit form.
[JW] Resolved an issue with the report service (field not found).
[JU] Additional fix for SOP line amend ‘item description’ text box not displaced when editing a free-text order line, case 392-177470.
[AF] Fix for incorrect cost used when adding stock during stock take. This could happen for traceable items when some items were written off and then some added for the same item during the same stock take.
[AF] Fix for stock take on items that don’t require serial numbers on goods received. It was sometimes adding the stock unassigned as well as with the number entered. This was when an add stock function was processed. It now adds them as unassigned.
[JU] Online Enable Strings – Change to remove add-on packages SQL read using ‘AddOnGetList()’ to avoid performance issue at Sage startup if user does not have SQL permissions. Instead update add-on information from separate VersionReporting thread.
Date applied: December 14, 2018
[JU] Fix for SOP line entry/amend item description text/check-box issue when editing an existing order line (reported when Contracts also installed).
Date applied: December 7, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: December 27, 2018
Fixes for supplier catalogue including increase ‘ItemDescription’ field size to allow longer values.
Updated supplier catalogue import to validate tax codes and nominal codes.
Slight improvement to ‘Add variables’ tree loading speed.
Added an extra allowable exception (Ex20339Exception) to SOP line creation factory
[JU] Fix SOP line entry/amend item description text box not appearing when the ‘amend item description’ box is ticked and screen isn’t maximised.
Date applied: December 5, 2018
[JW] Resolved an issue where the attachments changed field would not be set before the “Save” process.
Date applied: December 5, 2018
[JU] Rename stock item images button panel control from ‘buttonPanel’ to ‘siconStockItemImagesButtonPanel’ so that other modules or bespoke don’t use this control instead of the standard form button panel.
Date applied: December 3, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: December 1, 2018
[TB] Fix to work pattern calculation used in WOP so both hours and start and end times are used when calculating amount of hours available in a day
Date applied: December 2, 2018
[AF] When picking allocation, added ability back to autoselect the serials. This was removed a while back. This is used in the Move To feature on SOPs in barcoding.
[JS] Updated the static class so that Sage users are now cached
Date applied: November 22, 2018
[JU] Add ‘Sicon Debtor Management’ (i.e. Sicon.Sage200.DirectDebits) to our packages list.
[JS] Fix to the validation of analysis codes when importing a sales order or purchase order
[JS] Improved validation for sales and pruchase order import
[JU] Online Enable Strings – Exclude ‘Sicon Cash Flow (Pre-Sage 200c)’ from manual lookup by key feature to avoid Cash Flow appearing on the Enable Strings addons list twice (minor, doesn’t need to be immediately applied as a hotfix)
Date applied:
Date applied: November 19, 2018
[JU] DMS online enable string user counts correction.
Date applied: November 15, 2018
[JU] Contacts maintenance, sub location drop-down ‘New sub location’ button functionality added.
[JS] Included messaging source for EP SOP016 (SOPToPOP) when the user converts a sales order to a purchase order and a job is attached to the purchase order. This messaging source will associate the created purchase order with the job.
Date applied: November 12, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: November 7, 2018
[JU] Fix ‘Sicon Construction enable string not recognised, The module enable string is invalid for this site number’ error when ‘Apply’ is pressed on the multi-Enable Strings screen.
Date applied: November 7, 2018
[JU] Allow entry of Construction module enable strings with different site/serial number lengths (i.e. AXxxxxxx).
Date applied: November 6, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: October 31, 2018
Fix to stock take – traceable items that were not counted were been processed with zero quantities. The traceable items that are not counted are now ignored.
Date applied: October 30, 2018
Date applied: October 29, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
[AF] – Included SiconStockItem in datamodel – was causing a problem in barcoding and was introduced in the last build
Date applied: October 24, 2018
[AF] – Fixed Sicon Icons in the menus – old ones resurfaced in the last build
[AF] – Included SiconStockItem in datamodel – was causing a problem in barcoding and was introduced in the last build
Date applied: October 24, 2018
[JW] – Added option to ignore bins when selecting serials – useful for SM Mobile that doesn’t consider bins
[JW] – Removed the bin drop-down from the stock transfer items grid by default, now added by setting
[AF] – More fixes to checking module enable string via web api – was sometimes displaying error where null key cannot be added to dictionary
[J] – Fix for “incorrect format” error when adding a catalogue item to a purchase order
[AF] – Modifications to bank holidays to use country codes.
[AF] – Added SiconTraceableAllocationBal table to be used in barcoding mainly when picking traceable items
[JW] – Defensive coding to avoid “To save the data you must enter a quantity” on ST receipt (SM)
Date applied: October 22, 2018
Date applied: October 17, 2018
[JW] Changed the equipment dropdown to be a Sicon dropdown.
[JW] Fixed deleting items from a stock transfer could result in blank lines being saved incorrectly merged stock transfer fixes from main.
[JS] Fix when barcoding label doesn’t exist when amending a stock item, checkbox is now places to the right of the item description checkbox instead.
[JU] Online enable string/license functionality added for Service module number of users and SFDC module.
Date applied: October 16, 2018
Release 18
Date applied: October 12, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
[JU] Online enable string/license components added.
Date applied: September 3, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: July 13, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: July 6, 2018
Resolve error during Sales Return generation (i.e. Hire Manager credit) if a default nominal account is not configured for the customer.
Date applied: July 6, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: June 18, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: June 12, 2018
Date applied: May 23, 2018
Date applied: May 4, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: April 13, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: April 11, 2018
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: April 4, 2018
Date applied: March 22, 2018
Added SiconAppointment web api method
Added stock item customer codes to common components
Added Address finder control and edited contact form
Software dependancies: If Enhancement Pack is installed, this needs to be upgraded to at least x.17.0.26
Date applied:
Added code to avoid reserved quantities on allocations when picking allocation from bin
Added fixes in the sicon allocation coordinator to handle if the sales order is not in the stocked UOM
Date applied:
Another fix to allocating preallocated traceable stock items to sales orders
Date applied:
Date applied: February 9, 2018
Date applied: February 1, 2018
Date applied: January 24, 2018
Date applied: January 15, 2018
Date applied: November 28, 2017
Date applied: November 23, 2017
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: November 1, 2017
Added extra fields to the SiconSOCanPreallocateView and SiconPOCanPreallocateView
Date applied: October 9, 2017
Fix for enhancement pack. Changed the length of narrative field on SiNLAllocationLineView to 6000
Date applied: September 20, 2017
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Date applied: September 15, 2017
Date applied: September 15, 2017
Date applied: September 11, 2017
Date applied: August 24, 2017
Included SiMemo in table scripts
Date applied: August 2, 2017
Fix to the sales order line screen in Sage 2013 R2 where when selecting free text, the controls were disappearing off the top of the screen.
Date applied: August 1, 2017
Added extra fields to amend delivery address method when creating sales returns
Date applied: July 13, 2017
Added method to allow for more fields when amending the address on a generating sales order. (fix needed for contract management)
Date applied: June 29, 2017
Date applied: April 27, 2017
Date applied: April 3, 2017
Date applied: March 8, 2017
Fix to Nominal Journal posting where the tax element was not been set. Had to add tax type enum to the method.
Date applied: February 7, 2017
Date applied: February 2, 2017
Improved the SiconDropdown control.
Date applied: January 18, 2017
Removed Works Order objects and views.
Date applied: January 11, 2017
Amended SiconWOCanPreallocateView in the SQL script.
Date applied: January 11, 2017
Date applied:
Added missing field to SQL script.
Date applied: January 4, 2017
Resolved error message when selecting users on user settings screen.
Date applied: December 28, 2016