Barcoding & Warehousing

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Issues Resolved Dev Notes
Issues Resolved

Fixed issue where when adding stock for a built item, the app wasn’t asking for serial numbers, #12132.
Fix Stock Transfer with Smart Picking ‘to pick’ quantity exceeding required transfer quantity, or greater than bin available stock if ‘pick oldest first’ is configured, Cases 44659 & 44666, #12162.
Fix Wave Pack ‘Cannot create location ‘Packed:SOP’ as the location is not a valid bin in the list of bin locations’ error if the bin does not already exist for the stock item, #11573.
Fix Works Order un-issue ignoring selected quantity, instead un-issuing total issued quantity, Case 44475, #12122.
Allow multi-select on Warehouse Notifications list so user can select several items for send to Excel.
Fix Stock Item Locations screen intermittent ‘Failed to create DataModel after 3 attempts …’ error.

Dev Notes

Add new SQL view ‘SiconWABKitStockTransView’ to link kit finished item stock transactions for traceable kit label printing, Case 44582, #12142.
Exclude various data and label printing error messages from app. center logging.

Date applied: November 27, 2024