Barcoding & Warehousing

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New Features Change in Functionality Important
Important Info

New user access permissions for Weighing Scales, Multi Item Transfer, Single Item Transfer and Warehouse Transfer added, US 4513.
POP Goods Received no longer allows receipt into a ‘Sicon Picked Bin’, Case 41518.

New Features

Maintain Sales Order Waves list now includes ‘Expected Pickers’ (calculated based on wave total quantity and configured splitting quantity) and ‘Wave Description’ columns, US 10914.
Backflush now applies stock item label settings to ‘Default label required per batch’ and ‘Label quantity on goods received and backflush’, US 10995/10601.
Added a Release Group pick option to Wave Picking to release the user from that group, #10916.

Change in Functionality

Fix Despatch Sales Orders with build kit ‘An item with the same key has already been added’ and ‘Issuing kit lines failed. Process was cancelled’ errors when the same item/batch exists on multiple kit component lines, Case 30139.
Edit Supply Details for Stock Item screen Barcoding setting is now shown if Sicon Documents is installed, US 10976.
Stock Shortage Transfers packaging tab/list is now populated for both non-traceable and batch/serial items. Previously it only listed traceable item packages, Case 37170.
Dynamic Stocktake now updates date of Last Stocktake if stock level remains the same + Dynamic Stocktake screen filters are no longer case-sensitive, Case 41613.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake Results reports not showing stock items where counted stock quantity matches expected quantity, Case 41451.
Removed ‘Complete Wave’ option from Wave Picking when using split wave picking feature, #10916.
Wave Picking with group cache picking, fix items not appearing when wave packing, #10963.
Group wave picking was splitting by number of lines instead of by the quantity of the lines, #10851.
Fixed split picking issue where pickers were given groups where all items have been picked when using the split picking into groups feature, #10695.
Fixed issue with part picking and cache picking on. The cache would regenerate each time, and the cache would go wrong, thus potentially displaying more items to pick, #10695.

Date applied: August 7, 2024