Barcoding & Warehousing v20.1

The Sicon Barcoding & Warehousing module is integrated in real time with the Sage 200 stock and order processing modules, plus it fully supports all of the Sicon additions including Job costing for issues and returns, works orders for picking and building assemblies, and distribution manager for pre-allocation of stock at goods in.

Release notes:

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Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Prevent the box icon appearing when despatching an order on the handheld if the enable packing setting is not active – Case 22633.

Date applied: August 23, 2022


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix SOP Despatch pick ‘Contract Failure: The values cannot be empty (Server 500)’ error.
Warehouse Notification fix to set stock code/name & warehouse name & warehouse notification stock item & warehouse field values are now set at update companies for historical records with NULL values.
Apply Dynamic Stocktake fixes to deal multiple traceable items existing with the same batch/serial number.

Date applied: April 7, 2022


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Add new/null SiOperationLine parameter to ProjectAnalysisItem.GenerateStockTran method to fix ‘Method not found’ error.

Date applied: March 7, 2022

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Backflushing pick validation added to ensure selected component quantity matches required component quantity.
Fix for mirrored quantities of stock on a dynamic stocktake, batches with the same batch number but different TraceableBinItem records would mirror each others quantities.
Unpicking/putting away works orders on the handhelds now correctly updates the related works order grid in Sage.
After scanning a batch or serial the list will scroll to the scanned item.

Date applied: February 22, 2022


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix ‘Could not load file or assembly ‘Sicon.Sage200.Manufacturing.Objects …’ error in Sicon.Sage200.WarehouseManager.WebAPI.Coordinators.StockTransferCoordinator.TransferStock when Manufacturing is not installed.
Fix for mirrored quantities of stock on a dynamic stocktake, batches with the same batch number but different TraceableBinItem records would mirror each others quantities.
Unpicking/putting away works orders on the handhelds now correctly updates the related works order grid in Sage.

Date applied: February 22, 2022

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Changes to get attributes working for batch items on Dynamic Stocktake.

Date applied: December 23, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Additional fix for compulsory attributes on an added item on a dynamic stocktake. Was displaying an error when completing count saying that values have not been entered.

Date applied: December 23, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Dynamic Stocktake now updates warehouse/item ‘DateOfLastStockCount’ value.

Date applied: December 23, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Dynamic Stoctkake fix when multiple traceable items exist with the same batch/serial number + resolve similar issues if duplicate batch numbers exist.
Attempt to fix target of invocation error when adding found item during Dynamic Stocktake.

Date applied: December 14, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

PO Receipt now allows user to scan/select a bin location with zero stock for direct receipt despite ‘Hide Zero Stock Bins’ selected.
When picking don’t allow selected quantity to exceed required quantity unless catch weight is enabled.   This was possible when selecting batch/serial quantities.

Date applied: November 25, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix SOP Despatch pick scan not displaying ‘confirm’ button if an item is scanned with multiple items in the same bin

Date applied: November 24, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix for pick quantity variances from allocations if both smart picking configured and allow negative stock enabled.
Labels now use the default printer if one is set up in Sage and error reported if no printer configured.
Fix despatch note printing using the packing list printer set against the user, instead of the despatch note printer set against the user.
View Stock Balances bins list quantity allocated hyperlinks will now be enabled for all bins with a quantity allocated to SOP, not only for ‘picking’ bins.

Date applied: November 18, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Fix app crash – logs as a labelrenderer error in app center. Was potentially because the Menu screen was not disposing, and therefore a binding error could sometimes occur. The user would experience an app crash when logging into the app on some occasions.

If a batched barcode is scanned whilst that stock items batch numbers are automatically generated the handheld will no longer increment the scanned quantity with both batch numbers

Date applied: November 16, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Replace ‘Failed to Connect’ error with ‘QueryLogin failed, response http status code = xxx’ message to help identify underlying issue.

Date applied: October 13, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Reinstate QueryLogin try/catch in attempt to write any errors to Web API log.
Improved the method of retrieving the company name on login, fixing hanging logins and making it faster.

Date applied: October 13, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

If configured so user must scan under a certain quantity don’t allow + symbol when picking and transferring stock.

