New Features
Show working symbol when text searching for stock in stock enquiry. This prevents user from accidently searching for a stock item twice while waiting for screen to load.
Added In Stock Quantity to bins on put away screen.
Added a comma as a separator for custom barcodes
Corrected layout on Assign Barcode To Item screen (description of item was cut short). This was also affecting the Select PO line screen when raising a NC
Add Stock Enquiry change bin function to allow user to change the bin allocation priority
Add bin page now includes a Cancel button.
Added ‘AllowChangeBin’ setting
Enable/disable Stock Enquiry Change Bin function based on user feature permission
Added Receive Container function
Receive Containers page search/filter applied
Added boxes when picking or packing sales orders
Added new setting against stock item to ignore the quantity for complex barcodes
When change bin priority ask if we want to change for all stock items or just this one.
If setting bin priority to 2, then move all otherbins for that stock item that are 2 to 3.
If change for all stock items, then change in Maintain Locations as well.
Made sure that put back on sales orders work with boxes.
If barcode not recognised on enquiry screen, it now says so
Added Sicon waves and split out tilted waves
Excluded pick and pack bins from bin list on put away.
Improved boxes when picking and packing (was sometimes displaying the box in the To Pick list when it shouldn’t
Added a remove box option when picking item
Now accept AI 241 in complex barcodes and is recognised as the customer barcode set against the stock item
Sales returns now handle different UOM set on the sales returns
Purchase order line description is now shown on the device instead of the item name when viewing a purchse order
When scanning sales order that is not allocated in order to pick in a catch weight scenario, the sales order is not allocated automatically anymore. Items are allocated when picked.
Added replenishment
User Login: App. changes to auto-logout if device inactivity exceeds system settings number of minuites
User Login: NFC tag login added + new NFC Setup page added to Settings screen
Added ability to assign traceable numbers at picking stage
Added sop filter for country code
User login; Always show login page when application starts
Sorted list of allocations shown on putaway or transfer screen by date. Now show the reference and required date on the list of allocations
Added ability to put back on a works order
Added setting to view expected quantity for dynamic stocktake
Added requested delivery date to purchase order lines
User Login; Logout user if/when logged-in to another device.
POP goods received now prompts user to enter a narrative along with GRN number
Issues Resolved
Fixed problem when issuing or writing off stock, the first item in the list wasn’t displaying the stock code
Fixed problem when issuing or writing off stock, it was recording the time against the transaction. This was causing a problem when trying to find the transaction in transaction history. It should only store the date (this looks like it is only a problem in versions of sage prior to 200c)
Fix problem with bin name and quantity not showing correctly on SOP pick list. It was cutting the text.
Slight performance improvement on wave picking because the app was getting a list of expected traceable items to despatch when loading up the wave, but this isn’t needed as we don’t despatch on waves
Fix to layout on multi stock transfer – the text for the stock code was sometimes wrapping incorrectly, hiding some of the code.
Changed icons (especially the ones used on buttons) to use Fonts. This was because some icons/images stopped working on older android devices. This has now been fixed.
Another attempt to prevent SOP leaving messages popping up all over the place
Fixed problem with despatching kits on a sales order when packing is enabled.
Fixed building kits on sales order with traceable components and traceable finished items – it wasn’t working with packing and wasn’t asking for the traceable finished item
Fix to booking in traceable kit off sales order where the traceable number is auto generated. It doesn’t display a warning anymore. (but I still think there is a problem in kitting as it still doesn’t build if auto generated is on)
Fixed layout problems on locations tab on stock enquiry. Some bin names are not showing completely
Fix problem with receiving traceable item set for auto numbering and has stock attributes. There was no way to enter the attributes. A traceable item called (Auto) is now created on the device so that the user can enter the attributes
Fix problem with setting traceable attributes when booking in finished item of a works order
Fixed problem with object reference error when trying to despatch sales order lines, but there is a item to pick that does not have a bin selected.
Fixed problem when trying to report a problem for a bin when the bin wasn’t selected during picking. This was displaying an error.
Fix to assign traceable numbers for batch items – it was showing assign button even on traceable batches that were already assigned.
If setting to ignore the complex barcode setting is on and setting to auto set the quantity when scanning the stock item first on a sales order pick is on, then it wasn’t setting the quantity to 1, but to the quantity in the barcode. This has been fixed.