Issues Resolved Change in FunctionalityIssues Resolved
- Change Hire Order Prices screen now includes new filters by hire order/line number and include/exclude zero prices and performance/memory usage improvements when updating prices.
Change in Functionality
- Fix Hire Order entry ‘Cannot update Field (SiconHMOrderLineStockLineDbKey) with a Null value …’ error on save + Fix ‘Object reference is not set …’ error if saving a hire order with no only stock items added to an order line.
- Set zero value (FOC) hire orders as ‘complete’ once all bills have been processed through sales order generation.
Generate Sales Orders ‘Unable to find specified nominal code’ error will now include a description of the issue and the stock item code to help identify the problem. - Fix service case Advanced Replacement warning message showing the incorrect hire order/line if the selected asset has been on multiple hire order.
Date applied: December 23, 2021