Barcoding & Warehousing

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Issues Resolved
Issues Resolved

Works Orders book-in finished goods no longer allows the user to scan a different stock item to book, Case 38681.
Fix Single Item Transfer not listing any unallocated batch/serials for selection, US10490.
Fix Receive Purchase Order allowing users to receive traceable items with auto-generated batch/serial numbers, without entering compulsory batch attributes, Case 41476.
Add Stock backflush now prompts for component warehouse based on new ‘Select component warehouse when adding built item stock’ setting instead of ‘Prompt for traceable components when backflushing’ +
Fix Put-Away not listing any unallocated batch/serials for selection, Case 41304.
Fixed issue with building kits linked to sales order when despatching a sales order. If there was multiple allocations for the kit lines, the lines were not grouping properly, and thus the kitting info was lost. This would be a problem if the finished item for a kit was a traceable item, as the user would not be asked for the traceable details of the finished item, #5948.
Fix Receive Container pre-allocations list not list allocations if a stock item is linked to multiple purchase order lines, Case 41671.

Software dependancies: Sicon Barcoding and Warehousing 221.0.55 or later

Date applied: July 11, 2024