Issues Resolved New Features ImportantImportant Info
- Removed ‘Complete Hire Order’ function; this will be re-applied as ‘Lost, Sell & Dispose’ in a later version.
New Features
- Add Analysis Code ‘Mandatory at Despatch’ and ‘Mandatory at Receive’ flags and check these before allowing despatch or receipt of assets.
- When copying Hire quote new quote delivery date is now the date it was copied and set ‘created by’ to the user who copied the quote.
- When converting a Hire Quote to a Hire Order attachments are now copied.
- Hire order/quote maintenance hire order line double-click now edits the selected order line details.
- Added new Hire settings, Sales Order Generation, Fixed Price tab and ‘Default fixed price nominal account’ and use as a default when entering fixed price hire orders.
- Swap Assets now includes controls to add/remove assets using a USB scanner, by serial number or asset code.
- On the Make Available for Hire screen to enable a barcode scan of the serial number.
- Single Asset Inspection screen now automatically searches by serial number when populated using a USB scanner (or ‘enter’ pressed).
- Assets Requiring Inspection screen filters by warehouse and hire order number added.
- Asset first available for hire dates are now defaulted to asset capitalisation date when stock is issued to fixed assets.
- Add Tooltip text to Hire Order maintenance buttons at the bottom of the screen, so it is clear these relate to the hire order (not an individual order line selected in the order lines list).
- Added new ‘Off hire is mandatory before receive’ configuration setting & message shown if user attempts to receive a hire order which is not at ‘off hire’ (or ‘part received’) status.
- Convert hire quote to order now checks customer credit before displaying confirmation message.
- Add hire order deposit date and, if set, apply when creating deposit sales order.
- Desktop Hire Order List ‘Requiring Inspection’ and ‘Asset Inspection’ buttons added, however these are not related to the selected hire order.
- Hire order maintenance will now hide all asset, stock item and additional charge value/tax/insurance/total columns if ‘Fixed’ is selected.
- Hire order maintenance warnings added based on requested from/delivery dates and billing now starts based on the later of line requested from date, line delivery date or actual despatch date.
- Hire order maintenance billing forecast now shows individual total value columns for assets, stock, charges & other.
- Hire order maintenance ‘Print Line’ button added to allow printing for a selected single order line (requires ‘HM HirePickingList’ report v2.0.0.9 or later).
Hire order maintenance ‘Despatch Line’ button added to allow despatch of items for a selected single order line (requires ‘HM DeliveryNote’ report v2.0.0.9 or later). - Swap Asset now sets the same history date/time of both SiconHMHistory records so they can be linked.
- Single Asset Inspection asset selection now allows search/find by asset partial code and ensure last hire order field is populated.
Issues Resolved
- When entering a new hire order line show negative hire days or highlight requested to date (red) when requested from date is initially selected and later than requested to date.
- Hire Order maintenance Collection Notes tab ‘Complete’ column heading corrected to ‘Collection Note Received’.
- No longer allow maintenance of hire order level suspensions at line level, or hire order line level suspensions at hire order level.
- Fix issue which results in new hire quote line details being stored despite the updated quote not being saved.
- When a quote which included both hire items and stock items was converted to a hire order the order status was set to ‘part despatched’, this has now been resolved.
Suspension periods now include the final date of the suspension. - Receive back screen no longer allows ‘auto select’ if assets in the list to receive have serial numbers.
- Assets Requiring Inspection screen now shows ‘Last Hire Order’ in the list.
- Asset first available for hire dates are now defaulted to asset capitalisation date, not current date.
- Service creation change to stop following appointments overlapping.
- Hire orders which contain stock items will no longer be show with a status of ‘part despatched’ until at least on asset has been despatched.
- Hire order maintenance fix to automatically regenerated billing forecasts if hire order is saved after a requested date are change.
- Disable forecast list/grid sorting by column headers as causes confusion when no longer sorted in date sequence.
- If forecast screen ‘View Details’ button is pressed without selecting a list item automatically default to the first forecast line.
- Resolve forecast calculation problem if a minimum charge is applied to a hire order which also includes stock items or carriage lines.
- Billing forecast start dates now always use requested from date. First asset despatch is no longer used, even if earlier than requested from date.
- Despatch screen now shows ‘Hire Status’ in the assets list.
- Despatch ‘Select All’ button no longer toggles selections or disables later ‘tick’ selection if deselected.
- Only allow despatch confirmation for assets which are ‘available for hire’, no longer allowed if ‘On Hire’, etc.
- Despatch warning typo ‘Auto Confirm Dspatch’ corrected, requires Common Components v200.17.19 or later.
- Hire quotes can now be added if customer account is on-hold, but not converted to hire orders.
- Fix copy quote/order setting new delivery date to today +7 days instead of just current date.
- Hire order maintenance fixed price orders now show duration based on the number of days.
- Hire order maintenance job/project selection now allows entry of alpha characters.
- Warn user & control asset line selling unit selections when order line default selling unit ‘Fixed’ is set or cleared.
- Fixed billing date, price & nominal account validation messages added.
- Fixed price check-box removed and “Fixed price must include all hire assets, stock items and charges.” warning message added if fixed price is selected.
- Fix issues which retains fixed nominal account if cleared and ‘edit’ order line if line is double-clicked on View screen.
- Billing forecast list/grid sort by column header click disabled to stop loss of filters and default to first forecast line if ‘View Details’ button is pressed without line selected.
- Fix billing forecast when minimum charge is applied but the final bill doesn’t include any hire assets, just stock/charge items.
- Fix balance (after deposit) calculation for fixed price order lines.
- Apply custom descriptions for balance lines (if configured) and deposit/balance Bill Details now show full descriptions.
- Fix Confirm Despatch hire order stock item not being allocated/despatched due to unconfirmed stock not being taken into account when checking free stock.
- Resolve despatch selection issue which results in ‘Asset xxxxxxxx has been reserved by user xxxxxxxx’ if some items are selected and the ‘Select All’ button is then pressed.
- Confirm Assets Received Back screen asset selection ‘Select All’ button is now disabled if any of the listed assets have serial numbers.
- View Subcategory Balances change to exclude disposed assets & cancelled hire orders when calculating quantity of assets by status.
- Settings, Sales Orders, Deposit nominal account selection control can now be tabbed-though leaving blank. Also applied to new Fixed Price nominal account selection.
- Fix Settings screen losing selected deposit / fixed price nominal account codes.
- Fix duplicate hire order number generation if next number has already been used (e.g. imported).
Date applied: October 22, 2020