Issues Resolved New FeaturesNew Features
Add ‘Info’ tab to Despatch Stock Transfers
Add ‘Info’ tab to Receive Stock Transfers
Stock Transfer Receipt allows user to scan an item serial number to select fro receipt without having to select/scan the stock item first
Stock Transfer (Despatch) Packing tab added, when enabled in barcoding settings
Stockm Enquiry Locations tab ‘View Batch/Serials’ function added to long-press menu
Added pallets and other packages
Stock Transfer Despatch now allows partial-despatch of only picked items. Any non-despatched transfer items will be moved to a new/separate transfer
Stock Transfer Despatch user pick locking added
Stock Transfers (Despatch) doesn’t allow a user to select a transfer for despatch which is currently locked by another user
Kit build/disassemble selection now allows filtering/selection by finished item code, bin location or batch/serial number
Added option to default bin to unspecified when adding stock or adding a sales order line
Added setting to default to always backflush
Added options to part pick for catch weight or complete pick
Added warning if over picking on catch weight item
Added Second reference to pallet put away screen and pallet contents screen.
Stock Transfers now prompt for a signature at the point of despatch
Internal Issue/Return now checks free stock before posting internal issue and item list long-press function added to remove an item from the list
Added ability to recognise complex barcodes (GS1-128) with decimal values (AIs range in the 300s)
Added Zone Packer & Zone Picker pages/functionality
We now pop up print screen after amending works order quantity on traceable enquiry screen
If scanning different stock items on add sales order line screen, it now asks if you want to change the stock item before processing.
SOP despatch ‘Hide’ now prompts for reason and applies hide function to ‘picked’ tab
Can now reduce quantity of works order to zero when amending works order quantity on traceable enquiry screen
Added barcode listeners for Datalogic devices
Backflush a works order option added
Continuous production works orders and moving pallets onto vehicles added.
Add Contact, Telephone & E-mail to to sales order info for SOP Despatch
Zone packing added.
Added bin priority name & sort button to transfer stock page
When pallets are suggested, the temp number given for the pallet now shows the second reference if will use if the stock item is a batch item and previous pallets for the batch have already been created.
Allowed assigning traceable numbers at the point of picking works order component lines
Disassemble Kit Stock Item functions added
Pick consolidated by stock code: Pick all of one stock code then move onto another.
– displays sales order document number on the list of items to pick on a wave
– on waves, sales order lines for stock items selected not to group will not be grouped.
– added sales order info as an option on the pick item screen
– added option to use sop despatch label at picking instead of ad hoc label.
Added weighing scales functionality to pick screen
Added specific tote picking (picking into a tote like a box)
Added tote packing.
Added ability to add sicon stock transfer lines on the handheld in an existing stock transfer
Added ability to pick the box and then pack the box or pack onto a pallet on the sales order.
Added ability to pick a pallet or vehicle for sicon stock transfers. These pallets get moved from the one warehouse to another.
Added a weighing menu to weigh catch weight items for sales orders.
Added weighing at putaway and transfer
Added putting individual items into boxes or onto pallets at putaway or transfer
Made the add to box button visible at picking stage when packing is on. This means we can pick into a box, and pack onto a pallet.
Added ability to scan the pallet on the single item putaway screen
Added auto set pick quantity setting to stock item.
Made Change Bin on pick screen visible for non traceable items regardless of setting in stock control to select items at allocation.
Added ability to deal with unassigned traceable items during dynamic stocktake
Issues Resolved
Fix for adding component line to works order – it was failing for traceable items
Fix for when scanning serial/batch numbers that start with 10. It was recognising the barcode as a complex barcode and therefore cutting the 10 off
Backflush on add stock now works correctly:
– usings auto generate serial number settings on stock item and WOP settings.
– prints labels
Adding sales order line to existing sales order now works:
– fixed problem if projects was installed.
– goes straight to picked stage.
Fixed select bin and stock item screen when scanning item to increase the quantity for each scan and not reset quantity to 1. This screen is used when adding stock to a works order, adding sales order line to a sales order, and adding lines to a sicon stock transfer
Changed code for getting device ID. Previously it was not unique, thus causing logging in issues.
Fix problem with question asking to enter number of boxes appearing multiple times.
Attempting to fix some object reference errors and subsequent app crashes that are logged in app center. Couldn’t actually replicate the problems, so it may have been data specific, but made code more reliable. This was during picking traceable items.
Fix for when selecting a bin for a destination, after scanning bin it wasn’t closing the bin selection screen. If entered manually it would close the screen. This bin selection screen is used in a number of places. For example, when receiving stock direct to bin on a purchase order for multiple items, or stock transfers when moving multiple items, or for moving pallets.
When reducing quantity on a traceable item that is auto generating numbers, it now sets the quantity on the traceable element to the reduced quantity.
Fixed problem with scanning complex barcode with identification number in on the stock enquiry screen was bringing up the enquiry for the stock item level and not the traceable item level.
Fix to custom barcodes – If the format didn’t include a stock code, only an id number, then it would fail when scanning the custom barcode for the traceable number.
Enabled android back button to move back in app
Attempt to fix problem with message ‘Will lose data’ popping up multiple times in odd places. Its supposed to only pop up if closing a sales order.
Fix for scanning complex barcode on picking a traceable item screen when setting for auto set quantity is turned on – was not auto setting the quantity to the required pick.
When scanning a complex barcode with traceable details, and setting to auto set quantity is selected, and setting to scan stock item before bin is selected, the traceable item is now pre populated without having to scan it a second time.
Fixed problem where if a purchase order fails to process a receipt for whatever reason, it was sometimes crashing the app instead of reporting the problem on screen.
SOP Despatch ‘Enter number of boxes’ now requires a number to be entered
Stock/Internal Issue shows free stock when selecting a stock item (by warehouse item or bin) and doesn’t allow addition of items with insufficient free stock
Fixed problem with scanning a sales order document number. It was recognising any barcode that started with 00 as a pallet. This has been tightened to follow GS1-128 specifications.
Fixed problem where the current box is sometimes not visible when picking sales order.
Fixed problem with single item transfers creating transfer records. This would show as incomplete multi item transfers.
Sometimes the package icon on the picked tab on the wave wasn’t working
Fixed problem of when items are added to a sicon stock transfer, the quantity and bin location was removed and therefore the addition would fail to process.
Fixed another object reference error when picking a free text line on a sales order (this was introduced when the setting to not group sales order lines during picking was done)
Added catching error when printing SO box labels from info tab to display error correctly. It wasn’t catching the error and therefore the app would crash
Fixes to display a better error message when printing SO box labels takes a long time.
When adding stock, the confirm or selection location button now only appears if all traceable details have been entered.
Date applied: October 23, 2020