Issues Resolved Change in FunctionalityIssues Resolved
Works Order Processing
- Fix to unissuing traceable items that were allocated/issued from the same batch multiple times
- Fixed error which caused the traceable internal return form to be blank when unissuing batch items,
- Fix to creating works orders from sales orders which have an economical batch size set and wasn’t creating the correct amount of works orders
- Fix so miscellaneous nominal postings will not be generated if integrate with nominal is disabled in stock control
- Bulk issue items will no longer be considered when running status checks
- Fix to part issued status on works orders, where it was sometimes showing part allocated instead
- Fix to cancelling purchase orders that were once linked to works orders
Change in Functionality
Works Order Processing
- Added ‘WO Qty Issued’ column to the traceable internal return form, which displays the quantity issued to the works order when unissuing
Date applied: March 26, 2019