Issues Resolved Change in FunctionalityIssues Resolved
Default the ‘WO Book In Non Traceable.label’ and ‘WO Book In Traceable.label’ folder paths to ‘WOP’ folder for new installs.
Change in Functionality
View Stock Balances bins list quantity allocated hyperlinks fix to enable when there is a quantity allocated to SOP, not only for ‘picking’ bins + apply the same logic when screen is initially loaded.
Fix SOP Amend ‘Index was out of range’ error intermittently thrown as ‘Sage – Unexpected Exception’ when amend screen is closed or item line is edited.
Extra fix for Dynamic Stocktake ‘TraceableItemID or IdentificationNo required to set batch attributes and sell/use by dates in method AddStock() (Server 500)’ error when adding stock for a new batch/serial number & no traceable attributes are configured.
Removed UpdateSiconWabWaveWithPDPicks update process from SQL script as no longer required.
Date applied: November 24, 2021