Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Hire Order Import selling unit lookup changed from ‘Unit System Name’ to ‘Name’ to accommodate ‘Weeks/Weeks’.
Date applied: January 20, 2021
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Hire Order Import ‘Delivery Description’ field added and used to link to existing customer delivery address if one exists. Also force fixed asset equipment record creation during hire order import if not already in the database.
Hire/service and appointment fixes to avoid date errors if data is invalid, such as an order line not set as undefined hire period but with no requested to date, or collection case flagged for creation but not collection date is selected.
Date applied: January 19, 2021
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Service integration case details summary description now includes line number suffix.
Date applied: January 18, 2021
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Add service case asset/equipment update to Allocate Assets.
Date applied: January 14, 2021
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Service integration allows service cases to be created in Hire Order entry/amend when no hire assets are assigned.
Service integration now creates Service delivery/collection cases at despatch if cases not created at order entry because assets not assigned.
Service integration updates equipment linked to delivery/collection cases when assigned assets are changed in hire maintenance or at despatch.
Service integration writes hire order delivery date to case analysis code 1 instead of requested from date.
Service case creation on full hire order maintenance save debug messages added (Alt-D).
Hire order import now includes Hire Order Type name field.
Hire Order Lines List now shown line (sequence) number.
Full Hire Order maintenance ‘Order Lines’ tab/list now includes location column.
If a suspension is added spanning multiple months and billing is monthly the system will no longer apply an extra suspension day.
Fix Hire Order Line description not saved when changed.
Date applied: January 14, 2021
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Lost Asset fixed to update asset hire status to ‘Lost’.
Fix errors related to missing SiconHMHistoryTransactionTypeID records.
Date applied: December 31, 2020
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
If an asset is flagged as lost at receipt increment Fixed Asset record quantity lost, so this is shown on the Asset Register.
Date applied: December 22, 2020
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Hire/service integration changes including user selected case types & extra information written to Service case.
Date applied: December 16, 2020
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Add UnitRechargeSellingPrice to line asset item for reporting and store current value when an asset is allocated or update if flagged as list
Date applied: December 11, 2020
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Hire Order Maintenance change to default new stock item warehouse & bin if the item is only setup for one warehouse/bin location.
Receive Assets automatically selects any asset flagged as ‘lost’, else it won’t be processed
Fix Receive hire asset status remaining at ‘on hire’ if asset is despatched & received on the same date.
Confirm Despatch scan/enter screen validation added so user can’t select assets which have status of returned to supplier. Also change Hire Asset Details ‘Check’ to set correct status if asset is returned to supplier.
Add SiconHMOrderLineAssetLineItem QuantityOffHired, LostQuantity, LostValue & IsLostResolved fields + SiconHMAssetHireRegisterView RechargeSellingPrice, LostQuantity & LostValue fields to data model.
Date applied: December 9, 2020
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Sell Asset default price now defaults to the new recharge selling price, instead of asset net book value.
Add Hire Asset Recharge Selling Value to maintenance, import and Hire Asset Register view.
Allow user to confirm lost assets at Assets Received and add ‘Lost Assets’ tab to hire order maintenance to list assets flagged as lost. The user may then confirm each lost asset as ‘resolved’ when the customer has been charged, etc.
Fix Amend Fixed Asset hire status, asset quantity, etc. fields not populated if asset selected from Asset Register desktop list.
If hire order line suspensions are changed recalculate forecast / refresh on screen.
Category and sub-category drop-down selection lists now allow filter/search using ‘%’ characters.
Date applied: December 3, 2020
Pre-Release Version: features are only available to customers using a pre-release version who have signed up to the Early Adopter Programme.
Save despatched items so individual items/quantities can be shown if an order is despatched over several diffreent dates
Swap Asset report/document added when a hire order asset is swapped.
Add Quick Inspection to Hire Order (desktop) list.
Hire order maintenance ‘Off Hire Line’ and ‘Receive Line’ buttons added and ‘Delivery Sub location’ field moved next to ‘Location’ selection.
New ‘Off hire is mandatory before receive’ setting. Forces users to select assets at off hire and only allows receipt of assets after being confirmed as off hired.
New ‘If despatch date is after the requested from date, use requested from date as billing start date’ setting. when configured this will apply to forecast generation and suppress despatch date later than requested from date warning message.
New ‘Default off hire and receipt dates to current day’ setting to control if default off hire and receive dates are set.
New ‘Hide option to generate sales order on off hire or asset received’ setting. When set the tick/check box to generate sales orders will not be shown on off hire or confirm asset received screens.
New ‘Projects job header for hire additional charges’ setting. When configured this project/job cost header will be defaulted for hire charge sales order lines.
Rename sales cost header to hire revenue
Nominal overrides by hire type, warehouse have been applied to stock item and insurance lines when generating hire sales orders.
Hire Order/Quote fix to stop requested to date being changed when user tabs away from hire order line description or default selling unit fields
Hire order maintenance collection note tab ‘received status’ tick/check box can no longer be manually changed.
Hire Order maintenance will now automatically re-create forecasts if the Billing Forecast / Planned Sales Orders tab is opened
Fixed price warning ‘This hire order line is set to fixed price. Please confirm fixed price details before saving’ removed.
Fix asset hire status update at receipt if later asset history transactions already exist, the asset status was remaining at ‘on hire’
Assets Requiring Inspection auto-search/show assets list on category/sub-category removed.
Receive Assets no longer allows the user to select fully received collection notes from the drop down.
Fix ‘object reference is not set …’ if generate sales orders fails due to a previous error.
Date applied: November 27, 2020