New Features Change in Functionality ImportantImportant Info
New user access permissions for Weighing Scales, Multi Item Transfer, Single Item Transfer and Warehouse Transfer added, US 4513.
New Features
Backflush now applies stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received or backflush’, US 10995/10601.
Added a Release Group pick option to Wave Picking to release the user from that group, #10916.
Change in Functionality
Stocktake ‘Continue Count’ now retains any previously counted batch/serial quantities, US 5968.
Issue/Return Stock, any server-side errors are now shown + standardise error handlers, Case 41893.
Backflush Works Orders will now force batch/serial number entry or auto-generation if quantity is configured to default to stock item usual pallet quantity, #10995.
Wave Pack no longer prompts for package/box, US 10915.
Removed ‘Complete Wave’ option from Wave Picking when using split wave picking feature, #10916.
Package records linked to sales orders lost when coming out of wave, #10771.
Wave Picking with group cache picking, fix items not appearing when wave packing, #10963.
Date applied: August 7, 2024