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Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved
  • Remove inactive stock items from the stock lookup when adding items on purchase orders
  • Only display stock items with stock type “Stock Item” on the “Manage SOP Back Orders” screen
  • Correctly check which version of Distribution is enabled Advanced or Standard
  • MRP feature check for the distribution button and the “Future Stock Movements” screen as this will need manufacturing to be installed
  • Fix for displaying multiple lines on the POP order line list
  • Calculate Min Stock” screen will now override distribution supplier lead times if there is WOP/MRP production or supplier lead times set on a stock item
  • Check in place for the SOP settings if setting “Maintain SOP header Analysis Codes” is turned off then they will not be able to change SOP header analysis codes on the “Extra Customer Details” form
  • Added a reserve stock confirmation number form when a new stock reserve is created the user will be displayed with the reserve number
  • Fix when updating PO lines with PO tracking data, the “Update Tracking PO Line” form populates the dates correctly if the data has not already been stored

Date applied: December 20, 2019