Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Works Order Processing
- Added a works order desktop list
- Updated the “CreateWorksOrder” method to handle WOComments, SpareMemo1, SpareMemo2, SOPWorksOrderText and SOPLineWorksOrderText fields
- Added an “AmendWorksOrder” method that is requested using a JSON object, an example of this JSON object is:
- {SpecificWorksOrderNumber: “WO0000001”, BOMStockCode: “”, FinishedGoodsWarehouseName: “Showroom”, ComponentWarehouseName: “Warehouse”, WOQuantity: “1”, WOStartDate: “22/06/2018”, WODueDate: “25/06/2018”, WOName: “My Works Order”, WOComments : “My Works Order Comment”, SpareText1: “”, SpareText2: “”, SpareText4: “”, SpareMemo1: “Memo1”, SpareMemo2: “Memo2”, SOPOrederReturnLineID: “12345678”, SOPWorksOrderText: “SOP WO Text”, SOPLineWorksOrderText: “SOP Line WO Text”, WorkshopName: “”, JobNumber: “”, CostHeaderCode: “” }
- To Note: “PostnewWorksorder” method can also be called in the same way
Issues Resolved
- Fixed an issue when creating a kit and allocating to a sales order line for a traceable item that is not set to assign serials/batch numbers at generation
- Fix to the quote to sales order conversion process so preallocations and generated correctly
Material Planning
- Fix to works order suggestions where existing works order quantities were not always being taken into account when creating suggestions
Works Order Processing
- Fix to the batch number selection screen when issuing components
Date applied: June 20, 2018