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Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Works Order Processing

  • Fix to pull the notes from a sub contract operation when manually adding the sub contract to a works order.

Material Resource Planning

  • Updated the data model to include ‘SiWorksOrderQuantityView’, ‘SiWorksOrderUnallocatedView’ and ‘SiWorksOrderAllocatedView’
  • Corrected the ‘Future Stock Movements’ view when checking ‘WAP Requestion’ entries that were being incorrectly displayed on the ‘Future Stock Movements’ screen.
  • Fix for the ‘Suggested Purchase Order’ tab not correctly refreshing after a suggested purchase order has been deleted and the screen is filtered. [“Unable to update the object (Sicon.Sage200.Materialplanning.Objects.SiMRPSuggestedPOLine, x), as the object has been deleted”]


  • Fix when leaving the stock item code or name selection without selecting a stock item on the ‘Build Kit’ screen. [“Object reference error”]
  • Fixed issue when building a kit (mainly from barcoding) where the finished item is traceable, and the number is not auto generated, then an error may appear ‘cannot update field traceableitemdbkey with a null value’.

Date applied: November 27, 2024