Issues Resolved ImportantImportant Info
The following fields have been changed to handle larger values and five decimal places. If there are custom indexes on these tables, they will need to be removed otherwise update companies will fail
- SiconKit.FinishedItemQuantity
- SiconKitLine.Quantity
- SiconKitLine.AllocatedQuantity
- SiconKitIssueLine.QuantityIssued
- SiconKitTemplate.Quantity
- SiconKitTemplateLine.QuantityToBuild
Works Order Processing
- SiWorksOrder.WOQuantity
- SiWorksOrderLine.Quantity
- SiWorksOrderLine.QuantityAllocated
- SiWorksOrderLine.QuantityIssued
- SiWorksOrderLineIssueHistory.IssuedQuantity
- SiWorksOrderFinishedItem.Quantity
- SiWorksOrderFinishedItem.QuantityBooked
- SiWorksOrderFinsihedItemTran.Quantity
Material Planning
- SiMRPSuggestedPOLine.Quantity
- SiMRPSuggestedPOLine.QtyInStock
- SiMRPSuggestedPOLine.QtyOnOrder
Works Order Processing
- When using Job Costing and opening a WOP screen for the first time after upgrading, a Job Costing transaction migration will begin. This will remove all existing transactions for works orders from jobs, and replace them with a single transaction. From now on, only a single works order transaction will appear on jobs.
- SiWorksOrderAllocationLine has been removed and replaced with SiconAllocationLine. SiconAllocationLine.ForeignID links to SiWorksOrderLine.SiWorksOrderLineID. You can now get the picked and allocated quantity from SiWorksOrderLine.
- SiWorksOrderAllocIssHist has been removed and replaced with SiconWorksOrderLineIssueHistory. SiconWorksOrderLineIssueHistory.SiWorksOrderLineID links to SiWorksOrderLine.SiWorksOrderLineID. SiconWorksOrderLineIssueHistory stores information when a works order line is issued and links to the transaction history table by IssueTransactionHistoryID.
Issues Resolved
Works Order Processing
- Fix to specific bin selection when unissuing
- Fix to issuing traceable items on a works order
- Items set to built/bought default buy will now appear when generating a works order from a sales order
- Speed improvement made to creating operations
- Speed improvements to the create works order from sales order screen
- Manufacturing attributes will now be copied with works orders
- Option to round up to economical batch size when manually creating a works order added
- Sub contracts will now show correct currency in sub contract screens but will show in base on the works order
- Back flush check for components issued fixed
- Now able to amend an allocated/issued component line quantity using the edit all quantities screen
- Job stage/phase/activity can now be imported using the works order import
- Fix to Barcoding script check when auto deleting picked bins
Material Planning
- Fix to stop index out of range error when running calculation on sales orders
- Added required by date to calculation to improve date returned
- Fix to kit imports to stop object reference error
Date applied: May 1, 2019