Issues ResolvedIssues Resolved
- Validate controls accounts when doing pay + receive transactions
- Correctly split the value of an IC transaction dependant on what the user inputs on the company allocation screen
- Fix for not calculating the company allocation screen correctly
- Fix to create the correct direct IC transaction when doing free text invoices/credit notes
- Fix for doubling the value of the transaction when doing direct IC transactions that are free text
- Fix to include any posted nominal transaction when using IC mapped nominals
- Fix when posting an Intercompany journal that is a credit with projects integration
- Fix to correctly filter mapped transactions and exclude any posted IC transactions from the view. Added ‘reference’ to the filter options and grid
- Fix to post mapped transactions to the correct default nominal dependant on the source of the transaction
- Fix when doing free text invoices that are IC transactions (“Object Reference Error”)
Date applied: June 3, 2020