Date applied: September 29, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

If ‘OneItemPerBin’ is configured always allow Picked:SOP, Packed:SOP & all other Barcoding system bins to be created for multiple stock items.

Date applied: September 15, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix pick item request (WABPick/PickItem) sent to the server multiple times if a traceable item is selected & ‘back’ pressed with ‘auto-complete/confirm’ & ‘auto set the pick quantity’ both configured.
Added error logging if the auto log out is caused by any app exceptions or crashes.

Date applied: September 15, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Replenishment fix for ‘The quantity entered is greater than the total stock holding ..’ when replenishing from both allocated & free stock.
Replenishment changed to include stock items/bins if a SiconWABBinItemLevel record doesn’t exist.

Date applied: September 10, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix Dynamic Stocktake ‘Cannot update Field (ItemDbKey) with a Null value, as it is marked as not accepting ‘Null’ values’ error if stock item product group is not configured to ‘Keep movement history’ + applied to other areas where the system attempts to update stock transaction history user name.

Date applied: August 27, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Box weights and dimensions not showing when viewing a sales order whilst packing is disabled and number of boxes at despatch is enabled.
Printing labels ignored user overridden label printers and defaulted to the one in the settings menu.
Potential fix for labels ignoring user overridden label printers and defaulted to the one in the settings menu.

Date applied: August 20, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

If SOP despatch fails with an error include the affected item, quantity and line number in the error message.
Bin deletion fix inconsistent behavior when multiple bins are selected for deletion.
Fixed Application hang/crash when editing and saving a stock shortage transfer.

Date applied: August 20, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fixes for scanning with Emukey (keystroke) and handheld Bluetooth scanners.
Stop auto-logout when the auto-logout interval is set to zero/disabled.

Date applied: August 16, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

The user could accidently open the Pick item screen multiple times from the Sales order screen. This could allow the user to accidently pick the item multiple times. This would only happen if the user tapped on the item to pick multiple times. Scanning the bin to select the item would be fine.

Date applied: August 11, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Fixed issue where the barcode was scanned incorrect if using JM prime device and Emukey was turned on. If the barcode had capital letters, it would scan incorrectly (the number/letter after the capital letter).


Date applied: August 6, 2021


Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Fixes to get the Works Order Book-In label working (not print multiple labels)

Fix Warehouse Transfer ‘This bin already exists for the item and warehouse. (Server 500)’ error when putting away a transfer to the ‘Unspecified’ bin in a warehouse which wasn’t previously configured for the stock item

Receive Sales Order Return fix to allow duplicate serial numbers to be received if serial controlled stock item is configured to ‘Allow duplicate numbers’


Date applied: July 30, 2021


Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Removed Works Order book In label context as this was confusing. We now only have WO Book In

Added index on SiconWABSOP table. This improves performance when loading the sales order list on the device.

Date applied: July 19, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Fixes to get the Works Order Book-In label working (not print multiple labels)

Date applied: July 19, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fixed problem with printing label for finished item when booking in a works order – it was printing loads of labels and not just the one we booking in.
Add Stock page title added.

Date applied: July 1, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fixed problem when edit label on settings screen, the details sometimes would not load because it couldn’t find the Web API to get the list of printers.
Fixed problem with printing label for finished item when booking in a works order. Originally this was printing multiple labels, not just the one being booking in.

Date applied: July 1, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix Add Stock ‘You have entered a serial number that already exists for this item in the system. This will create duplicate numbers in the system. Do you wish to continue?’ error when ‘Allow duplicate numbers’ is configured for a traceable stock item.
Dynamic Stocktake now adjusts bin stock dates/quantities and dates (in SiconWABBinStockDate) if stock is added or removed.

Date applied: June 28, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

We now show the line description on the pick list for sales orders instead of stock item name. This is because items are grouped by description, and if the description is different on two lines for the same item, then we can see the difference from the pick list.
When reducing the quantity of a traceable item on a pallet or box, the quantity was not saved, and the previous quantity remained.

