Change in FunctionalityChange in Functionality
Fix Amend Stock Dates ‘Failed to update objects’ save error, Case 26180.
Fix SOP Despatch/Pick ‘Object reference not set …’ and ‘Value cannot be null’ errors if AllocationIDs are not passed from the hand held device.
Fix ‘no SOP allocations exist’ error when picking a wave with duplicate stock items on different orders.
Cache picking now reads SOP lines date/time updated to check if cache needs to be repopulated after sales order line has been changed, Case 25091.
Fix CustomerID build error ‘Cannot implicitly convert type ‘long?’ to ‘long”.
Check if projects integration is enabled in settings before attempting to update projects + catch/write any projects despatch internal errors to Web API log (not the hand held), Case 26540.
Fix SOP pick on despatch ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ (in WABPickController.PickSOPLine) if stock allocations are not passed from the hand held device.
Date applied: January 10, 2023