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Issues Resolved New Features
New Features
  • feat(wop-emptyworksorder-api): added an API method for creating a new empty works order
  • feat(wop-api): updated the works order creation and amend api methods to also allow the user to update the project phase, stage and activity

Issues Resolved
  • fix(sub-assembly-popup): fix to make sure the sub assembly popup is always displayed in front of the other screens when creating a works order
  • fix(mrp-booked-wos): fix to not exclude booked works orders for components that have not been allocated/issued on a works order… Issue with the setting ‘Booked Finished Goods Without Issuing’ and MRP would not generate a purchase order for these items and the usage would not display on the ‘Future Stock Movements’
  • fix(wop-projects-integration): fix to add the default project phase, stage and activity (–/–/activity0) to a works order if none have been selected… Issue when viewing the the project where phase, stages and activities are not enabled and the column to display these would be empty
  • fix(kitting-sop-lines): fix to bring sales pro-formas in line with sales quotes in terms of kitting… Issue where kitting would try to allocate a kit to a pro-forma line
  • fix(kitting-proformas): fix when creating a kit for SOP proforma line and this would break the bindings on the screen
    Further fix to move the preallocation when converting a proforma to a sales order so when the kit is built it will allocate the sales order, also delete the preallcoation if the user attempts to build the kit without converting it first and display a warning to the user that this is going to happen
  • fix(kitting-proforma): fix to refresh the kitting button text at the correct point
  • fix(kitting-dissemble): fix to add an allowable warning when the debit and credit nominals are the same for this transaction. Added a message box to allow the user to either continue or cancel the transaction if this is the case
  • fix(wop-bulk-issue): fix when issuing bulk issue items on booking a works order and it would not issue the stock in bin priority order
  • fix(wop-attributes): fix to improve the loading speed when using Manufacturing attributes on a sales order line
  • fix(mrp-timeout): updated the SiconMRPSalesOverLeadTimeView to use only one sub query as this caused a timeout
  • fix(mrp-create-wo): fix to update the works order stage when it is created from MRP
  • fix(wop-sub-contract-filter): added a new filter to the ‘Sub Contract Management’ screen to allow the user to filter by the works order number
    Corrected the column on the ‘Backflush’ screen from ‘Original Qty’ to ‘Outstanding Qty’
  • fix(wop-creation): fix when creating a works order to use the original default component warehouse if the warehouse for components hasn’t been set [“Object Reference Error”]
  • fix(wop-backflush): fix when backflushing works orders where there are multiple finished items and it would default the quantity of all finished items to the original finished item quantity. This now allows them to add a boked and scrapped quantity for each finished item
  • fix(wop-copy-works-order): fix for setting the “Generated Date” to today on copied works orders
  • fix(wop-desktop-list): fix on the works order desktop list to make the ‘Generated Date Short’, ‘Start Date Short’ and ‘Due Date Short’ to field type of ‘Date’ so that those columns can be correctly sorted

Date applied: May 26, 2023