Barcoding & Warehousing

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Change in Functionality Important
Important Info

Increment API to 82

Change in Functionality

Pick Oldest First new ‘Always pick from Returns, Inspection, Put Away or Default Pick Face bin before oldest stock’ setting added. If not selected the system will no longer use stock in Returns, Pick, Isnpection, Put Away or Default Pick Bins first (i.e. ignoring stock dates for these bins), Case 27162
Stock shortage transfers will now use stock across multiple bins.
Fix for duplicating WABStockItem records when setting the stock item to be on hold.
Fix SOP Despatch pick with ‘Change bin’ & ‘Allow picking unallocated stock’ allocating more stock than are required for the sales order line, Case 26983.
Fix Dynamic Stocktake & Add Stock ‘Value cannot be null’ error if adding stock for a traceable item with no Batch Attributes defined, Case 25025.
Issue stock fix for ‘The credit and debit nominal codes are identical, Do you wish to continue?’ error.
Receive Sales Order Returns and Amend Despatch Sales Orders now allows multiple shipping containers (e.g. pallets) to be scanned and will now update box item history, Case 27038.
If the Build Kit process fails kit data will be rolled-back to avoid component allocation quantities being partially updated, Case 26440.

Date applied: January 17, 2023