Date applied: June 26, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix SOP Despatch pick ‘Execution Timeout Expired’ error if the same bin/traceable item is read twice and batch/serial selection from list isn’t enabled.
Zone Picking sequence that orders are sent to the packer/picker devices changed to descending.
Fix for when selecting multiple sales orders from the sales order desktop list in Sage, and then when moving between sales orders, Sage would go slower and slower because of multiple calculations.

Date applied: June 23, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Stopped auto batch/serial numbers being generated if batch/serial numbers are already present.

Date applied: June 17, 2021


Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Fix Deadlock issue on amend sales order screen if the allocated quantity was reduced on a line that was already picked.

Date applied: June 15, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

SOP Despatch now populates picked/packed traceable items if grouped due to the same stock item existing on multiple sales order lines or stock allocations

Date applied: June 14, 2021


Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Replenishment fix for hand held device ‘The quantity entered is greater than the total stock holding at the location’ error if replenishment is moving both future demand/allocated stock & also free stock

Date applied: June 14, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Fix SOP Despatch pick/pack ‘Execution Timeout Expired’ error if the same bin/traceable item is read twice, possibly due to being on multiple allocations.
Receive Containers menu item on app now shows if distribution enable string allows it.

Date applied: June 11, 2021


Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Fix SOP Despatch ‘The order can’t be despatched as number of items to despatch os more than the number allocated to this order’ error when despatching traceable kit components

Date applied: June 11, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Improve error handling if Kitting method BuildKit fails.
Settings, Bin Definitions, Cleanup ‘Move free stock in pick bins to put away bin’ function now also moves free stock from ‘packed’ bins if the SOP packing stage is enabled.
Added stock picked/packed warnings to SOP Amend Allocations & Amend Order Status (Cancel Order) screens.
Add SiconWABPackageView SOPDespatchReceiptID & SOPOrderReturnID fields and apply to Data Model for reporting purposes.

Date applied: June 11, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Removed sales order today filtering including an extra day in the future

Date applied: June 10, 2021

Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Stock Enquiry label printing now applies stock item or product group overrides before using default label layout.

Date applied: June 4, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Settings, Print Labels function/button fixes to override label definitions if configured for specific stock items.

Date applied: June 4, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Replenishment; If replenish future demand quantities is configured use shortages based on this quantity to trigger replenishment, instead of minimum/re-order levels.

Date applied: June 2, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Print Stock Labels changes to allow printing by a Module User who isn’t currently logged-in to a hand held device, to fix ‘(401) Unauthorised’ error.
Show traceable items when traceable sales order lines are picked on a wave. When despatching, it will show all traceables relating to the wave. Therefore the user can select a traceable not linked to the current sales order line, but was picked on the wave.

Date applied: May 27, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

Added new filter on data fix utility to show for all other bins.

Date applied: May 27, 2021

Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Corrected layout on issue stock screen. If the quantity was more than 100, then the quantity was appearing on multiple lines.

Date applied: May 27, 2021


Change in Functionality
Change in Functionality

SOP Confirm Despatch fixes for traceable items when ‘UpdateStockOnDespatch’ is enabled.
SOP View Order fix to suppress ‘Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.’ error
If multiple bin definitions exist for the same bin location (incorrectly), then the quantity on the amount to pick on the device would multiply up incorrectly. This has now been fixed.

Date applied: May 26, 2021

Issues Resolved Change in Functionality
Issues Resolved

Fixed layout on write off and issue stock screen to show the full stock item name if the name was quite long.

Change in Functionality

Replenishment: Allow user to pick more than required replenishment quantity

Date applied: May 19, 2021


New Features Change in Functionality
New Features

New Replenishment settings to enable/disable replenishment from Overflow/Other bins and replenish future demand quantities instead of bin maximum.

Change in Functionality

Fix Update Companies ‘Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric’ error if SiconWABTraceLabel.BatchQuantity contains very large quantity values.
Changed message service hooks to Unsubscribe and subscribe.
Removed message service notification for sales order line allocated when creating a sop allocation line, when using catch weight and over picking.
Replenishment with Smart Picking now sorts bin allocation priorities descending, so free stock in overflow/other bins is used before bulk bin stock.
Replenishment will now allow a user to pick more than required replenishment quantity.

Date applied: May 18, 2021