Issues Resolved Change in Functionality ImportantImportant Info
The following fields have been changed to handle larger values and five decimal places. If there are custom indexes on these tables, they will need to be removed otherwise update companies will fail
- SiconKit.FinishedItemQuantity
- SiconKitLine.Quantity
- SiconKitLine.AllocatedQuantity
- SiconKitIssueLine.QuantityIssued
- SiconKitTemplate.Quantity
- SiconKitTemplateLine.QuantityToBuild
Works Order Processing
- SiWorksOrder.WOQuantity
- SiWorksOrderLine.Quantity
- SiWorksOrderLine.QuantityAllocated
- SiWorksOrderLine.QuantityIssued
- SiWorksOrderLineIssueHistory.IssuedQuantity
- SiWorksOrderFinishedItem.Quantity
- SiWorksOrderFinishedItem.QuantityBooked
- SiWorksOrderFinsihedItemTran.Quantity
Material Planning
- SiMRPSuggestedPOLine.Quantity
- SiMRPSuggestedPOLine.QtyInStock
- SiMRPSuggestedPOLine.QtyOnOrder
Works Order Processing
- When using Job Costing and opening a WOP screen for the first time after upgrading, a Job Costing transaction migration will begin. This will remove all existing transactions for works orders from jobs, and replace them with a single transaction. From now on, only a single works order transaction will appear on jobs.
- SiWorksOrderAllocationLine has been removed and replaced with SiconAllocationLine. SiconAllocationLine.ForeignID links to SiWorksOrderLine.SiWorksOrderLineID. You can now get the picked and allocated quantity from SiWorksOrderLine.
- SiWorksOrderAllocIssHist has been removed and replaced with SiconWorksOrderLineIssueHistory. SiconWorksOrderLineIssueHistory.SiWorksOrderLineID links to SiWorksOrderLine.SiWorksOrderLineID. SiconWorksOrderLineIssueHistory stores information when a works order line is issued and links to the transaction history table by IssueTransactionHistoryID.
Issues Resolved
Works Order Processing
- Fix to unissuing traceable items that were allocated/issued from the same batch multiple times
- Fixed error which caused the traceable internal return form to be blank when unissuing batch items,
- Fix to creating works orders from sales orders which have an economical batch size set and wasn’t creating the correct amount of works orders
- Fix so miscellaneous nominal postings will not be generated if integrate with nominal is disabled in stock control
- Bulk issue items will no longer be considered when running status checks
- Fix to part issued status on works orders, where it was sometimes showing part allocated instead
- Fix to cancelling purchase orders that were once linked to works orders
- Fix to sub contract costs on works orders created when generating from a BOM
Material Planning
- Fix to handling suggestions for demand in the past which are split be economical batch size and end up being above the stock level option
- Fix to creating works orders where duplicate lines were appearing in the create works order screen
- Fix to why minimum stock works order suggestions were not being created when grouping is set to never
Change in Functionality
Works Order Processing
Added ‘WO Qty Issued’ column to the traceable internal return form, which displays the quantity issued to the works order when unissuing
- Added a setting that will allow the user to specify which bin stock is taken from on a kit
Date applied: March 26, 2019